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What is your most used editor?

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I've ended up using Ultimate Doom Builder 24/7, because i feel like its the most fleshed out one that isn't a decade old. I also use Slade for tasks like MAPINFO stuff. So what do you guys use?

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I still stick with Doom Builder 2. It works, has all the mapping formats I want (the regulars, as well as EGDE and Doom in Hexen). I know a lot it's tricks as I've gotten used to it.

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UDB. If your PC can support it, and you're not still learning the ropes, there's almost no reason not to use it compared to any other Doom Builder family editor (which the possible exception of DBX if you are a fan of Lua scripting). 


The forthcoming UDBScript version will be another must-have development too.


That and Slade too.


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I used Doom Builder 2 for a long time and never had any problem with it.

Doom Builder X is my current editor tho and the one I recommend to anyone who is starting on vanilla mapping (UDB is great, but bloated with features that can be detrimental to vanilla limits if you don't have experience on this format).

Edited by Noiser

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ultimate doom builder and slade 3, shift+lmb and dynamic grid are big time savers and i can't imagine going back to db2 after getting so used to them.

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- DEU for when I’m doing things for the original DOS version.

- WinZeth and Borg’s Zeth port for anything else.


I simply can’t use Doombuilder, too much of a hassle especially when I am that profound in DEU and its deratives . . .

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I used DB2 for years with no problems but transitioned to UDB earlier this year after discovering it's a thing that exists.  It took me a bit to adjust to the extra tools and features but boy howdy are some of them time savers


I haven't played with DBX much.  It seems solid though, and I keep it around since it has that thing where you can swap linedef indices (this is useful for working with weird hacky things like donuts and texture-changing lowering floors and I think also the sounds that fake 3D bridges make where linedef indices are really important to their functioning correctly.)


Oh yes and SLADE for lmp management, of course.  I've never tried using it for mapping and don't see any reason to try tbh.  I also use WhackEd for making deh and bex files.

Edited by Stupid Bunny

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DBX guy here. Used to muck about w/ DB2, but made the switch earlier this year...


I use Slade3 for all the stuff DBX can't do.

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started with the original doombuilder way back when, then moved to doombuilder 2 in about 2011, and now that I've gotten back into mapping this year, I upgraded to UDB. (DBX also seemed good when I tried it, but there are a couple of QoL things in UDB that I prefer having.)


For WAD editing, I used to use XWE, but I'm pretty sure that it was already old by the time I got into that aspect of doom modding lmao. Switched to SLADE 3 this year when I made the move to UDB. Don't think I'll ever need to go back.

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DCK and Wad Author and occasionally WinTex for graphic editing.

j/k :P


UDB and occasionally Xwe for graphic editing. I haven't really had to use Slade like most people do.

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GZDoom Builder. Have used it ever since I created Doomed Space Wars work on that started late in 2013. Before that I used the original Doom Builder and Doomcad 5.1, 6.1 before Doom Builder.

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I purposely use an old version of UDB for mapping (though I occasionally start maps in Eureka).  I don't update because I got tired of updates breaking things, and the version I have is Good Enough.


My own DTools/Dwaddle programs for pk3/wad/project building/texture stuff.


Slade for modifying sprite offsets because I haven't written a tool for that yet.


Emacs and some custom modes for mapinfo/gldefs/acs libraries/decorate/etc.

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UDB and SLADE. I do some minor work in other editors (some not necessarily dedicated to solely Doom modding-related tasks), but the notable bulk of my work is done in those two.


On 10/10/2021 at 9:03 AM, Bauul said:

The forthcoming UDBScript version will be another must-have development too.


You have invoked my curiosity.

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UDB for mapping.

SLADE3 for lump management ad texture editting (texture lump).

Aseprite for sprite making and animation. Flawless editor focused on pixelart, allows import of palletes and more and more. Paid. More than worth the price.

GIMP/Paint.net for simpler works, not involving animation.

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On 10/10/2021 at 10:08 AM, Noiser said:

Doom Builder X is my current editor tho and the one I recommend to anyone who is starting on vanilla mapping (UDB is great, but bloated with features that can be detrimental to vanilla limits if you don't have experience on this format).


UDB has plenty of quality of life features that make it great for any map format, including vanilla.


Non-exhaustive list:

  • it's possible to filter (search) for linedef actions and sector types in the editing dialogs
  • it's possible to filter (search) for thing types in the edit thing dialog
  • it's possible to enter a thing's position in the edit thing dialog
  • synchronized thing selection in sectors mode. Selecting a sector in sectors mode can optionally select all things in the sector (for example making dragging sectors with its things easier)
  • paint select in both classic modes and visual modes (while holding the assigned button anything the mouse curor touches is selected)
  • mass selection options in visual mode. Holding Shift while clicking will select all adjacant sidedefs, floors, or ceilings with the same texture. Holding Ctrl while clicking will select all adjacant sidedefs, floors, or ceilings with the same texture and sector height
  • when pasting map element properties you can optionally paste only certain properties instead of all
  • many input boxes allow more complex expressions like `+++` for incrementally chaning values of the selected map elements
  • the edit sector dialog has a "height offset" input box to increase/decrease both the floor and ceiling height
  • event line between linedefs and tagged sectors to make it easier to see how things are triggered. Optionally with showing the corresponding action on the event line
  • more customizable texture browser. It's possible to set a black background to make the texture colors look more neutral. When a used texture is highlighted pressing the tab key will jump to the texture's position in the full texture list
  • more faithful vanilla support, like (better) visual representation of self referencing sectors in visual mode, or correct handling of patch offset quirks in textures
  • it's possible to filter (search) for actions in the program's preferences dialog
  • selections can be synchronized between classic modes and visual mode, i.e. selecting a sector in sectors mode will have a surface selected when entering visual mode (and vice versa)
  • options for merging dragged geometry (i.e. dragging geometry will merge geometry correctly)
  • each game configuration can have multiple engines for testing, which can also be selected from the test toolbar button
  • more drawing modes: draw curve mode, draw rectangle mode, draw ellipse mode, draw grid mode
  • many more error checks in map analysis mode
  • function to export sector floors or ceilings as an image (i.e. it can be used to create new textures from sectors; best be used in conjunction with GZDoom UDMF maps)
  • improved search and replace mode with more options and functionality
  • "select similar" function for map elements that selects other map elements with selectable same properties
  • tag explorer docker that shows all tagged sectors and linedef actions in the map
  • function to show all used tags in the map
  • function to show the number of all thing types in the map
  • supports aspect ratio correction (pixels stretched vertically by 20%)
  • supports loading DeHackEd patches to correctly show changes made to things through the patch


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I am currently using Doom builder x. I usually used Ultimate Doom builder, but I needed to get DBX because udb wouldn't work on windows 8.1 . Well now I have 10 but the internet sucks so I won't try right now.. besides, DBX doesn't do this weird malfunction that cycles through all of my settings and crashes spontaneously. I don't miss that.


I also use Slade, Whacked4, and I'm trying to get Hexstartup++ and imagetool to work

Edited by Yandere_Doomer

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On my main computer, Ultimate Doom Builder for mapping, Slade 3 for managing pk3/WAD structure.  On my old laptop I use GZDoom Builder-Bugfix because its OpenGL version is too old to support UDB.

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Does anyone here remember a time before DB and all it's variants when we'd have to visualize what our 2d overhead view in the editor actually looked like before testing in game? :P


Well I guess @pcorf and @boris probably does.

Edited by Mr.Rocket

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