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is earth the true hell?


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I must say, I enjoy hearing peoples views on this.


As for bad circles when it comes to bad karma giving a bad life cycle, then I think the challenge is to break the bad cycles.


I have already broken more than one bad cycle in my life, that I would otherwise normally be in when looking at my life, all the way from childhood.


So I think my next life will already be better than my current life.

However, one has to complete the current game of life,

before the next game can begin.



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In relation to our survival instincts, we're hardwired to recognize negative aspects of about anything and anyone. Unfortunately during our modern civilized society and with so much change in short periods of time, our very biology can work against us, mentally and physically. We can dramatize both the unforeseen and our current situation, making things appear worse than they are.


If I'm feeling low about the world around me, I remind myself what is currently good and how actually shit the situation would be if I didn't have what I have now. It's easy for me to do as nothing is truly bad in my life.


Depressed people (real depression), that's a different story. I doubt logic and reflection can help improve their mood and that's when Earth truly is Hell. I'm glad I don't experience it.

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8 hours ago, Chezza said:

In relation to our survival instincts, we're hardwired to recognize negative aspects of about anything and anyone. Unfortunately during our modern civilized society and with so much change in short periods of time, our very biology can work against us, mentally and physically. We can dramatize both the unforeseen and our current situation, making things appear worse than they are.


If I'm feeling low about the world around me, I remind myself what is currently good and how actually shit the situation would be if I didn't have what I have now. It's easy for me to do as nothing is truly bad in my life.


Depressed people (real depression), that's a different story. I doubt logic and reflection can help improve their mood and that's when Earth truly is Hell. I'm glad I don't experience it.

I have been deeply depressed my whole life so far.

But it got really bad after I lost my father in 2018.

Then it got even worse still when I lost my job in 2019.


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  • 4 weeks later...

ok, I'm smoking so I can go on a small rant.. 

I was raised Catholic (like most people in my area of the world), and always had a lot of curiosity about theology and all that stuff, so my knowledge comes from there (reading, talking to other people, religious or not, and even some talks with cool priests [they exist! they are just rarer xD])


 The concept of hell as a physical place is relatively new, and not even in the "canon" of the Catholic Church (some other denominations of Christianity have different canons), and the best explanation I've ever heard of hell was that hell is the state of mind that comes from knowing you failed (sinning is failing to keep up with the rules you accepted to follow, if you are a practicing catholic), and as such, sure, hell is on earth or more specifically, on your mind (which is inside your body, on earth). 

 And thus the paradise you can reach by following the laws of Christ is the reward you get for living what you consider to be a good and proper life. 


 Which obviously is way easier if your morals are as f5cked up as mine :D 


(no great advice to offer that hasn't already been offered up thread, but wanted to give my two cents [and finish my joint before returning to doom])

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Well if you subscribe to the Hindu faith, you can make a good argument that the earth we are living on at the moment is the closest Hinduism has to a Hell. We are at the ass-end of the Kali Yuga after all.

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Earth ain't hell for me, but it isn't heaven either.


I see earth as just... Earth. Good shit happens sometimes, bad shit happens sometimes. I can't control it nor can you, but you can control how you deal with the good and the bad.


But for me, I'm pretty happy where I am right now.

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Certain spiritual groups say hell is a state of mind and not an actual location, more of a self punishment sort of thing.

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Well, breaking news, a recent Travis Scott concert has gone tragically wrong, as an error in judging the size of the venue caused at least 8 deaths by trampling.

A lot of the decorations in the venue could be described as "A week too late for Halloween" at best; and "Why are they trying to make it look like Hell?" at worst.






An attendee gave a testimony that, due to the horrible (And, as we've learned, lethal) conditions of the concert, that "It felt like Hell."


Edited by act
Forgot to add the Twitter post that gives the testimony.

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