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[SLOTS TAKEN!] Community Trunk, a cp in the style of CC1 and CC2

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Just now, LGmaire said:


I think I'm done, honestly. I haven't been having any fun mapping, and I already want to drop out.


I'm sorry, I really wanted to map for this but in the end I shouldn't have joined. And I decided I should just go let someone else take my slots instead.

I wish good luck to everyone else who wants to map for this, but I just don't want to participate on this project with terrible submissions, so I'll let someone else take those now open slots instead.

No worries, there's no reason to map of it isn't fun. I think it's important to take breaks from hobbies if they're stressing you out. 

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1 hour ago, Dusty_Rhodes said:

It's yours

Cool, I'll take Map 32. I am able to only make one map for this project :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Dark Red shall claim your soul.







Technical stuff:


Author name : Kain D.
Map name : THE DARK RED
Map # : MAP 32
Music : KeaganDunn - Blackout (https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/129673-keagandunn-midis-updated-nov-30-2022/){with some edits}
Build time : 10 Days
Skill settings : Yes
Co-op : Player starts only
Deathmatch : No
Editor(s) used :  Ultimate Doom Builder, Slade 3, Sekaiju
Tested on : Gzdoom , GlBoom+ (complevel 2), PrBoom+ (complevel 2)

Description : It is a leftover idea from my previous project. Strange map, even for my standards.



Story of the map, might even be intresting:
I've kept an eye out at this project from the beginning. Yeah it really takes a looooong time :)
Back when this community project was announced I'd been busy with my own project(feels like ages ago) and there was a leftover idea(Using mostly blood and all black textures), that didn't make it. Later all the slots for the Community Trunk were taken.


A week ago I finished a map(also similar to my first project) for an unreleased wad and I thought it would be cool to map something else in the style of my previous project and in the same day a slot was droped out. Coincidence? Aditionally I'd say beginning of map 16 fits with the theme of the map. I even had a stupid idea, that this project is taking so long, so I can have a slot, heh.


As for the map itself. I'd say it is a strange one. It takes map 32 slot and adds one new flat. See it for yourself.

The map wasn't tested in Crispy Doom, so if you are wiling to test it in that sourceport go ahead.

Some things I noticed and my thoughts:


-Not really an issue, but in .wad file it is better to put maps at the bottom, while other junk at the top (When saving map editors put map lumps at the bottom)


-"Hurt Me Plenty" font is smaller, than the rest (It would be done easier, by using color remap with the original Doom 2 lumps)


-HUD inscriptions(Ammo, Health, Bull, Rckt,..) could be more visible


-Most of Umapinfo isn't necessary(it can even cause problems if tags 666/667 are used in map 07). Practically only maps 12(to change to Sky 1), 33 and 34 use it.


-Textures, that don't have power of two width don't render properly on software renderers(this does not apply to mid textures)


-Is it possible to update map listings in the first post and put map names of the completed maps? It would be easier to track progress, might even motivate mappers better.


-I usually don't like to have bonus maps like 33, 34 in a megawad. Might be useful to put them in the empty slots, I don't know. But of course, this is only my opinion


-The last time I made a Limit removing map was in 2018(I never published it). Let's just say Boom map format is waaaaay better

Edited by Kain D.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Would it be a good idea to change the PLAYPAL lump? CC 1/2 used stock, but I don't think it'd go too much against the spirit of the project, since it's something that I'd imagine would've been doable with editing tools in the 00s. Most maps have been finished at this point, but changing the green and blue range shouldn't be too disruptive, other than potentially messing up green custom skies.

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On 4/6/2023 at 10:40 PM, Lina said:

Would it be a good idea to change the PLAYPAL lump? CC 1/2 used stock, but I don't think it'd go too much against the spirit of the project, since it's something that I'd imagine would've been doable with editing tools in the 00s. Most maps have been finished at this point, but changing the green and blue range shouldn't be too disruptive, other than potentially messing up green custom skies.


Changing palette, when maps are finished would be too unpredictable in my opinion.


Using HI_START/HI_END is a better solution.

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Well, I went ahead and made a playpal with the changes I had in mind, and went through all the maps currently in the resource pack to check how they looked with it. I tried to make it as unintrusive as I could, given what's already there. Dark greens are untouched and dark blues are mostly the same, but light greens are more saturated and light blues have a cyan/metallic blue tint to them. It mostly affects light textures, torches, pickups and the plasma rifle (I tweaked the plasma sprites a bit so they looked better with the palette). Unless I missed something, there aren't maps that have Ribbiksian visuals or like, jade/sapphire caves that'd be heavily affected by the change. Screenshots are from maps 3, 21 (out of bounds), 24 and 25 in the current resource pack. If it's still too disruptive or a bad idea, I'll just hold onto it for myself.

Wad with the playpal and plasma sprites: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/297421089665974272/1097109389367844924/CT_Palette_Proposal.wad





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8 hours ago, Lina said:

If it's still too disruptive or a bad idea, I'll just hold onto it for myself.


I am not the decisive person to make the decision, but let's just say there is a good reason Palette swap is done at the beginning.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Map 29 screenshots (I forgot to revert the playpal before taking them). Aiming for a monster count in the 2-2.5k range, with about 1.5-1.75k of that being optional for non-UVmax. These are the areas that're pretty much finished.




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Got a few challenges in my life now but I will probably work on my 3rd map around June onwards.

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4 hours ago, Lina said:

Map 29 screenshots (I forgot to revert the playpal before taking them). Aiming for a monster count in the 2-2.5k range, with about 1.5-1.75k of that being optional for non-UVmax. These are the areas that're pretty much finished.

Looks intresting. Is it a slaughter map, or something with style of Community Chest map29?

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11 hours ago, Lina said:

Map 29 screenshots (I forgot to revert the playpal before taking them). Aiming for a monster count in the 2-2.5k range, with about 1.5-1.75k of that being optional for non-UVmax. These are the areas that're pretty much finished.

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I am scared. But also hyped.

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7 hours ago, Kain D. said:

Looks intresting. Is it a slaughter map, or something with style of Community Chest map29?

If the player doesn't want to bother with the optional fights/key hunt, I'm trying to keep the encounters slaughter-lite (<100ish monsters in a fight, if there's more it's imps, etc). If they do, it's gonna be slaughter and bad Ribbiks impressions combat puzzles.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm still working on my map, currently busy with my job but hope to be back on it in August.

Edited by Dr. Zin

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I've already finished my map a long long time ago, so I'm basically just waiting. And waiting.

And waiting.

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Looking back on my contribution perhaps I should rework some parts because I am not happy how some areas turned out to be, and there are bugs that need some fixing. And since this project isn't going anywhere as of right now I think I will just do that while I have the time.



Edit: Done, I've rebalanced the map.



Edited by thiccyosh

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  • 2 months later...
On 7/9/2023 at 6:28 PM, thiccyosh said:

Looking back on my contribution perhaps I should rework some parts because I am not happy how some areas turned out to be, and there are bugs that need some fixing. And since this project isn't going anywhere as of right now I think I will just do that while I have the time.



Edit: Done, I've rebalanced the map.




Hey, do you remember what was your slot? What number?

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9 hours ago, thiccyosh said:


I remember it being Map23.


Ok, so your map Existence was published on idgames? :)

And you have like two names, right? Existence and Demise and you wanted one for cwil and the other in the map?:)


Because Dusty is busy, I am trying to put this project together a little bit :)


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2 hours ago, Matthias (LiquidDoom) said:

Ok, so your map Existence was published on idgames? :)


Yes, Dusty is fine with me releasing it separately.



2 hours ago, Matthias (LiquidDoom) said:

And you have like two names, right? Existence and Demise and you wanted one for cwil and the other in the map?:)


Existence as the cwilv, and demise on the automap. Like how Doom 2's Map11 has two names aswell.



2 hours ago, Matthias (LiquidDoom) said:

Because Dusty is busy, I am trying to put this project together a little bit :)



No worries! Looking forward to playing and testing this wad sooner or later ;)

Have a nice day.

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27 minutes ago, thiccyosh said:


Yes, Dusty is fine with me releasing it separately.




Existence as the cwilv, and demise on the automap. Like how Doom 2's Map11 has two names aswell.




No worries! Looking forward to playing and testing this wad sooner or later ;)

Have a nice day.



Few more questions... the published map is finalized and this is the last version of your map? I am asking just to make sure I have latest version of all maps :)

Also, the midi you want to use is "Air on G String" by Johann Sebastian Bach (MIDI version) ?




Edited by Matthias (LiquidDoom)

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5 minutes ago, Matthias (LiquidDoom) said:

the published map is finalized and this is the last version of your map?





5 minutes ago, Matthias (LiquidDoom) said:

Also, the midi you want to use is "Air on G String" by Johann Sebastian Bach (MIDI version) ?


Also yes.

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16 minutes ago, Vladguy said:

..what was that conversation


Also I completely forgot that this project was in the works! @Dusty_Rhodes How's progress going?

Dusty is busy, so I took over this project management.

Trying to put this together

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4 hours ago, Matthias (LiquidDoom) said:

Dusty is busy, so I took over this project management.

Trying to put this together

Ah, good to know!

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Excuse me, guys, but I am little confused whose is MAP19 after reading is forum.


It was @Mystic 256's map

But suddenly it was @LGmaire's map

What happened?:) Did @Mystic 256 dropped the slot MAP19 in private with Dusty?

Also, then @LGmaire dropped it and @Kain D. wanted it, but suddenly he wanted map 32 not map 19.

So does anyone owns slot map 19 or is it free?

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21 hours ago, Matthias (LiquidDoom) said:

so I took over this project management.

What do you mean by that? Has Dusty stepped down as leader of this project?


3 minutes ago, Matthias (LiquidDoom) said:

Excuse me, guys, but I am little confused whose is MAP19 after reading is forum.


It was @Mystic 256's map

But suddenly it was @LGmaire's map

What happened?:) Did @Mystic 256 dropped the slot MAP19 in private with Dusty?

Also, then @LGmaire dropped it and @Kain D. wanted it, but suddenly he wanted map 32 not map 19.

So does anyone owns slot map 19 or is it free?

The original slots are in the Dusty's first post. @LGmaire had to slots Map 19 and Map 32. He stepped down and I took Map 32 only. Technically Map 19 is free. Like I explained in my   post with map, IMO Maps 33 and 34 could be put in empty slots.

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What do you mean by that?

He is kinda busy with something in his personal non-doom life and contributors started to be a lil impaient, asking why it's not done and what is happening and everything, so I have decided to help a bit.

You can say in corporate language Dusty is a project coordinator, while I am a manager and QA tester :D :D :D 



The original slots are in the Dusty's first post. @LGmaire had to slots Map 19 and Map 32. He stepped down and I took Map 32 only. Technically Map 19 is free. Like I explained in my   post with map, IMO Maps 33 and 34 could be put in empty slots.

Oh, now it make sense.

So what is the status of Map 32 @Kain D. Are you still working on it? Is it in progress? If so, do you have any realistic estimation when it could be done?

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