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[NaNoWADMo 2021] Doom Hockey RC1 - A Multiplayer GZDoom Mod

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Doom Hockey is a multiplayer mod for GZDoom made over two NaNoWADMo sessions, last year and this year. Up to eight people total (four per team) can play hockey at once, and all manner of weapons and ammo will drop to make it easier or harder to get the puck in the goal. Matches are also configurable in the post-game lobby - set a time limit (or remove it), or a First To 3/5/10 Goals (or just play until the clock runs out). You can even set the spawn rate of items or turn them off completely!


This was a lot of ZScript learning for me over the last year and change, and with the limited playtesting I got done the scripts seem pretty stable online! I'm glad to finally have this out and ready to go into people's ZDL launchers. Down the line I might add in more rinks and other features, but for right now I want to sit back and slap some pucks.


Requirements: GZDoom 4.7.1, ZDL 3-1.1, Doom 2 v1.9

The requirements have all been tested with, I can't guarantee this mod working without the same versions!


Download: Doom Hockey Itch.io Page


Discord for arranging some playtesting: Doom Hockey Playtesting


Gameplay Video (footage is from beta playtesting, visuals have been improved since):





Edited by Dieting Hippo

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