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Infested - a GZDoom/UDMF mapset - Episode 3 in development!

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4 minutes ago, unraveler said:

It felt quite easier comparing to previews maps, to be honest. Ammo and health were pretty fine.

And about the Arachno-Viles - Can't really say for sure; this map has so many covers to take that I can't really assess their quality.


Ok, the reduced difficulty is what I was going for - its the start of an episode so I want it to be a bit of a breather, especially for someone coming from MAP08.


The spiders are going to be more of a threat in MAP11, and I might decide later to not introduce them in MAP10. The idea is to introduce them to the player in a less threatening way, but players might not even see them firing in such a cramped map. I might also give them the same infighting exception as the Arch-Vile, since they really don't make friends when they start firing their laser :)

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Just FYI for anyone wondering - GZDoom 4.11.0 (the latest version released on 2023-09-25) breaks the BFG in Infested 2.03 and 3.0 test build 01. I didn't notice until now because there isn't a BFG in MAP10, but anyone trying to play MAP03 or most of episode 2 would find the BFG unable to fire.


Basically, GZDoom fixed a bug with CheckAmmo() and a side effect of this is that it ruined my extremely lazy implementation of a custom ammo type for the BFG. I only needed to add a few lines to fix it.


I posted a fix for the stable version, which is now updated to 2.04. This fix will also be included in the next test build - it isn't necessary for testing MAP10 since there is no BFG in it.

Edited by ginc

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  • 5 weeks later...

Sorry for not commenting right away, I hadn't been here for a while.

About this new map, well…


Edited by unraveler

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So apparently MAP11's start is bugged if you come from MAP10, but if you just go directly to the map ("map map11" in console) it should work fine.

You're meant to start floating in the air and land on that platform (there's a linedef there that turns gravity back on again), but I'm guessing that coming from MAP10 lets you fall for a short distance before the scripting starts for whatever reason. I'll put in a workaround, but for now you can still test the map itself if you like.


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Well, overall certainly fun and intense map, those sniping pink spiders are definitely having the time of their life here!

Also, love the new secret sound.

Speaking of map10, this guy's kinda ruining the kills count


Edited by unraveler

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't have another test build yet and probably won't for a while, but I just wanted to report that MAP12: Acclimatization is in development.

It is going to be the big boy map of the episode, and it is inspired by Metroid Fusion, which gives a clue about what to expect in the domes attached to this space station.





There will be a MAP13 to end the episode, and if I don't run out of steam then I have some ideas for an Episode 4 to end the series (2-3 more maps). Hoping to get this done in 2024, but we'll see :)

Edited by ginc

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