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What do you think is the worst Enemy in Doom II?

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4 minutes ago, Rudolph said:

Oh? Then tell me how I am supposed to dodge the Arch-Vile's attack.


And no, taking cover behind a wall or a pillar is not what I mean by "dodging".


The best way is to walk right up to a wall and fire a rocket into it, but it only works if you die before the arch-vile finishes his attack.

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Lost souls are the most annoying enemy in the game to me.  In small amounts I don't mind them, but when there are a whole bunch of them flying around all over the place I find them annoying.

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I never liked the Revenants. It's always 80 dmg when you have 40 health. And they take 2 SSG shots or rockets. Sometimes 3.


I think I like Archies more than those boney bois.

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Besides SS soldier, Commander Keen, and IOS, The enemies I like fighting the least are shotgunners, at least the way people usually use them. I just think they're annoying and I don't really like hitscanners in general.

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It has to be though the Icon of Sin.  It isn't even an enemy but it is the laziest attempt at a final boss ever.  They could have added a super archville like on valiant or something truly unique but an actual fight.


Instead, we got Romero's head :)

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3 hours ago, Plank_Guy_89 said:

I dissagree, before I knew how to use dehacked and how to edit wads with slade I still liked them as an intermediate between Chaingunners and Zombiemen/Shotgunners.  With a new code of paint and with a set of sounds to make them fall in line with standard enemies, they fit in very well as a weaker alternative to the chaingunner.  


As for my least favorite enemy it depends on the perspective.  I hate the Barron from primarally a designer perspective as he is just a hell knight that needs more Ammo to put down, I really hate the Spiderdemon as it's a hitscanner with too much health to justify It being a hitscanner.  As well as lost souls having too much health


From a design persective having access to dehacked makes most of these problems go away, Eviternity nerfed lost souls and I think 45 HP lost souls should be standard.  Valiant got rid of the Spiderdemon's spash dammage immunity.  We can replace the Barron like in . 


Moral of the story, be the change you want to see in the world and nerf the lost soul.

SS soldiers completely unsuitable for demonic invasion situation (this is not zombiefied human or demon, this is just normal human), but good as enemy which can be replaced with your own.
And i agree with your opinion about Lost souls, they have too much health. They also seem too large to me, it would be nice to reduce them, for example, as in BD or some others mods.

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4 hours ago, Maribo said:

Taking "worst" to mean least favorite... Spectres, lol. At best, they serve as a fuzzy Pinky. At worst, they serve as an invisible wall. It's not like they're especially difficult or interesting to deal with either, from both a casual and speedrunning standpoint they're just not anything special.



for me, they're portable suicide-walls.  do i have the rocket launcher? have i been alive a little too long?  they're here to help.

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3 hours ago, thiccyosh said:

I never liked the Revenants. It's always 80 dmg when you have 40 health

You must be the unluckiest guy on earth. RNG loves to play with you or something. But, it's not the case, at all.

I'd say that revenants are really versatile, love it or hate it.

To me, pain elementals and archies are tied for well known reasons. No question.

Heck, even the player might be the worst enemy because of potential mistakes or accidents that can happen...and it's usually coupled with rockets.

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Pain Elementals, or as I like to call them: Cringe Elementals.


They summon Cringe (AKA Lost Souls) every time you’re in their line of sight, forcing you to waste ammo that could’ve been better spent on other enemies. When they die, they give you one last “fuck you” from the grave and spawn in 3 more lost souls. They are an absolute migraine especially on Boom-compatible wads b/c there’s no lost soul limit, so endless amount of cringe is being spawned.


I know some people here listed SS soldiers as redundant and Keen as stupid, but those two are usually replace by some dehacked monster if the wad author is feeling adventurous. Otherwise, I sadly don’t see that many replacing the Cringe Elemental : (.

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28 minutes ago, VoanHead said:

but those two are usually replace by some dehacked monster if the wad author is feeling adventurous

Idea for next thread: Which dehacked monster, of all of the custom wads out there, is the most dangerous? or the most annoying?


Lost souls are the literal embodiment of seeking attention while having a kamikaze mode activated. Simple but effective.

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The SS soldiers are pretty alright enemies, just needs a sprite change and they can fill a decent hitscanner role without having to resort to a Big Chaingus.


Pain Elementals are the worst. Far too much health for a summoner type enemy that can spam a ridiculous number of enemies from a distance, should've been a single SSG blast to kill imo. At close range, you can keep them from ever attacking by just standing next to them, and once they start dying, you can stand in the "explosion" and prevent any lost souls from spawning. They're also very buggy with how they spawn lost souls, so overall, they just feel kinda like they're unfinished.

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*** On topic, imagine that ***


Excluding the SS, Keen, etc. I've found a use for all the standard monsters except for the spectre in my own maps. I can't recall ever using one, at least not in any maps I've released. They're usually used in very dark areas or because they blend in with the water flat, and I can't really think of any other scenario where they'd pose any kind of threat or be interesting in any way.


When it comes to actual play, I absolutely hate the pain elemental, which makes me a hypocrite because I have used them in extremely annoying ways in maps that I've made. Maybe that means they're an effective enemy, or maybe I just want to watch the world burn. I can't tell.

Edited by Megalyth

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8 hours ago, Firebert said:

Not sure SS counts as he's just a reskin

SS isn't a reskin at all. His appearance is the same as wolf3d, other than the "gib" states. Also, his attack states and health are different from any other monster.

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19 minutes ago, magicsofa said:

SS isn't a reskin at all. His appearance is the same as wolf3d, other than the "gib" states. Also, his attack states and health are different from any other monster.

Really? I must have assumed so because of the SSes in the BFG Edition of doom2.wad being replaced with zombiemen.

Edited by Firebert

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For me, it's the archvile. The worst Doom II enemy. I even ask for extra archviles and the Doom mapping community is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

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If we're going by which enemy is the most annoying, I have to go with pain elementals as well. On maps where ammo is scarce, letting a pain elemental run rampant can kill your run. Also, it doesn't help that they can fly themselves up to some corner where they're difficult to shoot.


However, I will admit that I prefer pain elementals over individual lost souls placed throughout a map.

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1 hour ago, Maximum Matt said:


I'll go with Magikarp. The only way to prevent more "What is the ______ Enemy in DOOM" threads is by replying with classic Nintendo enemies.

Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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The Hell knight. A cheap, rushed  recolor of a genuinely great beastie. I understand the niche it was meant to fill, but surely someone could have made some new sprites or something?

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19 minutes ago, Kyka said:

The Hell knight. A cheap, rushed  recolor of a genuinely great beastie. I understand the niche it was meant to fill, but surely someone could have made some new sprites or something?


Useless flesh against the SSG-wielding marine!


Cheap Barons = smash em'

Edited by pcorf

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Spider Mastermind.

They're unusually large and are hitscan enemies.

Worst part is that they fire 3 pellets like the shotgunner instead of the usual 1 like the Chaingunner.


Thankfully in the base game they don't serve much of a threat since they only appear in 4(?) maps.

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Spider Mastermind. The hitbox size just makes it pretty much useless. Dies by itself whenever there is a lot of enemies because it provokes them with the extremely innacurate hitscan spray and can't dodge anything. Extremely easy to one shot with the BFG because of the size and the tracers always hitting. Extremely clumsy.... a size reduction would definitely help.

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