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[SLOTS TAKEN!] Community Trunk, a cp in the style of CC1 and CC2

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7 minutes ago, Matthias (LiquidDoom) said:

He is kinda busy with something in his personal non-doom life and contributors started to be a lil impaient, asking why it's not done and what is happening and everything, so I have decided to help a bit.

You can say in corporate language Dusty is a project coordinator, while I am a manager and QA tester :D :D :D 

I think, that, if this project ever gets a sequel, it should be called "Community Trunk 2 : Forever"  after the infamous game, that was in development 14 years.


7 minutes ago, Matthias (LiquidDoom) said:

Oh, now it make sense.

So what is the status of Map 32 @Kain D. Are you still working on it? Is it in progress? If so, do you have any realistic estimation when it could be done?

Dude, srsly?

It is completed at page 17, above with my insights and issues with this project has.

Edited by Kain D.

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2 minutes ago, Kain D. said:

Dude, srsly?

It is completed at page 17, above with my insights and issues with this project has.

Hey, I am contacting every single person one by one asking for the status and skim trhough this forum to see what going on, trying to put this together, so no need to be so defensive :)

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2 minutes ago, Matthias (LiquidDoom) said:

trying to put this together, so no need to be so defensive :)

It was funny actually :) Anyway it is good to see this project finally moving forward, rather than stuck in the abyss.

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27 minutes ago, Kain D. said:

It was funny actually :) Anyway it is good to see this project finally moving forward, rather than stuck in the abyss.



The name's of your map is The Dark Red or THE DARK RED? (not that Doom font makes any difference :D)



-Not really an issue, but in .wad file it is better to put maps at the bottom, while other junk at the top (When saving map editors put map lumps at the bottom)

Ok, I'll add this to my ToDo list.



-"Hurt Me Plenty" font is smaller, than the rest (It would be done easier, by using color remap with the original Doom 2 lumps)

-HUD inscriptions(Ammo, Health, Bull, Rckt,..) could be more visible


I am not sure who did the graphics... was it @Vladguy ?:)

Anyway, I'll add the rest on my todo list too, to investigate it later :)


-The last time I made a Limit removing map was in 2018(I never published it). Let's just say Boom map format is waaaaay better 

Changing the format to boom at this point might not be good idea IMO, but if the most people here agree, then why not? Boom is still back-compatible with vanilla, so it won't break the maps or anything...


-Is it possible to update map listings in the first post and put map names of the completed maps? It would be easier to track progress, might even motivate mappers better.

I was just thinking to create some nice phpbb table for the first post and send it to Dusty so he can copypaste but it seems Doomworld forum doesn't support [td] tag, so I am not sure :D

Anyway, here are all changes I did for the future version so far:


- Map02 replaced with the latest version
- Map 8 name was fixed from "Subcortex" to "The Subcortex"
- Few things fixed in map06
- Lina's maps 12 and 26 were updated with the latest versions
- Map 18 and its music added and renamed to "The Black Castle"
- Map 20 name was fixed from "Litdeath" to "The Little Death"
- Map23 replaced with the latest version
- Map 26 music changed to "The Last Gatling Gun Rodeo" by CammyBanana
- Map 32 and its music added and renamed to "The Dark Red"

Edited by Matthias (LiquidDoom)
mistakes were made

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10 minutes ago, Matthias (LiquidDoom) said:

The name's of your map is The Dark Red or THE DARK RED? (not that Doom font makes any difference :D)

Practically and officially it is "The Dark Red". I always use the capital letters due to practical reasons. Like you said: "not that Doom font makes any difference".


10 minutes ago, Matthias (LiquidDoom) said:

Changing the format to boom at this point might not be good idea IMO, but if the most people here agree, then why not? Boom is still back-compatible with vanilla, so it won't break the maps or anything...

You misunderstood, I don't want to change the format. I only compared Limit removing and Boom map formats, that's all.

In fact my map uses features, that are in Limit Removing, but not in Boom.


10 minutes ago, Matthias (LiquidDoom) said:

- Map 29 and its music added and renamed to "The Dark Red"

So, is my map in slot 29 now?

Edited by Kain D.

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I want to be honest here as I have been busy in my life with family and my part time job and there has been some challenges to my creativity right now and have still not started work on MAP31 yet. But maybe I'll eventually whip up something quickly, something scrappy and abstract and will include a secret exit. The aim is to just open up the editor and make the most of my limited opportunities and have fun when I am ready to do so.

Edited by pcorf

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1 minute ago, pcorf said:

I want to be honest here as I have been busy in my life with family and my part time job and there has been some challenges to my creativity right now and have still not started work on MAP31 yet. But maybe I'll eventually whip up something quickly, something scrappy and abstract and will include a secret exit. The aim is to just open up the editor and make the most of my limited opportunities and have fun.

@pcorf I was just about to contact you :)


So your maps are 9, 21 and 31, right?

Map 9 is done, name is Night Terrors of Prehistory and music is "The Doom World is Flat" by decino
Maps 21 and 31 are still in progress?:)

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3 hours ago, Matthias (LiquidDoom) said:

I am not sure who did the graphics... was it @Vladguy ?:)

Nah, I have no recollection of making the graphics. But maybe I could whip up some quick replacement text graphics for the menu or something, I dunno.

Edited by Vladguy

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5 minutes ago, Vladguy said:

Nah, I have no recollection of making the graphics. But maybe I could whip up some quick replacement text graphics for the menu or something, I dunno.

Right, but you provided the Titlemusic?

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24 minutes ago, Matthias (LiquidDoom) said:

Right, but you provided the Titlemusic?

Correct, it was just something I whipped up in Aria Maestosa from what I remember.

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2 minutes ago, Vladguy said:

Correct, it was just something I whipped up in Aria Maestosa from what I remember.

Would be great if you somehow remember the name of the music :)

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Just now, Matthias (LiquidDoom) said:

Would be great if you somehow remember the name of the music :)

"A Community Projection", as I remember from Doomworld messages.

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2 minutes ago, Vladguy said:

"A Community Projection", as I remember from Doomworld messages.

Wait, you composed it?

I thought Aria Maestosa is a database of free music, but it's a software for composing?

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2 minutes ago, Matthias (LiquidDoom) said:

Wait, you composed it?

I thought Aria Maestosa is a database of free music, but it's a software for composing?

Perhaps you thought wrong, as it is indeed a surprisingly basic MIDI music composer. The more you know!

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So after doing some investigation who owns what slots, it seems the maps 19, 22, 29 and 35 are not taken by anyone.


Or did I made a mistake and someone owns them? Let me know!

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On 9/23/2023 at 4:51 PM, Matthias (LiquidDoom) said:

So after doing some investigation who owns what slots, it seems the maps 19, 22, 29 and 35 are not taken by anyone.


Or did I made a mistake and someone owns them? Let me know!

According to Dusty's post:


Map 22 is taken by @Walter confetti and


Map 29 is taken by @Lina


But, I assume they dropped the slots.


Map 19 is empty, because, like I explained earlier, LGMaire dropped the map slots and I only took Map 32. I've said already, that maps 33 and 34 can be put into empty slots.


As for Map 35, this project is struggling to make it 32 maps and map 35 is planned?


I might as well say it. IMO You should step in, as a project leader. Just saying what I think.


I really want to see this project come into fruition.

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MAP13 is still in progress, should have some time this weekend to finally get some more work done on it.


19 hours ago, Kain D. said:

I've said already, that maps 33 and 34 can be put into empty slots.


As for Map 35, this project is struggling to make it 32 maps and map 35 is planned?

Also, I agree with Kain here, MAP35 should be dropped if nothing is done yet and if 33 and 34 are complete it would be better to move them to one of the empty slots.

Edited by Dr. Zin

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On 9/26/2023 at 11:32 AM, Kain D. said:

According to Dusty's post:


Map 22 is taken by @Walter confetti and


Map 29 is taken by @Lina


Dusty's first post is outdated. That's why the investigation needed to happen. :)

And yes, sir @Walter confetti dropped his slot. Personally I would be glad if he didn't. His motto in his profile is literally "most certainly i made a map for the community project you playin" and if he lost interest in the project just because the lack of activity, I think my activity could be motivating. What do you thinkg @Walter confetti won't you still change your mind and won't provile some tiny little map for this project?


Map 19 is empty, because, like I explained earlier, LGMaire dropped the map slots and I only took Map 32. I've said already, that maps 33 and 34 can be put into empty slots.

Indeed. Asking you about this was the "investigation" I am talking about. I literally contacted here on Doomworld and Discord and everywhere every single person one by one to figure out what is the status.


As for Map 35, this project is struggling to make it 32 maps and map 35 is planned?

Personally I wouldn't say it's struggling. The slots were taken quickly and many people still offered me to to take some slots, for example @PinkFlamingo. The other people in the team wanted slots for map 33, 34 and 35 and these are rather small gimmicky maps, rather than something bigger. But yes, definitely - if we will have any issue to assign the empty slots (and I hope they are empty and there still aren't people who be like "what? this is mine slot!!"), definitely yes, we can move the maps 33 and 34 to the empty slots.

Figuring out what slots are actually empty is the first step tho...



I might as well say it. IMO You should step in, as a project leader. Just saying what I think.



Well, I'll try my best. I suck at communicating with people, I am lazy, misanthropic and nihilistic, but yeah, I want this to be done as well :)

Anyway, I already sent Dusty the newer version of the map list to replace the outdated one and let's hope he will replace it soon as he promised me :)

Edited by Matthias (LiquidDoom)

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On 9/27/2023 at 7:28 AM, Dr. Zin said:

if 33 and 34 are complete

Well, map 34 is not completed tho... I played that map and there are missing textures, unadjusted textures. A secret place that is pointless because there are not items. Still some work to do :)

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22 minutes ago, Matthias (LiquidDoom) said:

And yes, sir @Walter confetti dropped his slot. Personally I would be glad if he didn't. His motto in his profile is literally "most certainly i made a map for the community project you playin" and if he lost interest in the project just because the lack of activity, I think my activity could be motivating. What do you thinkg @Walter confetti won't you still change your mind and won't provile some tiny little map for this project?


I had lost interest mostly because i did nothing for... a long time for this project and i'm involved in too many other Doom stuff to do anything else, really....

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5 minutes ago, Walter confetti said:


I had lost interest mostly because i did nothing for... a long time for this project and i'm involved in too many other Doom stuff to do anything else, really....

All right, then :)

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Please, drop the map 33, 34 and 35 slots; and put whatever is finished in one of the regular slots. Quality is more important than quantity.

If those maps are too short/gimmicky, just re-order the slots and put them somewhere in the beginning.


I seriously think you need to release an updated version of the wad in this thread as soon as possible so we can actually playtest everything. At this point all we seemingly do is discuss. Concrete decisions need to be made.

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16 minutes ago, PinkFlamingo said:

At this point all we seemingly do is discuss.

Discussing is what I need a little bit now, or at least communicating, because there are still people who didn't let me know all the details about their maps I need :)


I am working on a new version. Here are the changes I made so far:

- Maps 02, 11, 12, 23, 26 replaced with the latest versions. (Map 26 was replaced even twice and its SkyTexture fixed).
- Map 8 name was fixed from "Subcortex" to "The Subcortex"
- A couple of things fixed in map02, map03, map04, map05, map06, map10...
- Map 18 and its music added and renamed to "The Black Castle"
- Map 20 name was fixed from "Litdeath" to "The Little Death"
- Map 26 music changed to "The Last Gatling Gun Rodeo" by CammyBanana
- Map 32 and its music added and renamed to "The Dark Red"
- Few new textures added


Currently I am debugging the maps (removing unused textures here and there, adding missing textures, checking stuck actors, unclosed sectors).

Edited by Matthias (LiquidDoom)

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@Matthias (LiquidDoom), what is the new deadline? While my map is mostly done, there is something I'd like to change (not a huge change, but would make the final fight more interesting).


By mostly done I mean it IS done, but there are a few flaws that I'd like to change.

Edited by Pechudin

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