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Modifying existing megawad


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so this may be a dumb question, I am not sure.. but...


Could I use an existing GZDoom megawad and make a "remixed" release of it where I replace monsters, items and weapons with 3d models maybe with a theme?


for example... could I take an existing gzdoom megawad (with permission of course) and change all the monsters to 40k 3d models, use the weapons and items from genetech and add 3d models of 40k scenery as decorations?


like a mostly-40k edition of some other megawad?


I can't map very well... therefore I am searching for alternative ways to make some 40k 3d megawad (or any other themed megawad) happen.


I can't do much of anything TBH...


Am I just tripping or what do you guys think?


Should I just keep quiet and keep trying to become better at mapping?


Could I take an old megawad that is well liked and GZ'fy the maps in that megawad and then add all the 3D stuff?


I guess the optimal solution would be to team up with other people to make a 40k megawad happen...


some that can map,

some that can compose music,

some that can do textures,

some that can do 3d weapons,

some that can lead a project,

some that can ..??


then I can add existing quake 3 player models to the megawad as monsters


I am curious to hear what people think...



Edited by CBM

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I'd suggest making a mod (like Supercharge does) that will replace existing assets, and then you can apply it to whatever WAD you like. That way you don't run the risk of accidentally breaking the source WAD by changing things around or deleting/untagging things.
but if you're going for a certain aesthetic really the best way is to make a level set yourself. dropping it on top of existing WADs will likely not give you the desired result.

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5 minutes ago, Major Arlene said:

I'd suggest making a mod (like Supercharge does) that will replace existing assets, and then you can apply it to whatever WAD you like. That way you don't run the risk of accidentally breaking the source WAD by changing things around or deleting/untagging things.
but if you're going for a certain aesthetic really the best way is to make a level set yourself. dropping it on top of existing WADs will likely not give you the desired result.

Well, I have been thinking about many ways around it.


Another option I considered, would be to take the levels from FreeDOOM phase 2, then GZ'fy them (UDMF) and add the 40k stuff on top and try to make the FreeDOOM phase 2 levels work in a 40k type setting.


Trying to make levels that are interpretations of Doom 1 and/or Doom 2 and/or FreeDOOM phase 1 and/or FreeDOOM phase 2 would also be an option but would still require a good amount of mapping skill


To make original levels that would be good enough for a megawad,

I would need some kind of detailed guide to what makes a good level, how to select textures, how to design encounters, the whole packedge.


I know a decent amount of technical stuff in GZDoom modding (still not everything however)... but that is about it.



Edited by CBM

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Just now, CBM said:

To make original levels that would be good enough for a megawad,

I would need some kind of detailed guide to what makes a good level, how to select textures, how to design encounters, the whole packedge.

Then I'd do this first.

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4 minutes ago, Major Arlene said:

Then I'd do this first.

I just havent found any... I sometimes find bits and pieces all around the net but nothing complete.


I have tried studying levels that are considered good.


How do I start on the path to become a master GZDoom mapper?



on the other hand, I guess I could just do a "40k 3D monster replacement mod" ... that will just replace existing doom 2 stuff with 40k stuff

Edited by CBM

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Just now, CBM said:

I just havent found any... I sometimes find bits and pieces all around the net but nothing complete.


I have tried studying levels that are considered good.


How do I start on the path to become a master GZDoom mapper?

Map. and map some more. and map some more.
it takes time, practice, and dedication, as any craft does. no shortcuts at all.
there's a few threads on how people find inspiration or improve themselves hanging around this forum, just have a look around and you're bound to run into a few with some good advice.

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Just now, Major Arlene said:

Map. and map some more. and map some more.
it takes time, practice, and dedication, as any craft does. no shortcuts at all.
there's a few threads on how people find inspiration or improve themselves hanging around this forum, just have a look around and you're bound to run into a few with some good advice.

Thanks, I guess I will try that then.     

Just hope I can find some victims..err... players that wants to playtest them and give feedback :-)

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