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Have your music critiqued / critique music


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I've noticed there are a TON of people here who make music. PLEASE SHARE!! If you post, be prepared and willing to have constructive criticism. Please critique all music that may come along honestly all while still not being a total dick to people :)


I'll be the first to walk the plank...


Edited by dybbuk

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There's a lot of pretty solid tracks in this album, also bonus points for the sick cover art, it's really cool.

I overall liked it a lot, all good industrial-sounding stuff, some personal favorites include:


- Angel With Horns for the sick opening, the punchy and very headbang worthy drums, and the *crunchy* distorted guitar melodies alongside the synth in the background, especially in the second half of the track.

- Golden, for completely taking me off-guard with how the track started after the pretty tense intro, and then hit me with the distorted guitars, and also that sick synth (I think?) solo at around the 3:10 mark, and the ending was just really nice, like a bowtie on the song.


So yeah, I liked this one a lot, and I'll be definitely listening to these more!

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Thanks! Good to hear. I was logging on hoping to critique some myself.


"Golden" is all guitar, believe it or not :) My favorites since I've heard the main ones over and over are the in-betweeners like "The Nihil" and "Wasps"

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kind of in need of a slight bump, just one, but: http://www.jerrylehr.com/articles/01-sweet-sombriety

and here's the most recent: https://noisebox1.bandcamp.com/album/smashing-through without a track-by-track rundown article yet


This one's for you, @TheBlurCafe


I think this thread will self destruct again, but it is unfortunate I didn't get to review any musicians! :(

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On 11/8/2021 at 11:18 PM, dybbuk said:

Actually really enjoyed this. Lots of personality. I like the mixing overall, very raw and indie sounding. It by no means sounds expensive, the guitars sound like they were recorded direct with stomp box distortion and never re-amped but that's part of the lofi charm. It has a late 90's video game feel, and some of it reminds me of Quake: Scourge of Armagon. Love the sampled drums and the wacky effects. I'll come back later to listen to some more and give some feedback, but I'm definitely saving this link for later!


Some music I did with a friend over the internet: He was the predominant songwriter, and I mainly took care of arrangements, drum and synth programming, production, additional recording, mixing and mastering. We wrote the lyrics together over video chats, and he sang most of the lead vocals while I did all the background vocals, but I sang a few lead sections here and there, namely the first and third songs. He played about 90% of the guitars, I added additional guitars and played 90% of the bass guitar. We spent countless hours over the phone sharing ideas, arguing, going days without speaking to each other, apologizing, rinse and repeat until the album was finished a year later in 2019, and we're both really happy with it!

Laughing Sands of Time on Spotify, Bandcamp

We also released a single last year, and plan to re-release the aforementioned album with the single as a bonus song.

A Spiritual Retreat at Severed Head on Spotify, Bandcamp


Edited by Lippeth

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14 hours ago, Lippeth said:

Some music I did with a friend over the internet: He was the predominant songwriter, and I mainly took care of arrangements, drum and synth programming, production, additional recording, mixing and mastering. We wrote the lyrics together over video chats, and he sang most of the lead vocals while I did all the background vocals, but I sang a few lead sections here and there, namely the first and third songs. He played about 90% of the guitars, I added additional guitars and played 90% of the bass guitar. We spent countless hours over the phone sharing ideas, arguing, going days without speaking to each other, apologizing, rinse and repeat until the album was finished a year later in 2019, and we're both really happy with it!


Well, you certainly did a kickass job. I listened to the single "A Spiritual Retreat At Severed Head" and am about to listen to the other album. Please tell me you guys scored some $$ or at least did some shows with some backup help or something or plan on doing so. The vocals kind of remind me of later Stone Temple Pilots, and in a very good way, I love that band. I was trying to find something to be honest and critical about but there really isn't anything, and I will probably be listening to this again and not just to follow up on a promise. It's damn good! You guys should keep going, even after arguing times remember that you're onto something. Hell I'll buy a CD if you come out with one. 

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Hi there ! New here so I wanted to introduce myself in music. I found this forum very welcoming so I told to myself why not^^

I play Doom since the first hours. I admit that I really prefer the oldest episodes than the new ones (Memento Mori I&II, Plutonia,...) but I used Doom Eternal visuals for this tribute to my favorite track "Legion of the Lost" from Final Doom. I hope you will enjoy it. Cheers and see you around ! :-)









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@CblBOPOTKA Really like the sound design and atmosphere with Erratic. Nice and dynamic, in volume and mood, almost like a film score. Great Void has more of a retrowave vibe, and I like the moody guitar and piano elements thrown in. Almost has a Silent Hill 2 and 3 feeling, somber, chill, and moody.


@Deadwing Always loved your style. The way your chords move over the funky bass line makes me want to hit the dance floor. And the jam sections make me want to stay there. I like the rhythm section in this one. Production has a low-fi sound, drums might be on the boomy side, but the live band sound is right up my alley.


@FredK The chord progression reminds me of Message To Harry Manback by Tool, and something else that I can't quite think of at the moment. I like what's there, but it's hard to judge it as a full piece with just two alternating chords, though I like how you build on those chords at the end and all the layering and texture you add. Hearing them go on for a while makes me want to hear a new section to break things up and give those two chords more context, so that when you go back to those chords at the end with the heavier textures they'll have much more impact. Good job though, I like the sound!

Edited by Lippeth

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Before I even get started, I loooove BeepBox (and a very good mod of it, JummBox). It's the best. I use it to make chiptunes all the time, and even a MIDI every once in a while (although it's definitely not the best MIDI editor out there). Here are a few creations of mine:

  • https://tinyurl.com/tf2bb A MIDI cover of the Team Fortress 2 main theme. Best experienced as a MIDI file; click File, then Export Song..., then change the file type to .mid.
  • https://tinyurl.com/grnbrnbb A MIDI cover of Super Metroid's Green Brinstar theme. Also best experienced as a MIDI file; in fact, I shifted the choir (third channel) up an octave to make it sound better as a MIDI. Here's a version that's moreso designed for BeepBox.
  • https://tinyurl.com/lavtwnbb A remix of Pokemon R/B's Lavender Town theme, using features from BeepBox update 4.0 (the above were created with 3.0).
  • https://tinyurl.com/snwmbljb "I Synthesized a Snowmobile", a track inspired by Mick Gordon's use of chainsaw noises in the Doom 2016 soundtrack. I decided to make the lead melody of the piece sound as close to my snowmobile as possible, seeing as I love the crap out of it. I can't wait to ride it again this winter...
  • https://tinyurl.com/nmundrjb "Nightmare Underworld", not related to the SIGIL level of the same name, but probably inspired by Romero's mapping style.
  • https://tinyurl.com/JEEEEEEEEEEP "Jeep", or "Aerodynamics of a Jeep". I don't remember who this is by, but it isn't me. It's a jam and a half, though, so I thought I'd throw it in. If it lags, go to File, then View in Song Player. It lags a little bit at the beginning, but it's much smoother on older computers (or it's just smoother if you've got widescreen on in the editor).       

If you're looking into making some music of your own but don't know how to start, I recommend BeepBox. It's been a blast to work with ever since I started way back in its (and my!) younger years.

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a full playlist of every album ive ever written, from deathmetal to dark ambient. hope you enjoy. would love to know what is your favorite and what every one thinks. All instruments and vocals are written and performed by me on every album except for drums.


Edited by Dubbag

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@Lippeth: Many thanks for your very interesting feedback ! The chords are indeed repetitive but that was made on purpose as the original Doom's music were kind of repetitive too. There are actually 10 layers in this track but I do agree with your analysis ! Thanks again for taking the time to listen and comment, highly appreciate that.


@Dybbuk: the whole work is very impressive. I was also very impressed by the mix quality. We can feel there are some hours spent on that too. Nice work !


@CblBOPOTKA: such a really original sound signature, love that. The second track has a really epic vibe in it.


@Deadwing: I bet you had fun ! We do have fun to listen to your creation too, sweet work. Chill meets groove ! Nice one.


@OkDoomer174: I actually didin't know Jummbox but it seems very funny with lot of great sounds. Nice compilation, all those tracks could perfectly fit a great old school FPS.


@Dubbag: Another refreshing and original sound signature, as said in your channel, just keep up the cool content !






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I did not realize this thread kept going. My fault ;)
Whenever I'm able to have sound higher (people are all up) I'll do some critiquing

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Thanks a lot, @Lippeth and @FredK!

I still have to improve some of my production skills (mixing and equalizing definitely) as the drums could indeed have some better sounding >.<


Lippeth, the Ludwig's Castle CD is awesome, and I like how "The Fractal" and "Witch-O-Lantern" are so different, the first one keeping only one chord through the whole song and another will all sorts of wild progressions haha Also, production is really crystal clear and great vibes and vocals in there :D

FredK, very nice orquestrated version of TNT intermission screen! Fits well with the Doom Eternal moody pics (which I still have to play it yet >.<)

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@FredK Thank you so much for listening. It's difficult to find an audience where I'm from. And I would absolutely love to hear @Lippeth sing some Dream Theater!

Edited by Dubbag

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 Strange, I dig it all, the second slightly resembles X-Files to me but not too much



Yep. sounds like a real song, all the elements go together well especially the guitar.


I could zone out to this or sleep well and that is not criticism at all, I love music that does that for me as I can barely listen during the day unless at work.



I of course didn't have time to listen to all 33 minutes, but Carbon life Extermination Machine, the ambient, is my favorite from skipping around and just stopping. One of the heavy metal tracks I heard if this doesn't come as an insult I hope reminds me of very early "metal" attempts by Nirvana, only better. I meant with the vocals of course. btw that is my favorite band, so it's definitely a compliment

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 @dybbuk : I took it as a compliment thank you very much! :-) Doom has a lot of punchy tracks but some of them are rather sweet or even relaxing indeed.



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I hope you guys checked out a little of other albums as well


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This is the latest track from my avant garde electronic project, Pug Fuglies. If you're a fan of Frank Zappa (I know at least @Doomkid is) or other similar silliness, this will likely be up your alley. Fair warning: It is very silly.

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Maybe a stupid question, but... is this thread for strictly Doom-compatible MIDI music, or straight-up recordings? I did one recently on guitar to accompany one of my novels, and now that I think about it, it could possibly fit well with Doom.



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4 minutes ago, Doomfus said:

Maybe a stupid question, but... is this thread for strictly Doom-compatible MIDI music, or straight-up recordings? I did one recently on guitar to accompany one of my novels, and now that I think about it, it could possibly fit well with Doom.



Any and all or none of the above! MIDI, Tracker, recordings, sheet music even, why not. Doesn't even have to be Doom related. I'd like to hear what you've got, though I haven't had much time to listen to this thread lately, but one of my favorite things to do on here is listen to people's music and talk about it, and when I have time I'm gonna do my best to dig in so fire away! Keep in mind that it's polite to say something about someone else's music as well as posting your own, but since this isn't my thread, do what makes you feel good!

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4 minutes ago, Lippeth said:

Any and all or none of the above! MIDI, Tracker, recordings, sheet music even, why not. Doesn't even have to be Doom related. I'd like to hear what you've got, though I haven't had much time to listen to this thread lately, but one of my favorite things to do on here is listen to people's music and talk about it, and when I have time I'm gonna do my best to dig in so fire away! Keep in mind that it's polite to say something about someone else's music as well as posting your own, but since this isn't my thread, do what makes you feel good!


Okay. I never even thought of it until I went wandering around the board here, but I recorded this little piece a couple of months ago to accompany one of my psychological thrillers, and now I could see it possibly in a Doom wad. It's a little over a minute long. Its recorded through a Boss GT-100 to the PC, and mixed with an old copy of Cool Edit Pro:


Molly's Theme

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