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Doom Maps That Take the Form of an Epic Journey


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After replaying Ashes 2063, I'm looking for Doom wadpacks/maps that have a similar feel - playing as an individual on an epic odyssey, fighting their way to a specific goal.


- The Adventures of Square

- Ashes 2063 (The first two maps are more of a cold open)

- Ashes 2063: Dead Man Walking

- Interstellar Enforcer

- Psychophobia (Been awhile, but I remember feeling like the first few maps told a story about a man escaped, fighting his way through bigger and bigger bases) 


Are all maps that had the feel I'm looking for. Know anything like them?

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Take what you will from it but I thought A.L.T. had some pretty memorable moments and felt like there was a good amount of progression in it. Not a total conversion mod tho.

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Phocas Island 2 might be up your alley, although the goal is vague. No spoilers plz.

Edited by Megalyth

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I second A.L.T.


Not all maps in this set are adventure maps, but the entire pack is an adventure. Sacrament is also a good atmospheric mappack (made by the same crew as A.L.T.).

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I'll always recommend Sunder, particularly maps 10, 11, 15, 32, 16, 17, and 19. If you don't mind slaughter. Also map16 from Death in Excess and some maps from Abandon including 13 and 16. There's also the original Deus Vult.

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The original Epic journey map is TNT: Evilution - map20: Central Processing.
That one started the trend of ''holy fuck, that map was almost as large as the whole megawad''.

From that point an on, most mapset usually have a really large and ultra massive map that is an amazing technical effort.
Like Alien Vendetta map20: Misri Halek.

BUT, if you want mapset like those you mentioned, Unloved may fit your bill.
A kinda horror hub style mapset that is pretty much a and epic journey into a nightmare.

Also, EPIC 2 exist, and its probably one of the most EPICS things ever made.

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2 hours ago, Megalyth said:

Phocas Island 2 might be up your alley, although the goal is vague. No spoilers plz.


I checked it out. Not quite the kind of wad I enjoy, but your recommendation is appreciated!


2 hours ago, yourlocalchef said:

Take what you will from it but I thought A.L.T. had some pretty memorable moments and felt like there was a good amount of progression in it. Not a total conversion mod tho.

I've been checking it out and it works very well with some Star Wars mods I have. I found the first map to be relatively clunky though

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20 minutes ago, Doomlover77 said:

One of my epic journeys is Super Sonic Doom travelling through all the zones. Another one is 007ltsd from beginning to end. Both very good. 

007Itsd? Is that a James Bond wad?

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Jade Earth

Lost Civilization




Vrack 3

Deus Vult


Edited by Shepardus

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From my own mapping history: Coils of the Twisted Tale is very much a whole adventure in one map. Should keep you busy for most of an hour on UV.


You could argue both Scourge and 25yoe are also adventures, but the former is crap and both are made up primarily of little maps, so the feel is only there over an extended play.

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I feel "Pirate Doom" is a very cohesive experience, first the pirate theme is executed so well:


monster sprites, music, barks, weapon models, level design. Everything fits, I don't remember a single level which was out of place. 


Then there's a good sense of progression, you start on a humble boat then work way through the isles, levels get better and bigger as you go. 


Having played Secret of Monkey Island is a big plus (to catch some of the references).  

Edited by CrocMagnum

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16 hours ago, Salahmander2 said:

Revolution actually had that feel, most levels lead from one to another. By the end, it's hard to believe your journey started by a train.

I love Revolution. I'd definitely agree with this. Big thanks to @P41R47 for turning me on to the wad, and for his awesome midi pack. 


All the changes in locales and various set piece environments really do make this wad a journey.

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10 minutes ago, Dusty_Rhodes said:

I love Revolution. I'd definitely agree with this. Big thanks to @P41R47 for turning me on to the wad, and for his awesome midi pack. 


All the changes in locales and various set piece environments really do make this wad a journey.

Souls Trapped Between Rotten Bricks is so outstanding, adds to the journey feel. And right at the penultimate level as well!

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Lost Civilization (especially MAP09)

Eternal Doom III

Doomsday of UAC (UAC_Dead)

Deus Vult

The Mucus Flow from Community Chest 2

Misri Halek from AV

Shaman's Device from Community Chest 4

Many maps in Sunder look amazing, especially MAP31 and MAP32

Pirate Doom

Scythe 2 MAP27


Edited by pcorf

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I love adventure stuff as well,my suggestions would be:


Crusades, really detailed vanilla maps for Ultimate Doom. It takes up Episode 4 and uses GothicDM and vanilla textures really well. The maps are non linear, but mostly easy to get around in. Lots of fun. Not narratively focused, but still feels like an adventure. 


Demonfear: a great megawad from 1999, Demonfear has small maps, but they link together in convincing ways. Lots of realistic locations and fun combat. If you play with the midi pack, it adds the story from the text file into the game which adds so much to the experience. I highly recommend it; the story really makes you feel like you're making progress and achieving a goal. It's simple, but adds a lot. Along with Revolution, this is one of my favorite classic wads, and they compliment each other really well. 


Alien Vendetta is a really well known wad, but if you haven't played it, the early maps are very approachable. They focus pretty heavily on exploring outdoor areas and castles, lots of fun and very memorable. 


Phocas Island 2 was mentioned, and I'd suggest giving the first one a shot. Although you did say it wasn't up your alley, so if you're aren't crazy about it that's fine. The first one is more vanilla oriented when it comes to combat mechanics. 


Also Map07 from Community Chest 2 is a great adventure map. It's all about getting a portal up and running. That allows to go to Hell and get a key needed in Earth. Very cool map.


Icarus Alien Vanguard is also very good. It's a Team TNT wad, and narratively driven. It's a little uneven, as it's pretty old, but still really cool. 


Also definitely recommend Epic 2. A big journey through the desert. It's name is very fitting.


Hope this helped. 

Edited by Dusty_Rhodes

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11 minutes ago, pcorf said:

Lost Civilization (especially MAP09)

Eternal Doom III

Doomsday of UAC (UAC_Dead)

Deus Vult

The Mucus Flow from Community Chest 2

Misri Halek from AV

Shaman's Device from Community Chest 4

Many maps in Sunder look amazing, especially MAP31 and MAP32

Pirate Doom

Scythe 2 MAP27


Excellent suggestions, I should have remembered some of the CC4 maps. Great stuff.

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another one that is relatively underrated, and besides the irony of the name its not a joke , is ''The Journey''.
Its an awesome limit removing mapset that has a really amazing feel of progression.
And even when its limit removing, the maps are not that big, in fact, they are quite short.
But the amount of challenge is just right and the last map is an epic fight that close the story.

Highly recommended!

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For some extras takes:

  • Extermination Day: Works like a retelling of Doom 1 and Doom 2 at the same time, you know the drill, invasion in Mars, you're one of the marine that get back to earth, figth in the great areas of the city and urbans, and you know the rest. Mostly to play with Brutal Doom to works with the tanks, vehicles and stuff.
  • Jenesis: Good story to work along and memorable maps sets, also great use of semi-realistic arenas. From map 15 and beyond wait a difficulty spike but still worthy of the story.
  • Going Late 2: This is more like a "memey-epic quest" of going late to work, but many stuffs happens, also humour and grafics works are on point, this is more like slaughter map

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Ancient Aliens is the definition of a good acid trip-like journey.

18 hours ago, P41R47 said:

Also, EPIC 2 exist, and its probably one of the most EPICS things ever made.

Fucking hell, I was waiting for someone who would mention that wad. Easily my all-time favorite wad for a great journey.

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2 hours ago, Dusty_Rhodes said:

I love Revolution. I'd definitely agree with this. Big thanks to @P41R47 for turning me on to the wad, and for his awesome midi pack. 


All the changes in locales and various set piece environments really do make this wad a journey.

I assume this doesnt refer to TNT Revolution because I've played it and I dont recall a train in that wad lol

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