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Your doom head-canons?


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As the title states, what's your head-canons for Doom, whether it be for the classic duology and it's expansion packs, or the more experimental, but ultimately disappointing Doom 3 and it's expansions. Or I even dare say, head-canons you have with NU-Doom. I know for me, there are several, for instance, the UAC did the portal experiments on purpose for people to see them as the victim rather then a generic-evil-corporation that they are.


So then! Place your head-canons down below.

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Interesting idea. It's not a subject I've put a lot of thought to, but I like to think of TNT and Plutonia were the adventures or regular marines, trying to buy time for the humans to escape Earth while Doomguy rampaged. And that those portal experiments from Plutonia and the evil spaceship from TNT are linked. A Quake - like dimensional invasion if you will. Nothing really special, I don't think I'm too creative :(


3 minutes ago, CrystalHawk_Doom said:

My headcanon is that Doomguy's name is Carlos, that's all, just Carlos. No last name or anything.

And I call the Cyberdemons Darrell. It just fits, y'know?

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The specific way that Plutonia used monster-teleporting lines in a few arenas has convinced me that Hell Nobles & Arch-Viles are the only beasts in the monster manual who are capable of spellcasting. Any demon can arrive when summoned, but those two monsters are the ones who will repeatedly cast personal teleport spells to blink around the battlefield mid-fight.

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I have been playing with the thought that the UAC uses Doomguy (The Doomguy from Doom 93 and Doom 2) as a cover-up to hide the fact that the UAC fricked up an experiment involving portals to get material to build stronger weapons. Or how did they manage to build the BFG9000 without some exotic material from Hell?

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I think that Doomguys name is Flynn Taggart because in the comics thats his name plus you need to enter it in order to play Doom 2 in doom eternal. Also that in DOOM and DOOM II Doomguy does not work with the uac he was just a uac marine. (which you can say he works with them in that case)

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doomguy threw a world record shotput throw without really knowing the technique but they kept him off the olympic squad cos he would say stuff about how rich people don't deserve to live in front of the IOC

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Just now, BetelgeuseSupergiant said:

Not only skin, also flesh and bones

let's not speak about it. i even felt kinda bad posting the thing, since it's kinda disgusting.

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11 hours ago, head_cannon said:

The specific way that Plutonia used monster-teleporting lines in a few arenas has convinced me that Hell Nobles & Arch-Viles are the only beasts in the monster manual who are capable of spellcasting. Any demon can arrive when summoned, but those two monsters are the ones who will repeatedly cast personal teleport spells to blink around the battlefield mid-fight.

That's super creative, I love it.

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Considering how archaic most the weapons in the game are, I always assumed the UAC typically armed its soldiers with some experimental weaponry that didn't actually work, forcing the grunts to get rid of them. In other words the game is just 'Nam in space.

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I like to think that in the demo recordings in the doom games the people playing, who eventually die, are actually the dead marine corpses you find in those levels.

Edited by Doomsdλy1993

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16 hours ago, Okej5722 said:

As the title states, what's your head-canons for Doom, whether it be for the classic duology and it's expansion packs, or the more experimental, but ultimately disappointing Doom 3 and it's expansions. Or I even dare say, head-canons you have with NU-Doom. I know for me, there are several, for instance, the UAC did the portal experiments on purpose for people to see them as the victim rather then a generic-evil-corporation that they are.


So then! Place your head-canons down below.

the Doomguy is Scottish, and his accent is very very thick.

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The gladiator from Doom Eternal is the last pure-blood Hell Knight, all the other ones were killed by the Doom Marine, the "normal" Hell Knights of Doom 4 and Eternal were created mixing the Martian DNA with Hell Knight DNA before the events of Doom 3

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all demons are remade from the flesh of dead demons. ie the bestiary is manufactured by a higher intelligence using the flesh of fallen demons. This higher intelligence is the Mother Demon or else something roughly equivalent. The reason why the demons look different from each other in every reboot (doom 3, classic doom, doom 64, doom 2016, doom eternal) is because they get "redesigned" after the invasion's failure from the last installment. Mother Demon is not referenced in nuDoom lore from what I've been able to find. But if we're operating under the assumption that doom 64 is canon....as almost everyone is now.....she has to exist (or have existed)

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My headcanon is that the UAC is cursed.


At first they made teleporters, and bam, demons invade through the teleporters. Okay, that makes sense I guess?


But then they try other things. They experiment with genetics. Bam! Test subjects mutate into demons. Weird. Did some demon DNA from the previous invasion contaminated their samples or something?


Anyway they try terraformation of distant planets outside the Goldilock zone. Bam, demon spaceship out of nowhere.


So they figure they'll attempt to find a new energy source. Turns out that this energy? It comes right from Hell. Demons invade from the power sockets.


So the UAC doesn't know what to do next. Print coloring books for children? Crayons turn into demons. Knit socks and scarfs? The wool opens portals to Hell. Go surfing? A shark attacks, and vomits demons.

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In my head, Doomguy is really a kind, sensitive soul who deeply regrets the actions he has been forced to take. He believes all forms of life should be given a chance and...


lol nah. Shoot bad demon, demon go splat. The end. Anything else is window dressing. I have a certain amount of twisted respect for the utter madness of the lore introduced in Doom Eternal and indeed it's kind of interesting, but it needed to be dialed way back, much like many other things to do with that game. The "lore" such as it is from Doom - Doom II - Final Doom - Doom 64 - Doom 2016 - Eternal Doom roughly makes sense (but for some obvious things like the clear retconning of Hayden's precise motivations) and is good enough for me. But no, Doom 3 is clearly not part of that timeline, was never intended to be, and making it fit requires too much mental gymnastics and retconning. It is a standalone thing and any attempts to make it fit are a waste of effort especially since id themselves clearly didn't start to give much thought to lore until Doom 2016. I do actually like Doom 3's lore with the ancient Martian civilisation. I found it engaging. I wish there was more of it in Doom Eternal.

Edited by Murdoch

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Dopefish is Commander Keen's cousin. Samuel Hayden's sentience is housed within Dopefish's body. Dopefish traveled back in time, and then forward, and then back, and then forward. He caught malaria in 1572 only to have it cured in AD300.


That's about how much sense most head-canons make to me.

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Doom 3 is a fever dream Doomguy had while being trapped in hell. He tries to imagine a more normal life than the one he had, but it quickly devolves into the usual shoot demons from hell business. It also showcases how little he thinks of the UAC after all this time by imagining Betruger, whose schemes singlehandedly destroyed the Mars base and brought the UAC down to its knees. 

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Sort of a meta-headcanon, but I've always wanted to believe that The Inmost Dens and The Abandoned Mines were swapped with each other at some point during development, 'cause they're both thematically out of place in their respective "episodes". There's no real evidence of this, of course, but I'm gonna pretend it's a thing regardless. :P

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Mancubus and Arachnotron are best friends who found solace in each other thanks to the other demons bullying them for being "fat" and a "nerd" respectively. Now they're a deadly duo out to prove their satanic contemporaries wrong.

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Another headcanon of mine (even though it's more of a suspicion) is that in Doom 64 the devs accidentally swapped CacoDemons and Pain Elemental sprites

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