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Rad Rocket (Doom Mod/Total Conversion)

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Looking for people who'd be interested in helping me with my project, I have tons of concept art, ready to go and will share it with ya. Rad Rocket is about a guy saving the world from an alien menace known as The Phorgak, think like Doomguy/Duke Nukem and a lil bit of serious sam (Personalitywise). If you are interested. I do have a discord (Ninja Senshi#6383) I'm more so worried about just making a weapons mod at first, then once I have bearings with that, move on to monsters and such.

Raddison Rocket.png

Phorgak Trooper.png



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43 minutes ago, Korozive said:

This looks awesome! Do you have any kind of a teaser trailer? Would love to see some gameplay.

Unfortunately no, I have little to no knowledge of how to make Doom mod/mods. The only thing I know how to do is change assets that are already in Doom, to new stuff, like replacing menu, music, already existing sprites, etc. If I can get the weapons replaced, with sprites I know how to make, then I will definitely make one for sure. :)

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WOW, man! Those concept arts are freaking awesome!


Unfortunately, I doubt I would be able to help you in materializing your project, giving that I have a slightly idea of using DeHacked and I must improve my mapping technique. Otherwise, I would like to play this mod someday (in case it is released). Just by watching the concept art I truly believe it is going to be KICK-ASS!

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I would tackle Decorate with ZDoom family rather than with DeHacked. I have a fair amount of experience of building weapons and monsters via ZDoom, but am absolute dog crap at making actual art and sprites. ZDoom Wiki is a great place to start the process of learning, and its best to just to read the coding of the monsters and weapons to get the format. Then you can adapt that to textures and other areas of modding. 

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3 hours ago, kalensar said:

I would tackle Decorate with ZDoom family rather than with DeHacked. I have a fair amount of experience of building weapons and monsters via ZDoom, but am absolute dog crap at making actual art and sprites. ZDoom Wiki is a great place to start the process of learning, and its best to just to read the coding of the monsters and weapons to get the format. Then you can adapt that to textures and other areas of modding. 

Any help, would be of great appreciation. I have a friend who helps with time to time with spritework, and another who does concept work from time to time, I did draw the quad cannon ball gun myself though. :)

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Doom Eternal inspired fatalities. But faster and less intrusive and can be comboed into eachother. No berserk required, a special timed powerup, allows the same for bigger tiered enemies. :D

Rad Finishing Move.png

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