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What's your Favorite Beer?


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To all you beer drinkers on the ol' DW, what's your favorite? Mine is Bud Light.

Edited by Dubbag

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52 minutes ago, Dubbag said:

To all you beer drinkers on the ol' DW, what;s your favorite? Mine is Bud Light.

This is absolute blasphemy. I tend to enjoy specialized beers alongside regular ones, but Bud, which is also a dutch pun for something that is rather crap, is among the worst beers. It literally tastes like water. 

  • Regular: Amstel/Hertog Jan
  • Travelling: Peroni
  • Personal fave: Black SabbathBLACKSABBATHMOCKUP.png

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I used to drink Bud Light regularly. I still can't figure out how Bud Light is so refreshing and tastes great, while regular Budweiser (or Crudweiser as one of my friends would call it) is so disgusting that you can taste the hang-over in it.

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Most i like are unfiltered ones , Kellerbier.


But also:

Tuborg (love the huge 1 Liter can^^)


San Miguel

Schönbuchbräu Jäger Spezial


Breznak (comes in a Bottle with 2 Liters haha)


Those i buy regular.

So mostly Pils.


I do not really like Wheat Beer, not only the Taste but also because it blows up your Stomage.

A Friend had for a Period a pretty nice "crystal clear Wheat Beer", remembered me of the Taste of Budweiser and didn't blew me up, never found it again.


I also don't like those ones that taste as a Child Beverage (Karamalz), looking up on Wikipedia it seems that it is called Malta in englisch.



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I feel like whenever this type of thread arrives it's necessary to plug one's local brewery, so I have to go with a Zipline Oatmeal Porter. In general I like a porter or a brown ale.


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I usually go for a Rolling Rock since its so easily available and I like it in general. But the best beer I ever had was at a theme park in Vienna a couple of years back, and it was the greatest thing I've ever laid my lips on.  






Edited by Doominator2

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It's basically Alfa which is this beer


It's being produced in Greece. Greece products a lot of kinds of food, soft drinks, beers, wines etc. Most of them are very good and I recommend you to try some if you ever decide to visit Greece

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I don't drink alcohol, but if I had to choose it would probably be one of my country's biggest national treasures, really obscure aboard.





UPDATE: Harnaś mixed with some ice tea. Yeah, that would be awesome.

Edited by StrangerRanger

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I have such a hard time picking a favorite because I've tasted so many different beers and rarely drink the same one twice, let alone more than that. Some of the ones I do remember enjoying, though, are:

  • Shepherds Neame 1698
  • Asahi Super Dry
  • Stone Fear Movie Lions
  • Young's Double Chocolate Stout
  • Wychwood King Goblin

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I haven't had a drop of alcohol in 2 years and a month, but when I did drink I had two gotos:

 - Bemidji Brewing IPA

 - Drekker's Freakshow


If I was feeling cheap I'd go for some Bud Light (blehhhh).  If I was feeling fancy, I'd go for the Guiness Nitrous.

Edited by vyruss

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Anything from the small independent local brewery in the little village where I live... "Bies Bryghus"



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Not that much of a beer drinker, however I really like Tyskie and Grolsch. And maybe some cheap Lidl knock-off sugar beer that resembles Desparados or even Astra Rakete in some way.


I actually don't really like most beers, as most just blend in on my tastebuds and don't really stick out in some form, you could give me a Corona (without lime) and Paderborner* or even Veltins beer and I couldn't tell you which is what. Which is odd considering I live in the country that invented this beverage.


I'll be off collecting my 5 bucks for name-dropping these companies.


*The old Paderborner and not what you can find today on shelves. In other words it's really cheap and shitty beer we like to call Pennerglück.



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Haufbreauhaus Weihenstephaner. Taken over top spot from their Dunkel. I find I'm leaning to dark Ales as well like White Rabbit Dark Ale.


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