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Help, trying to find ambitious maps/mapsets

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So, I played BTSX, Eviternity, and Ancient Aliens, and enjoyed them all quite well. What are some other really ambitious mapsets that could tickle my fancy? I couldn't find anything too specific [like a list] in the search results, so I might as well ask and hope I'm not impeding on anything.

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You can always give my megawad a try :)




Edited by Astro X

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if you want mapset on the same style as those you mentioned, here are some:





-Antaresian Reliquary

-Deus Vult II

-Community Chest serie

-Lost Civilization



-50 Shades of Greytall

-Bloody Steel

-Hell Ground

-Going Down (the less ambitious on presentation, the most ambitious in concept, probably)

-Interception II


Then there are some that are magnificent, and they are just limit removing.

-Struggle: Antaresian Legacy



-Japanese Community Project



-DBP16: Cyb's Freaky Colonoscopy

-DBP26: City of the Damned Children

-DBP37: Auger;Zenith


-Scythe 2

-Tangerine Nightmares


And there are some vanilla mapsets that are really ambitious, too.

-Alien Vendetta (the mother of all ambitious projects, probably)


-TNT: Revilution

-Kama Sutra



-Memento Mori II (last 10 maps get more ambitious for sure)


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9 hours ago, Astro X said:

You can always give my megawad a try :)




Might try it soon. Can't believe you built it with Doom Builder 1 too, that's really hard to mess with

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You should try Valiant. It looks so awesome plus there's Valiant: Vaccinated which removes custom weapons and monsters so you can play it with Mods :D . If you enjoyed Valiant, you should try Lunatic as well. It's from the same author and it looks awesome too.

I would also recommend Scythe 1 & 2, Hellbound, Memento Mori I & II, Going Down and JPCP. Those are great too

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I saw decino playing SunLust and Microslaughter Community Project. Quite honestly, i'll give them a try later. After I've finished with plutonia xd 

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Deus Vult Map 5, especially for its time, is IMO the single most ambitious and technically impressive vanilla DOOM map ever. 

As far as wads themselves go: Scythe 2, Hellground, Eternal Doom, Alien Vendetta, Hellbound, Sunlust, Heartland, and Community Chest 4 are IMO filled with very ambitious maps.

Edited by i suck at nicknames

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180 Minutes Pour Vivre:

If you liked the gameplay of Eviternity and Ancient Aliens, you absolutely need to play 180 Minutes Pour Vivre, it has similar vibes. But even beyond gameplay similarities, 180 minutes pour vivre is a very impressive 32-map MegaWAD. Almost any map is memorable in some way, be it due to the unique quirks, interesting callbacks to classical PWADs and IWADs, smooth gameplay flow, memorable visual design, or multiple things from the above list. In particular, any map in slots from 22 to 30 has multiple memorable traits. But you should try to play every map from this WAD. They are very diverse and inventive.


Struggle: Antaresian Legacy:

32-map megawad by Antares031 with expansive interconnected maps. Also includes complete weapon rebalancing and lots of changes to monster roster. Revenants are surprisingly evil, despite having zero homing missiles! The spider mastermind will destroy a cyberdemon in a duel! The chaingun is balanced with SSG! Of particular interest are the rocket-powered BFG replacement and the extremely beefy plasma rifle analogue. Check at least maps 17, 20, 27, 28 and 29. Final boss is also pretty crazy and memorable, even if simple in basic concept (Like Lava flood).


Antaresian Reliquary:

Like Struggle, this 6+1 map PWAD includes serious weapon rebalancing. Of particular interest is chaingun-plasmagun-BFG triangle. For example, the plasmagun is balanced relative to both BFG and chaingun! Bet, you did not see this one coming! Maps 01 and 02 are nice, if rather straightforward in design. But you absolutely need to play maps 03, 04, 05, 06. Each map has an unique sense of place and mood. Gameplay is also very strong, blurring the line between exploration and large-scale challenge gameplay, approaching mini-slaughter on some arenas of maps 5 and 6.


Lost civilization:

Super chill, very intricately designed WAD. Maps are HUGE. Like really huge, and full of Doomcute, natural beauty and cozy locations. The resulting gameplay resembles hiking on a nice trail. Very unique brand of gameplay, and truly amazing feat of map design. Oh, and there is also <spoiler>, when you reach <spoiler> at map<spoiler> and proceed to <spoiler> while dealing with jumping candelabras.


Dimensions of the Boomed:

How far a Boom-compatible Doom WAD can can go? Well, it can feel like Quake, if one is dedicated enough. And Urthar was extremely dedicated while making this WAD. Dimensions of the Boomed is simple in concept, but insanely impressive in execution. Sometimes you completely forget that you are a playing a Doom engine game!

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My definition of an ambitious set is probably different from yours but I'm going to roll with it.  I see some of my suggestions already listed (Avactor, A.L.T) so I'll add Bloody Steel, Deus Vult 2, and Eternal Doom 4: Return from Oblivion to the list.  Alfonzone?  Hmm, feels conventionally Doomy most of the time but it does have its exotic concept maps too.

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