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Discussion of concepts and ideers


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This thread is meant as a way to submit ideers and concept so they could be discussed in relation to the use of them in mods, maps etc...


I will begin...



The secret of the Aztecs


the Aztecs have been holding out on us and had steam powered technology all along, millennias before anybody else


maps with Aztec theme, monsters that are all steam powered robots or maybe even steam powered cyborglike creatures... and usage of wooden doors, long before anybody else.... maybe even actual computers... alien and human aztec hybrid technology?


maybe they unlocked a portal to hell with the help of E.T. and his friends and made some steam powered robot/demon/alien hybrids?


would this concept work or would it need tweaking and what tweaks would then be needed? comments? suggestions?




any other doomers with ideers and/or concepts they would like to share?

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Have you played Hexen 2's second hub? No steampunk stuff there but probably a great place to get resources, I'd love to see a Doom mod with that theme.


edit: something I've also always wanted to do was make Eve's blaster arm from WALL-E as a weapon, but I never did

Edited by DuckReconMajor

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34 minutes ago, DuckReconMajor said:

Have you played Hexen 2's second hub? No steampunk stuff there but probably a great place to get resources, I'd love to see a Doom mod with that theme.


edit: something I've also always wanted to do was make Eve's blaster arm from WALL-E as a weapon, but I never did

I havent played as much hexen 2 as I should, but Eve's blaster arm would require some animation for both readying and raising/lowering which would likely be difficult unless its somebody with a lot of experience in making 3d or sprite based doom weapons.

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Your idea of steampunk Aztecs reminded me of the game Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends, have you ever played it? And also a bit of Morrowind's Dwemer.


But on a more serious note, the Aztec civilization never made use of the wheel except for toys (or perhaps those were ritual items?), I'm not sure they were willing to develop steam powered technology if it had such limited practical applications.

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1 hour ago, MrFlibble said:

Your idea of steampunk Aztecs reminded me of the game Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends, have you ever played it? And also a bit of Morrowind's Dwemer.


But on a more serious note, the Aztec civilization never made use of the wheel except for toys (or perhaps those were ritual items?), I'm not sure they were willing to develop steam powered technology if it had such limited practical applications.

I should try out rise of legends it seems! :-D

You may be right, however... steampunk gives rise to the idea that inventors in victorian times could make anything, as long as it was powered by steam...


in a similar vein.... aztecpunk could be about aztecs secretly being aliens that could create anything as long as it was powered by steam... or some variation of that


did the aztecs have wooden doors?

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I fancy you're toying with different takes on the back story of the GZFreePunk project? Do they characters have to be Aztecs or Aztec related? Do you have a texture set for that?


I suppose one could imagine some alternate history setting where Mesoamerican civilizations somehow accelerated their development after the arrival of Europeans / Cortez. What if they managed to peacefully coexist and then unite their efforts instead of conquest and subjugation?


Or you could imagine something like this: a group (or groups) of scientifically minded Europeans fled to Americas from the Inquisition sometime before the arrival of Cortez, which would be in the latter half of the 15 century. For whichever reason these refugees found welcome in the Aztec Empire and shared their scientific knowledge and ideas with the locals, who conceived of this as divine gifts. So when Cortez arrived they already had some innovated tech for industrial purposes and possibly warfare, and from here you can imagine either that the Spanish allied with these new Aztechs, or that they started a war with the locals eventually winning thanks to even further advancements in technology.


Or, they created steampunk robots that went out of control and wiped out everyone.

Then again, you could also imagine some long-lost and forgotten Mesoamerican civilization that used steampunk stuff like the Dwemer, the remains of which lay buried and forgotten until the greedy Europeans came and started mining everything for gold, in spite of the locals' warnings.


1 hour ago, CBM said:

did the aztecs have wooden doors?

I'm not sure which material mass housing was built from, I guess it did not strictly have to be wood but also mudbricks or the like? I believe this can be looked up but might requite some sifting through sources.

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GZFreePunk could certainly use some alternate reality aztec fantasy backstory setting... It wasn't nessecerily that I was thinking about with the whole AztecPunk setting but it could certainly work... However, then it would be something like .... help the robots became self aware and wiped everybody out... like the steampunk version of terminator LOL

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Yesterday I forgot to mention an even more important barrier to the development of steam technology by the historical Aztecs, namely there was only limited metalworking with precious metals, and no production of even bronze (apparently there was limited use of copper though). This was likely not in the least caused by a lack substantial of natural reserves of metals in the Aztec area. Whereas I suppose that any realistically functional steam(punk) machinery would require industrial grade steel or at least some good iron. Even bronze would likely be too cumbersome because it's bulky and fragile, I guess you could build clockwork robots but they'd likely break down too often, especially if constructed on a large scale.


This means my previous suggestion about scientist refugees from the Inquisition becomes more implausible, at least for the narrow time frame before the arrival of Cortez. As an alternative, you could just try to imagine the scientific revolution being put forward a few centuries and work from there. For example, you can look up YouTube for videos about the possibility of Romans going industrial, that would have likely accelerated the development of technology in Europe by a lot, and possibly similar developments could have occurred in other areas.


Apparently steel production was well known and perfected in antiquity in South Asia (India and Sri-Lanka). One could imagine various possibilities from there, like the technology being spread eastwards into Americas. It appears that historically, South America had the most advanced metallurgy, but they still had no iron working.

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On 10/17/2021 at 1:04 PM, MrFlibble said:

Apparently steel production was well known and perfected in antiquity in South Asia (India and Sri-Lanka). One could imagine various possibilities from there, like the technology being spread eastwards into Americas. It appears that historically, South America had the most advanced metallurgy, but they still had no iron working.

Hmm... maybe a group of Aztecs settled in secret in another area that contained huge amounts of resources and found secrets in an ancient alien tomb that was left behind centuries ago.


Then their most intelligent scientists learned the secrets and started a steam powered industrial revolution... Aztec style!

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