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Leo Sieben accepts the community-given names of his TNT music tracks as official!


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Huh. I'm curious who actually came up with the names of the MIDIs.

Edited by Wavy

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I remember distinctly how I was inspired to write this, and it was actually Nine Inch Nails' Head Like a Hole. I listened to a midi for Head like a Hole, and that was the first time I had seen/ heard sawtooth bass like that, so i tried to make a track in that style.  haha.


Holy shit, I can totally see that. I'd never thought of 'Head Like a Hole' while listening to 'Smells Like Burning Corpse', but I can see the inspiration from it in the track, particularly in the opening 30 seconds or so of each song.

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Would he accept to share the original MIDIs, if he still have them? 1BBHS, TNT, DOOM3/4/5/6 ? It's well-known that the MUS conversions in the IWAD have a few problems...



Also what does he think of the inspiration attribution credited to "Life of Antarctica" by Vangelis for "Death's Bells"?

Edited by Gez

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That is very cool of Mr. Sieben indeed, but then again, I honestly cannot imagine him outright rejecting them and being all, like, "NO! THEY ARE CALLED DOOMx.MID AND THAT IS THAT! SEE YOU IN COURT, LOSERS!" :P


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12 hours ago, Cammy said:

This was DOOM3.MID. It's funny to me and ironic that it is named after Nirvana song.  I remember distinctly how I was inspired to write this, and it was actually Nine Inch Nails' Head Like a Hole. I listened to a midi for Head like a Hole, and that was the first time I had seen/ heard sawtooth bass like that, so i tried to make a track in that style.  haha.  So too bad the community didn't come up with a name like "Hole Like A Head" or "Corpse Like A Hole" -- that would have been more appropriate, in light of the history =D But I am certainly happy that the community went with "Smells Like Burning Corpse" too =)

As a NIN Freak, I can hear the intro bass in SLBC ( the bass is ingrained into my head, which is also a hole) 
Its amazing reading this, I need to relisten to SLBC but just by memory its kinda uncanny.
This is awesome that there has been a rise of OG 90's legends making contact with our modern day community.

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7 hours ago, Gez said:

Would he accept to share the original MIDIs, if he still have them? 1BBHS, TNT, DOOM3/4/5/6 ? It's well-known that the MUS conversions in the IWAD have a few problems...



Also what does he think of the inspiration attribution credited to "Life of Antarctica" by Vangelis for "Death's Bells"?


I'll be sure to ask him these questions when I can get back in touch with him - unfortunately, Leo hasn't logged onto LinkedIn in a couple months.


I've actually had this post ready to go for months now, but I was hoping to also get in touch with Jonathan El-Bizri and ask him to canonize his tracks' names so we could get all of TNT's soundtrack squared away at once. El-Bizri is really hard to contact though, so that hasn't happened yet. Figured I'd just post what I have.

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Great post Cammy! That's really interesting to hear what he has to say all these years later. Always thought "Into the Beast's Belly" would make a good wad title. Really fits the song too. 

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Great stuff! I guess thinking about it further and giving both songs another listen just now, Pharaoh's theme isn't as close as I seem to have decided for myself.

Legion Of The Lost starts with somber guitars and singing, then eventually transitions into some pretty straightforward heavy metal (and it's a good song), while Map 31's track has these recurring chords (on piano), which are somewhat similar, they're also somber, but the rest of the track is actually pretty different, continuing the piano throughout and introducing strings as it goes, and making constant use of bells.


Personally, I wouldn't mind referring to 'Legion Of The Lost' as just 'Pharaoh' instead from hereon, after its level.


Have the others said anything about TNT's music?

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