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Infested - a GZDoom/UDMF mapset - Episode 3 in development!

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14 minutes ago, Firedust said:

Gorgeous screenshots! How many maps are you planning in total?


I've got plans for a third episode (4 maps), but after that, I'm not sure.


Another idea I've been considering for future works is a community project that uses the gore nest concept. With a little bit of code cleanup, the core scripting would be very portable and the hooks would be fairly easy for other mappers to use. However, GZDoom community projects often struggle to get going, so I'm not sure. It might be possible to mimic the gore nest fights in MBF21 but some of the other custom stuff would have to go.

Edited by ginc

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Well, this one is certainly the hardest of the mapset!

Is it legit now to nominate this to Cacoward? Or 1 episode is enough?

The gore nest, where monsters kept randomly teleporting around while me trying to circle strafe, took me most of the time to clean up (Maybe it has to do with it being the third in my playthrough).

The Hell Shamans sometimes summoned their wards through walls and even different floors. I guess that not how they were intended to work? 

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15 minutes ago, unraveler said:

The gore nest, where monsters kept randomly teleporting around while me trying to circle strafe, took me most of the time to clean up (Maybe it has to do with it being the third in my playthrough).

For that one I made it so the monsters teleport to the opposite side if they get too close to the obelisk in the middle. The arena is a smooth circle and I wanted to break up the strafe pattern just enough keep players on their toes.


15 minutes ago, unraveler said:

The Hell Shamans sometimes summoned their wards through walls and even different floors. I guess that not how they were intended to work? 

The Hell Shamans do lob their totems a small distance, they are affected by gravity, and most importantly they will summon them even when they don't have line-of-sight to the player... but if they're doing it straight through walls/floors then I'll have to investigate.


15 minutes ago, unraveler said:

Is it legit now to nominate this to Cacoward? Or 1 episode is enough?

I'm glad you like it, and you're welcome to mention it in the mentionation thread if you think its worthy, but I'm actually not sure what their rules are on episodic content, especially since Episode 1 won one last year.

Edited by ginc

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So I have a few fixes to put in for MAP08:

- Texture and portal alignment fixes

- Monster spawn area adjustments for the flyer spawn near the red skull key, so that they can't be killed from the window and don't get stuck in the spike pit

- Outdoor monster spawn at the bottom of the canyon should be a little more crazy now

- Hell Shaman Totems should no longer "climb" ledges when deployed

- Hell Shamans are now mandatory kills in each Gore Nest phase


If anyone else has feedback and/or found issues, I'll put in tweaks/fixes for those in as well... but other than that, I'm pretty much ready to release this coming weekend.

Edited by ginc

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Infested Episode 2 is now released! At this point, if any further problems come up then I'll do more fixes, but I'm happy with it so here it is!


Download here: Click


For details, check the Original Post.

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Very nice maps.


There seems to be a small problem on map06 though, ending doesn't work properly. Ended the level after executing command "pukename EndMapScript" in console, seems to be correct there.



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57 minutes ago, Archi said:

(MAP06 ending script bug)


Thank you for finding that, UDB has a nasty habit of occasionally breaking line specials that use named scripts. There's an arcane reason for it (ie. Boris gives a weird but perfectly reasonable explanation), but that doesn't make it any less annoying because I didn't actually make any changes to the line special in question.

Fix incoming so people can do continuous play without having to puke the script in console.


Edit: Fixed with v2.01 and uploaded. Download links are the same as before.

Edited by ginc

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  • 4 weeks later...

Update! v2.02 (Click here) fixes compatibility with Corruption Cards. More specifically, a CCARDS lump has been added, and the card picking mechanics now work without breaking the gore nest monster spawns. However, there's no guarantee that certain cards won't break or unbalance things.

No gameplay changes have been made in this version, its strictly a fix.


Some people on the ZDoom forums have been asking about mod compatibility, and right now my answer is that some mods should work in theory, but it isn't a design goal for this project. If there are any quick-and-easy fixes I'm down to make them, but stuff like weapon and ammo replacements gets a bit tricky. For example, Supercharge has ammo pickup replacements that leave some Infested weapons without any ammo pickups.


Also, if anyone wants to watch some Infested gameplay video with dev commentary, here are my playthroughs of Episode 1 and Episode 2!


Episode 1


Episode 2


Edited by ginc

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Played MAP07 without dynamic lighting on thinking that was the way it was intended to be play. These are my emotions right now. 




I would give the WAD 10/10 if it didn't discriminate against retarded people like myself. 


The gore nest gimmicks are really fun and the secrets oftentimes make you feel like you're stumbling into a whole new world. Very charming worldbuilding and style. 



Edited by europe1

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52 minutes ago, europe1 said:

Played MAP07 without dynamic lighting on thinking that was the way it was intended to be play. These are my emotions right now. 

I would give the WAD 10/10 if it didn't discriminate against retarded people like myself. 


Oh jeez, MAP07 is definitely intended to be done with dynamic lights. It probably isn't impossible with them turned off, but I can't imagine it being much fun (or looking that good, for that matter).


In your defense, I think I mentioned in a post on Page 2 that dynamic lights should be turned on, but I don't think I updated the OP to mention it (will fix that now). So a lot of people probably didn't get the info on that one.


Glad you enjoyed the WAD though!

Edited by ginc

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18 minutes ago, ginc said:


Oh jeez, MAP07 is definitely intended to be done with dynamic lights. It probably isn't impossible with them turned off, but I can't imagine it being much fun (or looking that good, for that matter).



I'm fairly new to Doom so when I saw the cave I thought to myself: "Geez so this is like a challenge map? Kind of like those Italo Doom levels Decino LP'd? Seems like a dramatic shift in gameplay but ok I'll give it a go." 


And then I kept thinking: "Eh the darkness segment will probably be over with the next grotto." 


Only by the lava-strewn central grotto with the three pathways did I realize that something was amiss. :D


18 minutes ago, ginc said:


In your defense, I think I mentioned in a post on Page 2 that dynamic lights should be turned on, but I don't think I updated the OP to mention it (will fix that now). So a lot of people probably didn't get the info on that one.


Glad you enjoyed the WAD though!


Don't blame yourself. Blame public schooling for not equipping me with the critical thinking skills necessary to survive. :D

Edited by europe1

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  • 1 month later...

This was on my radar since I took notice of it in the Cacowards.  Only just got around to it a month ago and finding a second episode ready to go was a pleasant surprise.  Combat got intense, frantic, and sometimes rage inducing but I never felt it was unfair.  Played on HMP and other than map 8 where I was kicking myself for not playing on a lower difficulty, felt like the correct setting for my abilities.  Pleasantly surprised how often I could use an infight heavy approach and still win fights; was prepared for it to be mandatory to be more aggressive about eliminating certain threats (other than archviles and pain/rage elementals which are already high priority for me to eliminate as quickly as I can get away with).  I applaud the amount of care into realizing each map's environment and setting (map 3 being a personal favorite to putter around and check out all the world building details) and episode 3 is going to have some really big shoes to fill to match up to this degree of quality.


Played with the Gun Bonsai mod and had no issues with progression.  I may have inadvertently blocked myself from getting 100% kills somehow in some maps but proceeded onwards operating under an assumption that the missing monsters were linked to secrets I had missed.  Even with Gun Bonsai's upgrades, maps still had plenty of spice and intensity.


Secrets really felt secret and I missed at least one on every map.  Found zero on the first map and was not feeling good about it but tracked down all but one on the following map.  Found 5/6 on map 3 and felt really clever tracking down their solutions.  Hnn, enough nattering about my secret counts.  Looking forward to ep. 3, whenever it comes.

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17 hours ago, Crusader No Regret said:

This was on my radar since I took notice of it in the Cacowards.  Only just got around to it a month ago and finding a second episode ready to go was a pleasant surprise.


Looking forward to ep. 3, whenever it comes.


Glad you enjoyed it! I've got plans for the settings and progression of Episode 3, but I have yet to sketch any layouts or draw linedefs - taking a short break from mapping at the moment.


I'm also glad that the difficulty was acceptable, its been hard for me to get it right and nearly all the playtesting has been my own (which can cause blind spots). I probably did err on the side of making the episode-enders particularly ball-busting in parts, although MAP03 has been toned down since its initial release in 2021.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This map-set is huge and very impressive too. May I ask any change we can get a version that compatible with custom weapons and monster? The way monster spawns make it very different to edit, i guess.

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On 2/5/2023 at 7:51 PM, Unregret said:

This map-set is huge and very impressive too. May I ask any change we can get a version that compatible with custom weapons and monster? The way monster spawns make it very different to edit, i guess.


Thanks for playing!


Unfortunately Infested was not built with wide-ranging mod compatibility in mind and due to the tricky actor inheritance and replacement issues (particularly with weapons and ammo) I probably won't get around to fixing that.


However, the vanilla monsters are largely unchanged, so any mod that replaces monsters should work just fine.


As an example: if you load it up with Supercharge, the monster replacements work great (although Infested's custom monsters will remain as variants of vanilla monsters), but the weapons will behave weirdly with incompatible ammo making some of them more or less unusable.


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  • 4 weeks later...

For some reason, whenever you use this with other gameplay mod; the game will freeze shortly after cutscene where player standing near the starting car.

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  • 2 months later...


Many thanks to decino for playing the big boi map of Infested (MAP03) for his user-submitted map series!

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Just now, ginc said:


Many thanks to decino for playing the big boi map of Infested (MAP03) for his user-submitted map series!


yea that was a fun watch just a few moments ago for me! decided to download ep 2 and will play that eventually :)

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i took a look at the Zscript for the Mama caco after noticing that they don't bite when you get up-close. Looks like they don't do their melee attack because its radius is larger than the default melee range (45 vs 44). Is this intended?



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1 hour ago, Gregor said:

i took a look at the Zscript for the Mama caco after noticing that they don't bite when you get up-close. Looks like they don't do their melee attack because its radius is larger than the default melee range (45 vs 44). Is this intended?


Good catch - they definitely are too chonky to bite you right now. I noticed this a while back, and it isn't intended, but I guess I forgot about actually fixing it because it doesn't really change gameplay too much. Maybe in a future version.

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On 5/11/2023 at 2:41 AM, Gregor said:

i took a look at the Zscript for the Mama caco after noticing that they don't bite when you get up-close. Looks like they don't do their melee attack because its radius is larger than the default melee range (45 vs 44). Is this intended?



Maybe they are trying to educate their children by personal example?

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  • 4 months later...



After taking a break from mapping for most of 2023, I got back to it in July. The first map of Episode 3 is now complete and a test build has been uploaded:



This map (and episode 3 in general) will make use of Brightmaps, so enable them if performance isn't an issue!


MAP10 - The Valkyrie

~270 monsters (on UV), 2 nests, medium-ish difficulty. As usual, 4 difficulties are supported.



Edited by ginc

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Well, time to re-play VVVVVV after so long!

Found some visual glitch after clearing the green gore-nest and looking from some angle


Edited by unraveler

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Alright, played it twice to see how it goes when doing things differently.

On the first playthrough, I did Green → Purple, and two enemies failed to teleport (Plasma-dude and Stoned Imp).

On the second, doing Purple → Green, they have managed to teleport to the upper dinning hall (after I've obtained the yellow key, and after some delay when I've finished cleaning the ambush wave), and I've got 100% kills.

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3 hours ago, unraveler said:

Alright, played it twice to see how it goes when doing things differently.

On the first playthrough, I did Green → Purple, and two enemies failed to teleport (Plasma-dude and Stoned Imp).

On the second, doing Purple → Green, they have managed to teleport to the upper dinning hall (after I've obtained the yellow key, and after some delay when I've finished cleaning the ambush wave), and I've got 100% kills.


Thanks again for testing! How was it for ammo/health availability and overall difficulty?

And the laser spiders... I might make balance changes to those guys later, on this map they feel a bit underpowered but I worry about them being too dangerous on more open maps.


I think I know which 2 monsters you're talking about getting stuck... I'm not sure how to reproduce this problem, but it has occasionally happened for me as well. Going to mess around with the closets and see if I can fix it.


As for the green spikes in the air... that looks like an oversight, its probably the spike barrier from the upper deck getting lowered into the bottom area :)

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It felt quite easier comparing to previews maps, to be honest. Ammo and health were pretty fine.

And about the Arachno-Viles - Can't really say for sure; this map has so many covers to take that I can't really assess their quality.

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On 10/23/2022 at 1:13 PM, ginc said:


I've got plans for a third episode (4 maps), but after that, I'm not sure.


Another idea I've been considering for future works is a community project that uses the gore nest concept. With a little bit of code cleanup, the core scripting would be very portable and the hooks would be fairly easy for other mappers to use. However, GZDoom community projects often struggle to get going, so I'm not sure. It might be possible to mimic the gore nest fights in MBF21 but some of the other custom stuff would have to go.


Episode 3 - Map 4 final boss should be a gore nest full of John Romero and Commander Keen clones.  :D

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