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The UnMaking: 40 visions of madness for Doom 64 (VERSION 2.6!)

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On 3/10/2022 at 2:41 AM, Seppe said:

Is there a secret guide planned?

If not, would you consider a guide for only the secret level exits?

I was not able to find the Hectic replacement :(

Some tragedy has been going on in my real life, but I didn't want to leave you hanging on those secret exits if you're still looking. Spoiler-tagged below is a guide for all the exits. Please let me know if you can't get them to work... map12 is especially hard to explain.



Map01 exit to Map32

  • Not really intended for a first playthrough since it will net you the unmaker very early on. However, players familiar with Doom 64 may remember the barrel-related secret that sends you to Hectic. This one works exactly the same way except the door opens permanently. Destroy all 22 barrels in the map and the sealed door in the tunnels will open.
  • Two barrels are located in the starting room, with one on a higher ledge.
  • Two more are next to you immediately after the first drop. On this same level, destroy a third barrel behind a pillar before dropping again.
  • At the bottom level, two more barrels are in the open.
  • Inside the tunnels is another barrel at the first larger room, with two more located in the switch room. The bright teal pit to the right of the switch also has a barrel in it.
  • Two additional barrels become accessible once the power comes on. One is in the very first monster closet and the other is inside a secret hallway inside one of the other two monster closets. Look for a slightly different texture.
  • After taking the first lift, two barrels are easily seen from this next level.
  • Two more barrels can be found inside the berserk room. Another barrel is on the higher level, hidden at the end of a ledge too narrow to walk down.
  • A secret switch in the berserk room will lower a lift that grants access to an otherwise inaccessibly high platform outside with a barrel on it; however, this barrel can be shot from several other locations if you notice it.
  • The lift directly next to the starting room takes you to the final three barrels. One is to your immediate right in a small alcove. One is straight ahead from the lift. One is inside a secret you must access by dropping into the lip next to a computer panel with a switch on it (just past the stimpaks).

Map04 exit to Map29

  • If you have reached the regular exit, you're most of the way to the secret exit. A secretish switch inside the exit room opens (1) a shortcut back to the main platform controls and (2) a secret lift in the opposite direction which will get you to the highest point you can board the platforms.
  • Raise the nearest platform to its highest point, with the others descending from there like steps. If you jump the platforms, stopping at the second-to-last one, you can now access a small room with a blue key inside.
  • Go back to the high point and now descend only to the second platform. A very narrow opening will lead you to the blue door. The yellow key is inside this room, and will unlock the secret exit.

Map12 exit to Map30

  • Very complex, as the entire map is essentially one puzzle box. Your primary goals are to collect the blue key and then reach the center of the garden. The physical maps in each corner of the garden display (in real time) which paths are open and are very helpful in figuring out your route.
  • Let's assume you're at the very beginning. Follow your only route up to the first control room. Each control room has a pair of switches on the left, right, and center walls. These swap which doors are open.
  • Swap either the left or center set of doors and proceed through them to the next control room.
  • Swap the center set of doors and proceed through to the third control room.
  • Swap the center set of doors, proceed through (jumping the moat), and turn left into the blue key room. You will not be able to get back to the control room by normal means, but can use the teleporter in the room with the baron instead.
  • Having returned to the control room, swap the left set of doors and proceed through to the final control room.
  • Swap the center set of doors and then return to the third control room. Jump the moat and proceed through the center set of doors into the baron room again. You should now be able to continue straight ahead and then up to the center room. This is locked and requires the blue key.

Map18 exit to Map31

  • You will need the red key to open the secret exit. A floating cube near the end of the barrel maze hides a secret teleporter. Search nearby for a red key marking on a nearby platform. If you press the use key on the front side of this platform, it will lower and allow you to run under the cube. This will teleport you to the secret exit.

Map35 exit to Map39

  • I don't know if this one counts as a secret per se, but it requires the demon keys from maps 36, 37, and 38. Once you have all three (make sure you don't restart any maps or you will lose what you're carrying), you can activate the three colored switches and then walk into the black hole.
Edited by scwiba

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3 hours ago, scwiba said:

Some tragedy has been going on in my real life, but I didn't want to leave you hanging on those secret exits if you're still looking. Spoiler-tagged below is a guide for all the exits. Please let me know if you can't get them to work... map12 is especially hard to explain.


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Map01 exit to Map32

  • Not really intended for a first playthrough since it will net you the unmaker very early on. However, players familiar with Doom 64 may remember the barrel-related secret that sends you to Hectic. This one works exactly the same way except the door opens permanently. Destroy all 22 barrels in the map and the sealed door in the tunnels will open.
  • Two barrels are located in the starting room, with one on a higher ledge.
  • Two more are next to you immediately after the first drop. On this same level, destroy a third barrel behind a pillar before dropping again.
  • At the bottom level, two more barrels are in the open.
  • Inside the tunnels is another barrel at the first larger room, with two more located in the switch room. The bright teal pit to the right of the switch also has a barrel in it.
  • Two additional barrels become accessible once the power comes on. One is in the very first monster closet and the other is inside a secret hallway inside one of the other two monster closets. Look for a slightly different texture.
  • After taking the first lift, two barrels are easily seen from this next level.
  • Two more barrels can be found inside the berserk room. Another barrel is on the higher level, hidden at the end of a ledge too narrow to walk down.
  • A secret switch in the berserk room will lower a lift that grants access to an otherwise inaccessibly high platform outside with a barrel on it; however, this barrel can be shot from several other locations if you notice it.
  • The lift directly next to the starting room takes you to the final three barrels. One is to your immediate right in a small alcove. One is straight ahead from the lift. One is inside a secret you must access by dropping into the lip next to a computer panel with a switch on it (just past the stimpaks).

Map04 exit to Map29

  • If you have reached the regular exit, you're most of the way to the secret exit. A secret switch inside the exit room opens a shortcut back to the main platform controls, as well as a secret lift in the opposite direction which will get you to the highest point you can board the platforms.
  • Raise the nearest platform to its highest point, with the others descending from there like steps. If you jump the platforms to the second-to-last one, you can now access a small room with a blue key.
  • Go back to the high point and now descend to the second platform. A very narrow opening will lead you to the blue door. The yellow key is inside this room, and will unlock the final door to the secret exit.

Map12 exit to Map30

  • Very complex, as the entire map is essentially one puzzle box. Your primary goals are to collect the blue key and then reach the center of the garden. The floor maps in each corner display (in real time) which paths are open and are very helpful in figuring out your route.
  • Let's assume you're at the very beginning. Follow your only route up to the first control room. Each control room has a pair of switches on the left, right, and center walls. These swap which doors are open.
  • Swap either the left or center set of doors and proceed through them to the next control room.
  • Swap the center set of doors and proceed through to the third control room.
  • Swap the center set of doors, proceed through (jumping the moat), and turn left into the blue key room. You will not be able to get back to the control room by normal means, but can use the teleporter in the room with the baron instead.
  • Having returned to the control room, swap the left set of doors and proceed through to the final control room.
  • Swap the center set of doors and then return to the third control room. Jump the moat and proceed through the center set of doors into the baron room again. You should now be able to continue straight ahead and then up to the center room. This is locked and requires the blue key.

Map18 exit to Map31

  • You will need the red key to open the secret exit. A floating cube near the end of the barrel maze hides a secret teleporter. Search nearby for a red key marking on a nearby platform. If you press the use key on the front side of this platform, it will lower and allow you to run under the cube. This will teleport you to the secret exit.

Map35 exit to Map39

  • I don't know if this one counts as a secret per se, but it requires the demon keys from maps 36, 37, and 38. Once you have all three (make sure you don't restart any maps or you will lose what you're carrying), you can activate the three colored switches and then walk into the black hole.


Thanks for taking your time to write this!

I almost finished the game, I'll use your guide to find the Hectic replacement map and then I'll have another go at that difficult to shoot switch using the warp menu.

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  • 2 months later...

Long delayed, but not quite forgotten: RC4 is available for download in the OP.


I'll likely do a couple more playthroughs and then send this thing off to /idgames. Assuming no issues crop up.

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Given that a doomwiki page for the UnMaking was created here, I was wondering if anyone who is particularly familiar with this mapset would be willing to help with writing a walkthrough to obtain every map secret, in a similar fashion as what was done for Community Chest 64 and Beta 64. Would be very useful for everyone I think :)

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On 5/25/2022 at 7:51 PM, Dynamo said:

I was wondering if anyone who is particularly familiar with this mapset would be willing to help with writing a walkthrough to obtain every map secret,

I wouldn't mind working on this. Won't all get done at once but I can chip away at it in my downtime.

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On 5/17/2022 at 11:01 PM, scwiba said:

I'll likely do a couple more playthroughs and then send this thing off to /idgames. Assuming no issues crop up.

Okay, I did end up finding a handful more things I wanted to fix before a final release, so there's an RC5 now linked in the OP.


I've also added the map secrets to the wiki articles for maps 01-20, for anyone interested.

Edited by scwiba

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On 6/4/2022 at 1:27 AM, Dynamo said:

Excellent work so far! Will be of immense help for anyone wishing to 100% it.

Done! If anyone would like to check my work, please do. It was way harder than expected just to describe where the secrets are in clear but concise terms. Might be good for someone less familiar with the maps to see if my directions make sense, and then reword them it needed.

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Very nice :) I gotta be honest, I dreaded writing secrets for "The Void Dreams of Huge Guts" in particular because that map is very disorienting for someone who isn't very familiar with it, haha. Glad to see you were able to write them in such a nice way though, they seem perfectly readable to me but it is indeed open for improvement in case anyone feels like editing it at a later point, as was the case with some other secret walkthroughs.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just wanted to note a minor update: we've updated the installer to check for the GOG release that just came out. It's also somewhat future-proofed in case Bethesda/Nightdive make any more changes to the KPF file. And the new #RUN.bat makes it even easier to launch the mapset, directly from the mod folder. Download link has been updated, but this is still RC5 since no changes to the wad itself have been made.

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The UnMaking is now on /idgames! We did it, everybody.


There are now two versions of The UnMaking on there, one for EX and one for the KEX remaster. The descriptions do explain which port they're for, but you can also differentiate them by filename: unmaking.zip for EX and the_unmaking.zip for KEX. That felt fitting for this version, since it feels like THE definitive edition and I doubt I'll mess with it after this point.


Thank you to everyone who playtested, gave feedback, uploaded videos, allowed me to use your art/graphics, and provided technical assistance. But also feel free to keep posting because I'm always curious to hear what folks think about my maps.

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4 hours ago, scwiba said:

The UnMaking is now on /idgames! We did it, everybody.


There are now two versions of The UnMaking on there, one for EX and one for the KEX remaster. The descriptions do explain which port they're for, but you can also differentiate them by filename: unmaking.zip for EX and the_unmaking.zip for KEX. That felt fitting for this version, since it feels like THE definitive edition and I doubt I'll mess with it after this point.


Thank you to everyone who playtested, gave feedback, uploaded videos, allowed me to use your art/graphics, and provided technical assistance. But also feel free to keep posting because I'm always curious to hear what folks think about my maps.

Awesome! Fantastic to hear this. A lot of Doom 64 stuff hasn't been submitted to idgames, so hopefully this sets a precedent for this practice. :)

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  • 5 months later...

I know I said only two posts above this one that I was done working on The UnMaking, but I'm nothing if not a doofus who underestimates their own inability to stop tinkering. So exactly two years after the original release of The UnMaking, we have an anniversary version 2.0!


This is by far the biggest update since I added the seven new maps for the official Nightdive port. Almost every map has been improved in some way. I've addressed bugs, gameplay balance, visual consistency, progression issues, and even found ways to reintroduce elements from the EX version that I had previously cut for compatibility reasons. There is a full changelog in the OP, but major changes include custom skies, a rebalance of Map08, an additional opening sequence for Map13, a completely new look and feel for Map23, and a redesign to Map38's ending.



Edited by scwiba

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2 hours ago, scwiba said:

I know I said only two posts above this one that I was done working on The UnMaking, but I'm nothing if not a doofus who underestimates their own inability to stop tinkering. So exactly two years after the original release of The UnMaking, we have an anniversary version 2.0!


This is by far the biggest update since I added the seven new maps for the official Nightdive port. Almost every map has been improved in some way. I've addressed bugs, gameplay balance, visual consistency, progression issues, and even found ways to reintroduce elements from the EX version that I had previously cut for compatibility reasons. There is a full changelog in the OP, but major changes include custom skies, a rebalance of Map08, an additional opening sequence for Map13, a completely new look and feel for Map23, and a redesign to Map38's ending.



Cheers man, happy new year

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14 hours ago, scwiba said:

I know I said only two posts above this one that I was done working on The UnMaking, but I'm nothing if not a doofus who underestimates their own inability to stop tinkering. So exactly two years after the original release of The UnMaking, we have an anniversary version 2.0!


This is by far the biggest update since I added the seven new maps for the official Nightdive port. Almost every map has been improved in some way. I've addressed bugs, gameplay balance, visual consistency, progression issues, and even found ways to reintroduce elements from the EX version that I had previously cut for compatibility reasons. There is a full changelog in the OP, but major changes include custom skies, a rebalance of Map08, an additional opening sequence for Map13, a completely new look and feel for Map23, and a redesign to Map38's ending.



This is so cool! The UnMaking taught us a lot on how the remaster works, it is deserving now that it is update with the latest discoveries!

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Good work! We updated the secrets on the doomwiki page as well, everything there should be accounted for, I hope! Feel free to have a look in case we missed anything.

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Hey all! I've uploaded some minor fixes as version 2.1. I've done a bit of work behind the scenes to make the wad compatible with EX as well. It's not exhaustively tested, but this version of The UnMaking should now be fully playable in EX (with the exception of the bonus maps). The only known gameplay issue in EX is the inability to collect more than one of each color key in Map26 (making one secret unavailable). Please be aware that kill percentages are messed up in EX and there may be other non-critical bugs as well. EX+ has not been tested.


On 1/3/2023 at 5:44 AM, Dynamo said:

Good work! We updated the secrets on the doomwiki page as well, everything there should be accounted for, I hope! Feel free to have a look in case we missed anything.

Thank you! I've made a few more updates. I just have one more page to edit due to changes in this most recent version. The actual map image for map21 is also out of date if you want to upload a new one?

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21 hours ago, scwiba said:

The actual map image for map21 is also out of date if you want to upload a new one?

What do you mean by this? Were there more areas added to the map as part of 2.1?

EDIT: I see now that there were updates, thanks for the heads up, going to be updating momentarily.

Edited by Dynamo

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5 hours ago, Dynamo said:

What do you mean by this? Were there more areas added to the map as part of 2.1?

Uh, you can ignore me. I saw that the map on the wiki differed from the one in my editor and assumed it was an older version. I should have looked more closely and realized you just moved some areas closer.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Version 2.2 is available!


A few music changes and minor balance tweaks in this one. There's still one major change coming, but I wanted to get all this quality of life stuff settled beforehand. I've also been working with @Gibbon to get the wad working with Doom 64 EX+. Everything with the exception of the bonus maps should now be all set in EX and EX+. If anyone wants to be a guinea pig and give the EX+ compatibility more testing, it would be extremely helpful.


EDIT: Don't want to triple post here but version 2.3 is now up. This one includes a bunch of new music by @Immorpher and @Jetx_121. You can see the full tracklist in the OP.

EDIT EDIT: I've been holding onto version 2.4 until a new map is ready, but that map hasn't quite come together yet. So it's time to get this version out there on its own. Version 2.5 will be The Big One.

Edited by scwiba

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  • 7 months later...

It's time for the dreaded Triple Post. Please forgive me.


Version 2.5 is live! In addition to the usual fixes, 2.5 includes custom enemy palettes, additional graphics, and a completely new map. This is what I've been affectionately calling The Final Cut. At this point, The UnMaking is complete. That doesn't mean there won't be bugfixes and other small updates (especially to the new map) based on player feedback, but no major changes will be made after this point.


Thank you all for taking this weird little journey with me.



Edited by scwiba

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3 hours ago, scwiba said:

Thank you all for taking this weird little journey with me.



Especially thank you to you for this project which allowed some like me to have rediscovered D64!

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dumb question: version 2.5 is usable in EX+ out of the box, right? 

there's no need to wait for someone to release a specific build, I hope 

Edited by liPillON

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3 hours ago, liPillON said:

dumb question: version 2.5 is usable in EX+ out of the box, right? 

there's no need to wait for someone to release a specific build, I hope 

That's correct. EX+ is not the recommended port due mostly to visual differences between it and KEX, but it does work. There are only two known gameplay issues in EX and EX+ which are listed in the OP:


4) [EX and EX+ only] Demon keys are carried over after the death exits in maps 08, 16, 24, 35, and 39 (which are designed to wipe out the player's inventory). This can at times affect the intended difficulty curve, but you can always select Restart Level from the menu to start any map with a blank slate.


5) [EX and EX+ only] The player is unable to pick up duplicate keys. This is relevant for map26, where it means certain scripts cannot be activated. The map is completable but one secret is impossible to reach.


EDIT: Whoops, I actually lied. There was an EX-exclusive progress-halting bug in the new map that I just caught. A hotfix has been uploaded. If you've already downloaded the wad, make sure you grab the new version before you hit map22.

Edited by scwiba

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  • 2 weeks later...

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