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Beautiful vs. Smooth?


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Smooth Doom improves the visual aspect of the game by, well, smoothing the animations and visual work, adding some small tweak like new sprites, new animations, visuals and stuff. It does this while still retaining vanilla combat, making the mod just a general visual update with focus on sharpening the visuals for modern times while that doesn't break anything else.


Beautiful Doom is more beefy and does change combat. It includes some upgrades from Smooth Doom but also adds extra stuff, like new blood, new light visuals, new weapons sprites, new decorations etc. And, adding that, it also has the option to slightly change the gameplay; it adds new weapons and new monster behavior.


Smooth Doom is just visual enhancements. Beautiful Doom is that plus gameplay modifications. The first one is the better option for those that want to keep the gameplay intact (there's even a vanilla-compatible version iirc), and the latter is more for those that want to spice up their game a bit without breaking it fully.


Edited by Endless

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25 minutes ago, Chipper35 said:

In rather low-born nerd language.........what is the difference between these  two mods?

Another very similar mod worth looking at is 'Dead Marine' - lots of visual enhancements without altering vanilla gameplay. You might like that as a third option! :)

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I rather go with Smooth Weapons Enhanced than Smooth Doom and Beautiful Doom, because Smooth Doom animation are little shaky and Beautiful Doom had too much smoke effects for software mode purist like me to hunt them all down.

That spoiler box at the top is off topic, you can ignore it.


Just like Endless said, Smooth Doom only has visual enhancement to sprites, and some eye candy here and there. (and I think texture too?) While Beautiful Doom has effects, new alternative dead animations for monsters, new weapons, and more. 


But if you want to play in software mode with one of these, I suggest Smooth Doom because Beautiful Doom has lots of smoke particles that looks bad in software, and if you don't get bothered with that, then try both I guess?

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beautiful doom is more fun, but is more gamebreaking

smooth on the other hand is more vanilla and thus keeps the charm of the original game

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SmoothDoom is nothing but a mod for Doom where it adds more interpolation for the sprites.

Interpolation being the amount of "smoothness" between two different states of animation.

In Vanilla Doom, the animation for firing the chaingun is about 18 frames per second. in Smooth Doom, that's bumped up to around 35 frames per second; meaning that Smooth Doom is generally twice as smooth as Vanilla Doom.

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Also worth checking out EVP - Enhanced Vanilla Project. No gameplay changes just new and badass visuals.


I like Beautiful Doom simply because it gives a semi railgun in the form if a plasma gun alt fire

Edited by DOEL

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