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Favorite unique weapons in Fallout 4


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Just had a thought, what's everyone's favorite unique weapons in Fallout 4? I've been sinking a lot of time into the game, and I thought I'd ask out of curiosity.

Edited by Kanzen

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I don't have Fallout 4, but I'm quite fond of Ol' Painless and the Reservist's Rifle in Tale of Two Wastelands. Also recently got the Perforator, which is pretty nice. And finally, sometimes one just has to forget about ranged and just whip out Jack. Always handy to be able to just carve the limbs out of those annoying hit point sponges that have high DT or DR with an electric breadcutter that just ignores those things entirely.

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The Deliverer. It's so cool, but there's so few truly unique weapons in that game (if we consider weapon model, stats, and method of acquiring the requirements for it being unique) that I fail to remember any others. Fallout 3 and New Vegas do much better in that regard. So does 1 and 2.

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I find little satisfaction in any of the weapons in modern Fallout games. A satisfying weapon requires more than just good stats and a cool weapon model (and the ones in Fallout 4 usually aren't even that cool). With broken and glitchy animations, boring sound design, nonreactive and repetitive enemies, awful AI, environments that aren't optimized for combat, and a laundry list of other issues, I'd argue that any weapon capable of causing a head to explode (or fall of a neck like a counterfeit Barbie doll, in Fallout's case) is just the same as anything else.

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The Broadsider was stupidly fun to use and the quest to get it was amusing.   Not much ammo and was a very heavy/bulky item so once I ran out, I sold it or left it at my island homebase.

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  • 8 months later...

The "Le fusil terribles"... That thing, when the rifleman perk is at it's max, will utterly permaban any low tier enemy standing 5 feet in front of you from life.


And the harvester from far harbour has the holy grace of stun-locking it's victims.

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Why is "terrible" pluralized when "le fusil" isn't, Todd Howard you hack fraud answer me

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The engraved 10mm pistol from the creation club is obscenely powerful and looks damn good. Never needed anything else in my recent playthrough

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