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Opinions On No Rest For The Living?


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no rest for the living has to be my favorite official doom wad and i was wondering. what are your opinions on it?

Edited by The BMFG

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It is indeed the best official mapset, and it's a shame that it isn't discussed half as much as Plutonia or at least TNT.


I'm curious about something: among the people who have played TNT and Plutonia, what percentage of them have ever even tried NRFTL?

Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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It's pretty good. I like some of the outdoor areas. I was oddly very upset when I first completed it as part of the Doom Classic Collection Complete on Playstation because I thought it was another megawad instead of an episode and was like, "Is that it?" But I replayed it recently and enjoyed it.

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One of my favorites. It could be said that it's among one of the first WADs I've played because, iirc, it was part of the BFG Edition for free.


I don't think it's often mentioned nowadays, but it's an excellent example of stock textures used in a glorious way. The maps are also unique and feature a cool, well-designed theme that really appeals to me. I think the levels can be compared to Thy Flesh Consumed; most are medium to small, but have a compact design and the difficulty is based more on drowning you out of ammo and forcing you to make key decisions ahead of time. It's simply the type of WAD I prefer.


I'd like to see Arya Iwakura and Russell Meakim come back someday, but I doubt it. Particularly, Russell did made a come back in 2017 by releasing a gigantic beast of a GZDoom map, but didn't quite catch much attention.

Edited by Endless

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52 minutes ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

I'm curious about something: among the people who have played TNT and Plutonia, what percentage of them have ever even tried NRFTL?

No Rest For the Living was the first wad I've ever played. Well, technically it was DOOM 2, but it's the first wad I've ever played that aren't the main Iwads. I felt super special about myself for having it, along with the Xbox achievement for it.


The levels appeared much more detailed, basically like everyone else says. I like the little gimmicks like the flooded area around the Earth Base and the ending Imp slaughter room with the Cyberdemon was much appreciated. I also always recall having low health.


One funny thing that I remember is that while the location of the last one (maybe two idk) technically maps aren't anything explicitly, the story text's metaphor "This ride is closed" or something, led me to believe that this 100% takes place at a demon-infested Carnival.

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I really like No Rest For the Living, and I too think it's the best "official add-on", surpassing Plutonia and Sigil, which do come close, though. I wish I had it on PC, ie. I have only played it on Xbox BFG Edition (and been meaning to play it on Unity Port, but then I switched to PC Dooming and I'm reluctant to go back anymore).


One could say it's the first modern (post 90's) PWAD I have played, and I remember being pleasantly surprised by the detail and challenge it presented, and looking back to it, all with stock Doom 2 textures.

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NRFTL is bloody terrific. It's one of my absolute favourite WADs I've played so far. I need to sit down and replay it some day soon. Trouble is, you lot keep making cool new stuff every month!

Edited by Biodegradable

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I agree with everyone's sentiment that it is one of the best official add ons. I wish it had a full 32 map release instead of a Doom 2 episode's worth of maps, but oh well. Maybe it's good that it stayed that way.

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Played it quite recently, I loved Arya Iwakura maps, Russell ones not that much, but overall I think is quite enjoyable.

Map05 Vivisection is propably my fav of the wad.

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The best official set of levels for me. They distilled the good bits of classic Doom level design into a tight and consistently fun pack.


Beyond the interconnected map paths and fast gameplay delivered by a backbone opposition of lower-tier enemies and avoidance of arenas, the secrets and ammo/health balance stood out to me as excellent. Vivisection or Barons Banquet my favourite.

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It's fine. It does make excellent use of vanilla textures. Bigger isn't always better though. "Canyon of the Dead" was really the only incredible map, imo. "Earth Base" committed the cardinal sin of having too much bland texturing, which is a shame because it probably is the second best design-wise. To be honest, I largely preferred Russell Meakim's maps over Arya Iwakura's, although only the former has said he'll never return to Doom mapping, while I'm not sure the latter has said anything about her own time making NRFTL.

Edited by LadyMistDragon

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A good set of singleplayer/cooperative maps. As multiplayer maps not that quite but that is something all old Doom games suffer from, even up towards Plutonia and TNT . . .

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Played it once and thought it was an overall decent mapset, nothing too fancy. I do appreciate a good stock texture usage in custom levels and I thought they did a good job with what they had although there are some maps that suffers from bland texturing work and a lack of compelling lighting all around but generally they are fun to play and worth experiencing at least once. Can't really say it's as good as Final Doom in my opinion, especially when compared to Plutonia.

Edited by Uni

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On 11/9/2021 at 9:12 PM, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

You are correct, I have a habit of lumping it (and SIGIL) in as one since it is an "official" release.


On 11/9/2021 at 9:09 PM, Edward850 said:

It's not an IWAD.

I believe ZDoom counts it as an IWAD, so confusion also stems from that. I might be wrong though, I'm typically a PrBoomer and it's been a while since I played NRTFL on ZDoom.


On topic:


I love the wad. All of it is good, but Map01 is one of my favorite tech bases ever. The later maps are really cool as well. I wish Nerve made more maps.

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