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Some Doom 3D models I've been working on


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Hi there guys, just been messing around with Sculptris for a few weeks and I'm somewhat pleased with some of the results (since I didn't even use tutorials). The idea was to further down the line, use them on GZDoom (tho I have no idea how one does that). Anyways, I'll let you guys be the judges. None of them are finished yet but here's hope you enjoy some of these. Your input is very much appreciated!

Desktop Screenshot 2021.08.28 -

Desktop Screenshot 2021.08.28 -




cybie no color2.jpg

glimmering pinky.jpg

HK ingame mockup.jpg

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Wow, they are so cool!


If you create all the animations they need and save them as MD3 files then I can show you how to import them in to GZDoom as 3D monsters!


I have a lot of 3D monsters myself, but I have yet to make animations for them, so they are just static models for now.


However, I have imported tons of already made MD3 models as monsters, for example in my After Dawn WIP project.


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you need to write a modeldefinition aka modeldef


you can use skin or surfaceskin


usually if it is simple and its one model with one skin then I use skin


otherwise a model with multiple objects then I use surfaceskin to assign the right skin to each object in the model


then you have to know the frame numbers for each animation and create dummy sprites for each frame you need for your decorate or zscript model definition




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Importing AND animating these models in GZDoom will not be possible, these sculpts seem to have 1,500,000 polygons on average based on the screenshot of the Imp sculpt, and the MD3 format (The most advanced animated model format GZDoom supports.) can only have 262144 polygons per model.

The models would have to be triangulated to work in GZDoom too, which would multiply the polygon count. The only way to get such complicated models in GZDoom would be to import them as OBJs, which have no hard polygon limit, but of course you then wouldn't be able to animate them.

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Good stuff man!


I thought I'd have a stab at it:


So here's a couple of Sphere's.

Brought this one in paint shop and it ended up as an Invulnerability sphere. 



Not sure where I was going with this one, Mr.Potato head? lol

Maybe it could be used as a Berserker, but a sphere version of it?



The idea with these is, maybe if someone wanted to use them as a hi-res sprite replacement.

Though they don't animate, so all frames would need be the same, a float/bob action type animation is probably enough anyway.


Have not tested in game, feel free to use!




Edited by Mr.Rocket

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16 hours ago, inkoalawetrust said:

Importing AND animating these models in GZDoom will not be possible, these sculpts seem to have 1,500,000 polygons on average based on the screenshot of the Imp sculpt, and the MD3 format (The most advanced animated model format GZDoom supports.) can only have 262144 polygons per model.

The models would have to be triangulated to work in GZDoom too, which would multiply the polygon count. The only way to get such complicated models in GZDoom would be to import them as OBJs, which have no hard polygon limit, but of course you then wouldn't be able to animate them.

he could use filters to simplify the models before importing them to get the polycount down

Edited by CBM

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6 hours ago, CBM said:

he could use filters to simplify the models before importing them to get the polycount down

I'm not too sure how well decimating the final, triangulated models would work, since you'd have to decimate millions of polygons down to 262144 or less. With that much decimation I think any model would start visibly looking off regardless of the algorithm used.

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4 hours ago, inkoalawetrust said:

I'm not too sure how well decimating the final, triangulated models would work, since you'd have to decimate millions of polygons down to 262144 or less. With that much decimation I think any model would start visibly looking off regardless of the algorithm used.

Hm, what if he did it in multiple passes? wouldnt that help to preserve details?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I posted all those pics, and never came back to see what people had to say up until now, "chaos reigns" xD

Thank you so much for the positive feedback and some input on how one would export these to GZDoom!

Before even animating I would have to finish one of these models... but there's a way in Sculptris to lower the polycount by a lot but it loses some of the sharpness of course. Lowering the polys was something I knew that would have to be done if these were actually to work in game, just like when people use Doom 2016 models in GZDoom. If converting those into md3 is possible, these should be as well. (I have converted some to OBJ files, but didn't know you can't animate that, thanks for that heads up btw). Is it possible to convert OBJ models into MD3 and then animate from there?
I have some background as a 2D animator but I have no idea how to animate in 3D, or if it would look any good in motion if I animated these fuckos. I have thought however that in any case maybe they could be used as HD sprites, tho I also kinda dunno how to do that but at least I could "prepare" the "materials" until then.
And btw, I have a notion that it is possible but haven't seen it working yet, it is possible to have bumpmapped sprites at all? I think I've seen one guy do that with the shotgun sprite but never got to see it in motion.
Gonna check your mod CBM, maybe we could collab on something lol, who knows?

Once again, many thanks and as soon as I have a model finished or textured at last or something, I'll keep you guys posted, cheers!

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6 hours ago, RetroRoy said:

I posted all those pics, and never came back to see what people had to say up until now, "chaos reigns" xD

Thank you so much for the positive feedback and some input on how one would export these to GZDoom!

Before even animating I would have to finish one of these models... but there's a way in Sculptris to lower the polycount by a lot but it loses some of the sharpness of course. Lowering the polys was something I knew that would have to be done if these were actually to work in game, just like when people use Doom 2016 models in GZDoom. If converting those into md3 is possible, these should be as well. (I have converted some to OBJ files, but didn't know you can't animate that, thanks for that heads up btw). Is it possible to convert OBJ models into MD3 and then animate from there?
I have some background as a 2D animator but I have no idea how to animate in 3D, or if it would look any good in motion if I animated these fuckos. I have thought however that in any case maybe they could be used as HD sprites, tho I also kinda dunno how to do that but at least I could "prepare" the "materials" until then.
And btw, I have a notion that it is possible but haven't seen it working yet, it is possible to have bumpmapped sprites at all? I think I've seen one guy do that with the shotgun sprite but never got to see it in motion.
Gonna check your mod CBM, maybe we could collab on something lol, who knows?

Once again, many thanks and as soon as I have a model finished or textured at last or something, I'll keep you guys posted, cheers!

Converting the models from OBJ to MD3 can be done with Noesis. Also AFAIK bumpmapped sprites aren't a thing.

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20 hours ago, RetroRoy said:

If converting those into md3 is possible, these should be as well. (I have converted some to OBJ files, but didn't know you can't animate that, thanks for that heads up btw). Is it possible to convert OBJ models into MD3 and then animate from there?
Gonna check your mod CBM, maybe we could collab on something lol, who knows?

Once again, many thanks and as soon as I have a model finished or textured at last or something, I'll keep you guys posted, cheers!

The only way to animate with OBJs is to make a new OBJ model for each frame the model needs, so the MD3 format would be better for animation as the OBJ format doesnt support animation.


Avoid the MD2 format since it warps the model during animation, if you check out Genetech by Enjay and then pay close attention to the idle animations of the weapons then you will see the weapon 3d models during animations are almost behaving as if they were being boiled or something. After Dawn is based on many of the resources from Genetech and in After Dawn I don't use the weapon idle animations to avoid this effect.


I have in some cases used a single OBJ file to do like a gun flash frame for a model, such that all the movement and stuff is in an MD3 file and then the one frame with the actual firing of the gun has a duplicate as an OBJ file where there is also a gun flash added.


I have several mods (gzfreepunk, the gzfreepunk's steampunk'ish robot monsters, after dawn, 3d vehicles, 40k model packs and booked the cp) that are WIP and are going to be WIP for years to come still I think :-) 


I would love a collab at some point. I am trying to learn blender and through that also learn 3D animation. I have experimented with 3D bone animation in Maverick but I still have a long road ahead I think.


Yes, Noesis, Maverick, Blender and a ton of other tools can convert between OBJ and MD3 for you.

Edited by CBM

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I think the Imp can be improved, it looks... quite ugly not gonna lie.


My favorite one out of those are Spider Mastermind, just kind of a shame that we didn't get to see her full head. Anyway looks pretty good!

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