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My new map "The Harrowing of Men", RC1 - would love feedback

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OK so I thought Id start this - partly to make sure I actually finish - to let you all know about my latest map:



Updated to fix bugs


>>> DOWNLOAD PK3 <<<


And a debug release with logging:


UV, GZDoom. Freelook highly recommended, 






Added an alpha playthrough.






It's not quite done - I still need to flesh out the last arena - but it's getting close...

Here's some pics:





















Edited by smeghammer

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Here is a recording of the first two rings of the map - it's a pre-alpha bug-hunt playthrough, so you will see many - er - bugs. Stuck monsters, missing monsters (green brick rooms) and possibly others.


I am quite happy with the layout overall though.


It's GZDoom with freelook:



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I only tested on GZDoom. Sorry I don't know about other ports.  The map uses ACS and 3D floors so probably not?

Edited by smeghammer

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Tried to give it a test but I think I need a texture pack, heres a shot of the start point, which is a different spot compared to your video

maybe you misplaced the 1st player start while testing, it happens to me a lot:




Edited by Soulless

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Hmm. Are you playing the PK3, or the WAD in the maps directory?


Let me check it compiled ok. The textures you need should be in the /textures folder - but in that screenshot, the missing textures are standard Doom2 ones.



I'm an idiot! Give me five minutes.


Edited by smeghammer

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1 hour ago, Soulless said:

Finally played it, really weird map but fun nonetheless.

Here a myriad of stuff I think is worth mentioning, fixed etc


Thanks for playing and the feedback.


Can I ask what port you used? It's for gzdoom so I don't know what weirdness might happen on others...


You are right that there a couple of sectors that should be secrets but are not - because they are 3D floors and below or above is not secret. I did not implement height checking acs to trigger secrets. Maybe I will look into that...


The weird blocking line should get unblocked via acs on a line on the stairs.


That TP on the wall at the top of the steps - that could well be a genuine bug. I'll check that.


Have a look at my vid - I used gz 4.4 and don't see the homs or softlocks.


I'll check out @Biodegradable s vid later on too.

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@Soulless you are right about the weird blocking lines. That was my bad for not regression testing... that will be fixed.


I can't replicate the HOMs or the odd thing you saw with the door in the green brick room. Did you play with the pk3 or the expanded directory structure? Shouldn't make any difference though.


I am not sure what you mean by midtex not blocking in the switchroom at the top of the big stairs?


Anyway, thanks for the useful feedback as always.

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Hey Smeg, I just dropped the pk3 over gzdoom launcher, as usual.


The mid text (fences) arent set to block players&monsters, you can get through easily.


I wanted to expand a bit my feedback since I didnt have the time for a deeper review, but I really wanted to share the screens for fixes etc.

When I said weird map, I was referring to the progression, and mostly the start where you have to spawn hordes of shotgunners/chaingunners.

Also to point that the monsters put on higher places can be quite annoying since they are very very far away, was a pain to clear those roofs from the ground.

Other than that I always like your experimentation, and I love the exploration factor, even more with 14 secrets around (I only could find 9).

There was also a little building full of shotgunners (near the end) that I couldnt open, so I couldnt get 100% kills, probably one of the missing secrets.




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@Soulless, Thanks for the expanded comments. Yes I do like to experiment with ideas - this one was actually all about blocking and unblocking lines (the fences at the edge of each plateau) with ACS - it is certainly possible that I fucked that up somewhere. I think I'll put the debug version up there as well so you can see what the ACS line actions are doing.


I think I know the fences you mean - at the top of the steps? - I noticed that ages ago, clearly didn't fix it...


I'll check out the room with shotgunners later.

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OK I found the issues with the non-blocking fence and the HOM. Fixed (hopefully).


Moved trigger lines down the steps and changed the buggy door opening line causing the HOM. Seems to have fixed the weird blocking on the floor above too.


Download updated. There's also a debug build that keeps the log statements about the line block controlling

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On 10/17/2021 at 2:16 PM, Biodegradable said:



Apologies for the tardiness of responding to this - RLTM is getting in the way...


Thanks for the playthrough @Biodegradable - sorry, yes more hitscanners... Interesting you didn't see the bugs that @Soulless found though. 



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