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You and three other mappers get together to make a mapset/megawad. Who do you pick?


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In this hypothetical scenario, you and three other Doom mappers are having a chat about some arbitrary topic. Probably something Doom-related, given the premise of this thread. Anyway, everyone's contributing to the conversation and having fun. Then suddenly, someone says: "We should get together and make a mapset." Everybody agrees and gets right to work to make their first map for the awesome new WAD that everybody ends up loving and mentionating for a Cacoward.


The question is, who are the other mappers? Which three other awesome people would your dream team consist of?


My personal picks would be Salmon for the atmospheric (but no less tense combat-wise) early maps, RonnieJamesDiner for the mid-game quasi-slaughter and Bridgeburner for the late-game/secret level slaughtermaps with grandiose architecture. I would make the bulk of the early maps, with the harder ones generally being by the latter two of my three partners-in-crime. But I would have contributions across the board - mapping across all "episodes", playtesting, original music, general creative direction, possibly some parts of (or even entire) map layouts in the later maps. Maybe we would even do some map-swapping between each other, expanding upon each other's maps and doing thing placement in areas where the other one wasn't sure what to do with it.


What about you?


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Because of this: 



Because i have worked with them already and i know their mapping styles good enough

Edited by Chainie

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Three is too difficult for me to dilute to unfortunately, so I'll do three sets


No particular order


1. @Death Bear

2. @myolden

3. @Peccatum Mihzamiz



2. @muumi

3. @ViolentBeetle


1. @Danlex

2. @Steve88

3. @Pegleg


I can think of about 20 other mappers or so I'd love to work with. The fact I haven't done any non-speedmapping work with these folks is a rotten shame.

Edited by BluePineapple72

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Just off the top of my head, Xaser, NaturalTvventy, Darkwave0000


And on a different day, particularly magical day, Vader, Espi and Lutz.


Also skillsaw, just on his own, because he produces the content of three mappers.





Edited by Kyka

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Anyone even remotely familiar with my inane ramblings could tell you who I'd pick...

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That said...

  On 10/20/2021 at 3:54 PM, Roofi said:

I seriously don't know but who wants to work with me? :p


after Ventose, I'd grab you in a heartbeat for this hypothetical. That map is legit my favourite released this year (out of the ~400 odd that I've played), and my third favourite of all time (after NEIS' E4M6 and E3M7). Truly, a masterpiece of the highest caliber.

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1: I would have loved to work alongside the old TNT members during the height of their 90's/2000's careers, their stuff is absolutely legendary, now specifically it would be Ty Halderman, his Evilution map Wormhole is honestly what got me into the idea of mapping as I looked upon that map and said "I wanna make this", and if you've played a certain one of my Nova contributions you'd see me try it. Ty was a great mapper and a really pleasant guy, his contributions have left a legendary legacy, rest in peace man.


2: Speaking of Nova I would love to work with the Nova 1 team again, specifically@dobu gabu maru and @kildeth. They were tremendous to map along side with and their feedback and edits (especially the edits Dobu did to my contribution in Nova 2) made it a very welcoming and enjoyable experience, I haven't really properly mapped in a team since then but man what a first outing it was!


3: @Doomkid, I like the cut of this man's jib, he's got great taste and he makes great 90's flavoured levels/mods (it's literally my favourite style). Every interaction I have had with Doomkid has been nothing but pleasant and I'm glad I could work alongside him in Deathmatch Revival, even if it was just 1 duel map. Great guy, good stuff, top job.




With all that said, I am 95% likely to not map with someone because it takes me like 2 years to make anything.

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Cool topic idea.

I'm going to pick mappers that I haven't actually worked with yet for this. I've been lucky enough to have worked with/am currently working with a myriad of mappers that could constitute any number of dream teams. I've given this a bit of thought (but not too much otherwise I'll never make a decision lol) so here we go.


1. Huy Pham.

Playing Deus Vult was a real watershed moment for me. Never before had I seen maps of such hellish splendor and it not often has it been topped since. And then there's Unholy Cathedral from DV2 which to this day remains my favorite map of all time. Flawless.

2. Dannebubinga.

The other half of the mighty Sunlust duo  and often flying below the radar. While Ribbiks is a God like mapper, I think Danne's style is more my thing and I'd love to see more work from them. 

3. Velvetic 

Atmospheric Extinction's visual design is one of the few releases to really make me go 'woah' and from a first release no less. I know that they're working on a udmf map currently so they've already joined the dark side 😈. Time.to unleash the hell within.

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  On 10/20/2021 at 4:42 PM, Omniarch said:

Anyone even remotely familiar with my inane ramblings could tell you who I'd pick...

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That said...

after Ventose, I'd grab you in a heartbeat for this hypothetical. That map is legit my favourite released this year (out of the ~400 odd that I've played), and my third favourite of all time (after NEIS' E4M6 and E3M7). Truly, a masterpiece of the highest caliber.




Thank you ! Even if I  was joking. :p I need to be more prolific. I don't have made a real ambitious map this year. Maybe on Deadly Standards 4 if I still have time....


To answer the author's question , it would be something like that for me :


1. Jonas Feragen

2. George Fiffy (A pretty obscure slaughtermapper from the 90's)

3. Death-Destiny

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  On 10/20/2021 at 4:10 PM, Kyka said:


And on a different day, particularly magical day, ... Espi ...


Hi Steve, glad to see you mention Espi (RIP) always present with us

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I still do not know how to map; that said, Kurashiki, Skillsaw, and Erik Alm are cool mappers that I would like to work with someday.


Or, alternatively, perhaps a musician-turned-mapper collab with Esselfortium, Jimmy, and Stewboy.

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Well of course I'd like to work with insane_gazebo, noreason, and scotty, three mappers I really like, but the truth of the matter is I don't think I work well creatively with others and I doubt they'd want to work with me.

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My alternative option for less challenge oriented combat is:

1. Erik Alm

2. Huy Pham

3. Skillsaw


My option for challenge combat is above somewhere:


1. Ribbiks

2. Insanegazebo

3. Zzul

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It would be just the right mixture of beautiful, frustratingly difficult, and overall asinine.

Edited by TMD

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1. @Paf
2. @Dusty_Rhodes

3. @OpenRift


We'd make a nice deathmatch mapset together, or even a set of normal maps. I trust Paf with hard levels, Dusty with short and sweet, combat-oriented levels, and OpenRift with good design process and leadership abilities.


However, my dream mapmaker team would be, more than likely:


1. Romero (I like the aesthetic of his maps a lot. SIGIL is a masterpiece, and not to mention his levels in the original Doom(s), which are the best in the game)
2. @skillsaw (He's just really good at making some modern levels. BTSX, Valiant, and Ancient Aliens have some ridiculous stuff going on. Very talented man.)
3. @Jimmy (I really like his music, and his maps are also really good. Deathless and Earthless have been really great, and I appreciate the somewhat vanilla, but also somewhat modernist, style of his mapping.)


If working with any of the "legends" or alumni, I would choose also:


1 and 2: Casali Brothers [We've got Dario, but no Milo :(]
3: Ty Halderman [May he R.I.P]

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Me, myself and I.

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I've worked with three mappers so far, two of which was for a project that I was clearly too green for, so I guess I'd just pick those three to collab with again 

Edited by Xyzzy01

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It's a bit hard to say as it's been a while since I've played any Doom for more than 30 minutes before quitting or getting bored unless it's my own map (truthfully and sadly enough).


The three that first come to mind are Jimmy, @Dragonfly , and @RiviTheWarlock - but that's probably I've been hanging out with them a lot on Discord. haha


I know I would also enjoy collaborating with @MAN_WITH_GUN, as we have made pretty similar maps in terms of combat and experimentation, and have played each other's stuff.


Edited by Dunn (& Dunn)

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