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Nugget Doom 3.1.0 (updated May 16th, '24)


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so I tested the latest NUGHUD changes and I like what I saw, keep up the good work!


PS: what are your thoughts on

A) hiding armor and armoricon widgets if the player has no armor points?

B) adding a HealthIcon widget which would show MEDIA0 by default and PSTRA0 when Berserk has been picked up? 


Edited by liPillON

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3 minutes ago, liPillON said:

A) hiding armor and armoricon widgets for values==0?

So, hiding them if you have no armor at all? Sounds interesting, I'll think about it.


5 minutes ago, liPillON said:

B) replacing MEDIA0 with PSTRA0 when the Berserk has been picked up?

Using MEDIA0 as a static Patch, I presume. Not too sure of that. Why not use Arms number 1 instead?

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24 minutes ago, Alaux said:

Why not use Arms number 1 instead?


that would require adding/distribyte IWAD content (the PSTRA sprite) to/with the HUD pwad (renaming it to NHW1NUM1) 

and when paired with a mapset/mod pwad which overrides the stock sprite, the HUD will always display the vanilla Berskerk pickup


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2 minutes ago, liPillON said:

that would require adding/distribyte IWAD content (the PSTRA sprite) to/with the HUD pwad (renaming it to NHW1NUM1) 

and when paired with a mapset/mod pwad which overrides the stock sprite, the HUD will always display the vanilla Berskerk pickup

Right. What about a Health icon, like the Armor and Ammo ones?

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2 hours ago, Alaux said:


Excuse me, I don't want to go off topic but most of that doesn't sound right:

  Reveal hidden contents

- You should be able to enable the "Secret Revealed" message (Options -> Messages), which does play a sound;

- You should also be able to speed up Automap zooming by holding down the Run key (should be Shift);

- What exactly do you mean by Automap lines being wonky? In what resolution?;
- You can unbind Home from opening the Setup Options, I did so myself.


If you're going to reply, feel free to do so in Nugget's thread so we don't clutter here.


I'll try those options as mentioned. Thanks for replying!

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I don't check the Automap often but I noticed the doors are all white, I was like ok this is a change from other main ports but then I saw in the Automap settings that the doors actually are set with the right colors, are they showing white because of a bug or am I missing something?


Oh ..that map doesn't actually have any keys.


Thanks for your patience guys, I'm an older tech/geeky dude and sometimes I feel I'm enjoying playing with ports and settings more than the actual game, let's try to change that.

Edited by CacoKnight

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On 10/28/2023 at 11:45 PM, Alaux said:

Right. What about a Health icon, like the Armor and Ammo ones?


just tested the lastest commits




*chef's kiss*


still a work in progress, though.. I'll release it officially when the next nugget version will land

(meanwhile, I've added it to your github's "huds showcase" discussion )


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11 minutes ago, liPillON said:


just tested the lastest commits

  Reveal hidden contents



*chef's kiss*


still a work in progress, though.. I'll release it officially when the next nugget version will land

(meanwhile, I've added it to your github's "huds showcase" discussion )



The armor/ammo sprites aren't showing up for me, is there some setting needed to have them appear?

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this HUD take advantage of features not yet available in official releases

you need to use the latest nightly build from github


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2 minutes ago, CacoKnight said:

Is there a way to make the horizontal level stats bar a little bit smaller?

This one?



If so, there isn't.

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Yep that one and no problem at all, I kind of like the "get used to it or get rekt" attitude. I always like to customize stuff/see different option if possible.


BUT, there should be a way to change the color of the time.

Edited by CacoKnight

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19 minutes ago, Lila Feuer said:

Is there a way to change the color of the KIS labels?

The "K", "I", "S" letters themselves? No, only the colors of the stats.


21 minutes ago, Lila Feuer said:

Also is there a way to toggle the % part of the kills stat.

There isn't either.


I might make some CFG-only settings for these later.

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Hey everyone.


Although I was a bit skeptical to do it, I made a Discord server for Nugget Doom, for the sake of receiving and requesting feedback from users.


Currently, I'm looking for feedback on an experimental branch which implements intermediate resolution settings (stuff like 3X and 6X), so if any of you would like to help by testing said branch, here's an invite link to the server; if you join, check out the #res-info channel for more details.

Edited by Alaux

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I've been testing the new res all day since the "release" on GitHub Actions, no issues so far. Also I've been using 800p, I don't think I care about anything higher.

Edited by CacoKnight

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I LOVE the latest commit, which reminds user of which resolution the game is actually running at as a result of the various settings (multiplier, wudescreen, aspect ratio correction, integer scaling, ...)

Edited by liPillON

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5 hours ago, CacoKnight said:

If anyone is interested.. Nugget Doom Resolutions

For those out of the loop, only half of these resolutions are available in the master branch and latest release. I'm working to implement the rest for the next release.


3 hours ago, liPillON said:

I LOVE the latest commit, which reminds user of which resolution the game is actually running at as a result of the various settings (multiplier, wudescreen, aspect ratio correction, integer scaling, ...)

The setting only takes renderer resolution ("multiplier" as you put it), widescreen and aspect ratio correction into account, so it reports the resolution the game is trying to run at, as to tell you how far off you are from your native resolution. Admittedly, I'm not sure if the way it works currently is the most useful, but it's certainly useful for me.

Edited by Alaux

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On 11/5/2023 at 10:37 PM, CacoKnight said:

there should be a way to change the color of the time.


On 11/6/2023 at 6:28 PM, Lila Feuer said:

Is there a way to change the color of the KIS labels?




On 11/6/2023 at 6:28 PM, Lila Feuer said:

Also is there a way to toggle the % part of the kills stat.


Also done.

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Can't believe I waited so long to try this out. I'd heard it mentioned around but never gave it much attention, partly because of the name, the posts I saw recommending it never really went into details, and I didn't think Woof was missing anything that needed a fork to remedy. But the features look like a lot of fun and I'm excited to play through a wad or two in this port to get to know it.


Reading about the chaingun being able to use a custom "DSCHGUN" lump is awesome and reminds me that I have one to share if anyone's interested. It's just "DSSHOTGN" but with a natural tail instead of the pump sound effect, using the same source "Explosion - Large Explosion 06" from Sound Ideas Series 6000.

dschgun-lippeth.wad (MediaFire link)

Edited by Lippeth

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I am a big proponent of higher resolutions (actually just 4x) and I'm going to say this, I don't think any port needs anything over 800p. I've compared some screenshots again last night and there is barely any difference between 4x and 9x even and seeing the benchmarks from @liPillON on GitHub the specs get obliterated after you pass 800p.

@Alaux , wouldn't just keep 1x, 2x, 4x give you more peace in mind and less work instead of trying to "fix"/integrate something that's, IMO, not really necessary?


Maybe there are some other motivations I don't know but like the previous comment said, thanks again and so much for your hard work man, Nugget absolutely rocks.

Edited by CacoKnight

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Just wanna say if I haven't already, this port is fantastic and deserves all the accolades it has been getting. It feels like an amalgamation of every feature a player could want in a source port, without straying beyond the feel of the original game. I'm honored to be a tester, and hats off to Alaux for pulling this all together.


Weapon inertia is so damn cool!



Edited by Ludi

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On 11/16/2023 at 7:06 PM, CacoKnight said:

I've compared some screenshots again last night and there is barely any difference between 4x and 9x even and seeing the benchmarks from @liPillON on GitHub the specs get obliterated after you pass 800p.

@Alaux , wouldn't just keep 1x, 2x, 4x give you more peace in mind and less work instead of trying to "fix"/integrate something that's, IMO, not really necessary?


I gather that you have a 1440p display, right? If so, resolutions beyond 6X -- which, when corrected, corresponds to 1440p -- should be useless for you since your display obviously can't accommodate them, so you couldn't tell the difference between 6X and the following resolutions anyways. At least, I think it wouldn't improve fidelity; it might differ a bit because of the higher-fidelity window being downscaled to fit your display.


In any case, supporting resolutions beyond 4X doesn't seem to require much effort (I remember there being a single bug exclusive to 8X when we first implemented higher resolutions), so if someone has a 4K display and wants to make use of it, I guess I can give them the chance.

It is apparent that supporting higher max resolutions (whether you use them or not) is detrimental to performance, but I think it is justified. Though, if many other users were to collectively agree with you on that the increase in fidelity becomes negligible at some point, I guess I could reduce the max resolution at some point if it successfully restores a reasonable chunk of performance.


On 11/16/2023 at 7:47 PM, Ludi said:

Weapon inertia is so damn cool!


Props to @ceski for that!

Edited by Alaux

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6 hours ago, Ludi said:

Just wanna say if I haven't already, this port is fantastic and deserves all the accolades it has been getting. It feels like an amalgamation of every feature a player could want in a source port, without straying beyond the feel of the original game. I'm honored to be a tester, and hats off to Alaux for pulling this all together.


Weapon inertia is so damn cool!



Nugget is da GOAT.

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