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[NaNoWADMo] Seeds, a Doom DM mapset made in a week

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A short DeathMatch episode for Ultimate Doom, inspired by the random seed map generator choices in Doom Builder X.


Screenshots in spolier:










IWAD: Doom.wad

Slot: E1M1 - E1M4, E1M9

Port: Vanilla Doom

Tested with: chocorenderlimits, vanilla doom exe on dosbox (for the first two maps), zandronum 3.1 alpha

New graphics: Title screen, title lumps and new sky graphic by @Chainie

New music: Yes

Known bugs: E1M9 have a massive DRAWSEGS bug on chocorenderlimits, but it's playable in vanilla doom. Preferably play this map with a limit removing source port for better experience. Also the midi in E1M4 is a little buggy.


I need to know if these wads have the best performance for DM play with human players (if possible) or just ironing out eventual bugs and errors. If nothing will be found, all


Level list in spoiler:


E1M1 - Illogical Plagues

E1M2 - Southern Shaft

E1M3 - A Spine of Finding

E1M4 - Obscurus Point

E1M9 - Nukage Mayhem


....yeah, i've used the random level name generator by team hellspawn for the map titles, for adding more randomness to this already pretty random project!


Music used in spoiler:


E1M1 - Bobby Prince - At Doom's gate

E1M2 - Rhapsody of fire - Holy Thunderforce

E1M3 - Genesis - Turn it on Again

E1M4 - Slayer - Show no Mercy

E1M9 - Primus - Wynona's Big Brown Beaver


Have fun! Hope you like it!

Edited by Walter confetti

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