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[NaNoWADMo 2021] Charcoal - A limit-removing speedmap megawad

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Charcoal is a limit-removing megawad that I made during 2021's NaNoWADMo event. Consisting of 21 maps, the set is divided into 4 "chapters", each with their own theme, and follows a loose narrative about entering a weird-looking dimension and destroying a machine that towers over its expanse.

Each map for Charcoal was made as a speedmap in 75 minutes or less, so the overall experience is pretty breezy as far as its lifespan is concerned, being beatable in about 30 minutes. The gameplay starts out fairly relaxed but gets more intense towards the end, with the last few maps being almost slaughter-like and providing some gameplay concepts that I hope are positively unorthodox.

IWAD: doom2.wad
Port: Limit-removing
Map #: MAP01-21
Mode(s): SP only
Difficulty settings: No
Tested with: Crispy Doom 5.10.3, PrBoom+, GZDoom 4.5.0
Estimated play time: ~30 minutes




NOTE FOR GZDOOM USERS: It is highly recommended that you play this with the renderer set to software mode, as the sky transfer effects in MAP15-21 don't render properly in the hardware renderer.


Map list and music/texture credits are in the spoiler below.






Chapter 1: Techbase

MAP01: Humble Beginnings

MAP02: Up Down Up

MAP03: Getting There

MAP04: Meeting the Fatsons

MAP05: Into the Deep Dark


Chapter 2: Castle

MAP06: The Abyss Stairs Back

MAP07: Put Your Pants Back On

MAP08: Watchtower Massacre

MAP09: Downward Spiral

MAP10: Urban Assault


Chapter 3: Urban

MAP11: 'Splode 'Em, Flame 'Em

MAP12: Open Box Death Party

MAP13: Fast Track to Brown Town

MAP14: Pain Cave

MAP15: The Edge of Reality


Chapter 4: Void

MAP16: Steep Upward Ramp

MAP17: Moshpit

MAP18: Deathical Difficulties

MAP19: Patty Whacker

MAP20: Adequate Endings



MAP21: Thanks for Playing




Title: "Opening to Hell (Remix)" by MFG38
Intermission: "Guardhouse (1st Floor)" from Resident Evil
Text screen: "Frozen in Time" from Metroid Fusion


MAP01: "Stage 3 - City Center" from Ninja Warriors (SNES)
MAP02: "Stage 1" from Ninja Gaiden Shadow
MAP03: "Boomer Kuwanger's Stage" from Mega Man X
MAP04: "Flying Battery Zone: Act 1" from Sonic & Knuckles
MAP05: "Industen" from ActRaiser 2
MAP06: "Haunting Echoes" by Jimmy
MAP07: "Temple" from ActRaiser
MAP08: "Queen's Dream" by Ribbiks
MAP09: "Decadence of God" from Breath of Fire 2
MAP10: "Malek's Bastion" from Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain
MAP11: "Black Fortress" from Bomberman 64
MAP12: "Omnidirectional Ass-Kicking" by Jimmy
MAP13: "Root of M" by MFG38
MAP14: "BSL Laboratory" from Metroid Fusion
MAP15: "Scene of Pandemonium" from Dungeon Master (SNES)
MAP16: "Party is Dead" by Ribbiks
MAP17: "Integrated Massive Arm Cannon" by MFG38
MAP18: "Library" from Resident Evil 2
MAP19: "Cathedral 1" from Chrono Trigger
MAP20: "SA-X Arrival" from Metroid Fusion
MAP21: "Sunny Skies" by MFG38



Cage's Texture Pack by Cage
Deconstruct Texture Pack by stecki
GothicTX by Gothic Team
Quake Texture Pack: original textures by id Software, converted by Ceeb


Chapter 1-3 skies from OTEX by Ola "ukiro" Björling
Chapter 4 skies from Mek's Box o' Skies by Mechadon



Edited by MFG38

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Update: Quick hotfix to make the final "boss" actually beatable in GZDoom when not using mouselook. Same download link.

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Cheers for the vid, @Biodegradable! Not gonna lie, it was slightly painful to watch you keep missing the elevator in MAP02 for that long. :P I pushed out a small update to (hopefully) telegraph it slightly better.


Also, any reference to the Zandronum logo in the shape of MAP14 is purely coincidental.

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