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So you might renember that i posted a topic to doomworld titled "my first wad" well since that post i read all the feadback and i am proud to present the sequel "My second wad". Here is the file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qgpcW2_PI8GfCc0EszViIq4QSxkizFtc/view?usp=sharing enjoy and maybe you could tell me what else i need to fix in this one.


btw any difficulty and any source port works for this wad.


Edited by Womneare

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I played on UV with dsda-doom, here are some thoughts:


This map is a bit too flat for me, sure there are elements that go in depth, but don't do much other than to be decoration. And so are the fights, they don't feel like anything but decoration as most monsters in this map just infight, and you have to infight as this map doesn't give you enough ammo unless you find a secret in the starting room that gives you Plasma with a bulk pack (or you use the chainsaw and find the secret Berserk)! And that same secret gets reused in the marble room that also looks like the starting room, odd. You don't get alot of health either, one medikit and Berserk doesn't cut it when you fight against hitscanners and big bois like Hell Knights and Revenants. And it isn't very clear what key you should grab, one key brings you to a room with exactly one Hell Knight with NO written on the floor and does nothing and the other key brings you to the exit. The texturing is basic, but doesn't hurt my eyes other than the chainsaw room with a comical amount of fireblu.


This level isn't bad per-say, it doesn't feel too much like babys first Doom but does have that newbie smell.


I give this wad 3 out of 5 (times 100 I heard d_runnin.)

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1 hour ago, thiccyosh said:

I played on UV with dsda-doom, here are some thoughts:


This map is a bit too flat for me, sure there are elements that go in depth, but don't do much other than to be decoration. And so are the fights, they don't feel like anything but decoration as most monsters in this map just infight, and you have to infight as this map doesn't give you enough ammo unless you find a secret in the starting room that gives you Plasma with a bulk pack (or you use the chainsaw and find the secret Berserk)! And that same secret gets reused in the marble room that also looks like the starting room, odd. You don't get alot of health either, one medikit and Berserk doesn't cut it when you fight against hitscanners and big bois like Hell Knights and Revenants. And it isn't very clear what key you should grab, one key brings you to a room with exactly one Hell Knight with NO written on the floor and does nothing and the other key brings you to the exit. The texturing is basic, but doesn't hurt my eyes other than the chainsaw room with a comical amount of fireblu.


This level isn't bad per-say, it doesn't feel too much like babys first Doom but does have that newbie smell.


I give this wad 3 out of 5 (times 100 I heard d_runnin.)

yea i agree and i really cant figure out how to change the music i might have to ask my friend about it

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2 hours ago, Womneare said:

i really cant figure out how to change the music

Doomkid made a tutorial about how you can change the midi to a custom one in your wad.



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A big improvement in a lot of areas. Played on UV and tested with GZDoom 4.6.1



-Fights feel a lot more structured. The opening fight with the pinkie and imps is a prime example, though you could add some more enemies(if you wanted to) to put more pressure on the player. I do like that you used more of the bestiary this time, though.

-The trap you used in the map could be tweaked, because as it stands it is not much of a threat. You need to look at what the enemies do and how will the player react to them, and how can you use the different enemies to create a dangerous scenario

- There is very little ammo in the map. I had to skip the red key fight due to having basically no ammo for all of my weapons. The plasma gun secret almost becomes mandatory to actually beat the map. I'm not really a fan of mandatory secrets. I highly recommend you add more ammo, as well as some more health and armor.



- The map is too flat, which is similar to your previous map. You need to add some more height variation. The layout is quite boring as is.

- There are also some empty spaces such as the marble spaces near the blood river.


Texturing and detailing

- I do like that you've added some more detail, like the blood river and the computers with the tech pillars

- There is also some basic yet nice architecture such as the nukage waterfall. Keep at it.

- You've improved immensely in your texture work. I didn't see any misalignments



-There's a softlock in the room with the switch that opens the one door( I can't be more descriptive than that):https://imgur.com/a/vh4fXnV



This is a big improvement in quite a few areas. You're gradually improving. The only advice I can give you is to keep practicing and to listen to player feedback as their advice is often invaluable.


If you're looking for midis, I'd highly recommend Midis by Jimmy. You can always take midi's from megawads or maps by opening the map in slade and extracting them.

Here is Jimmy's website: https://www.jamespaddockmusic.com/


Stewboy is another one of my favourite composers. Here are his midis:



 Please just remember to credit the composer of any midi you use.

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2 hours ago, Womneare said:

i might make a updated version of the wad with music and some changes to the level what do you think?

Sure, go ahead! That only improves your map making skills! Not by a landslide, but you'll get there.

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1 hour ago, thiccyosh said:

Doomkid made a tutorial about how you can change the midi to a custom one in your wad.




D_RUNNIN is good, the good old 1960's blues organ solo! :D

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Hello, I just played your WAD. So...


It's actually better than your previous WAD but you still have to do improves on some things. For example, the big room at the starting room felt a bit flat and empty. To fix that, you can add some great details like making it a PC Lab room for example and add some more enemies. Also make sure to place ammo, health and armor but smartly.


To end this, you're becoming better. Keep mapping and you'll become a great mapper in the future. Also play some WADs like Hellbound or Scythe 2 to take insparations ;)

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I have to say, this is a good improvement from your original first wad. The architecture is simplistic but good, the map layout could be a bit more heavy on height variations, and i did enjoy playing through it. The enemy placement was nice, a bit of a challenge, The secrets I felt were a bit too easy to find but this is a step in a good direction compared to your previous map. The exit was cheeky and a pleasant twist on the normal maps I usually playtest.


there was a few sections i think would need to be tweaked, the Lost Souls room didn't really function the way it was intended I believe, i did run into a issue where i had low health towards the end of the map, and couldn't find a med kit or stim pack to heal more. The Lava room with the baron of hell has a softlock area where if you fall you can't escape, but apart from that I honestly enjoyed this wad.


Overall I'd give it a solid 6/10, a good start and I'd be curious to see what you do in the future!



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WADs you could get midis from: Freedoom Phase 1 & 2 (all different versions), and FreeDM

                                               Plutonia Midi Pack


                                               TNT Evilution

                                               TNT Midi Pack

                                              .MID The Way Id Did


                                               Ultimate Doom

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Whats with the random deep random pit lol thats my only gripe with the wad. Overall I enjoyed the simplistic run & gun action is always welcomed in my book. Fun.

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13 hours ago, Womneare said:

how do i fix it?

I'm guessing that's for the updated version. Put your midi out of the map data in Slade. You placed it where the Blockmap for your wad should be, and Doom doesn't like that. Just Ctrl + D your midi file in Slade (that way it should be below the map data) and it should be good.

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1 hour ago, thiccyosh said:

I'm guessing that's for the updated version. Put your midi out of the map data in Slade. You placed it where the Blockmap for your wad should be, and Doom doesn't like that. Just Ctrl + D your midi file in Slade (that way it should be below the map data) and it should be good.

i did it can you try i don`t have crispy doom


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The wad is really fun in my opinion, but texture usage is a little weird but not in a bad way. The city looks interesting. Great job :)

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