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What's your Favorite Beer?


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19 hours ago, Redneckerz said:

This is absolute blasphemy. I tend to enjoy specialized beers alongside regular ones, but Bud, which is also a dutch pun for something that is rather crap, is among the worst beers. It literally tastes like water. 

  • Regular: Amstel/Hertog Jan
  • Travelling: Peroni
  • Personal fave: Black SabbathBLACKSABBATHMOCKUP.png


Would a certain band's lawyers be thrilled with that? :D

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I have too many favourites to name but these 2 are some of the most memorable I've ever had. Local brews too (New Zealand)

Umami Monster:
Brewed with New Zealand grown Kombu (kelp), Japanese Katsuobushi (dried fermented bonito flakes), smoked malt and seawater, this is a monster of dark savoury smoke and rich umami complexity. 8%.
It tastes like it sounds, a savory umami explosion. It really shouldn't work but it does. Closest thing I can compare it to is Marmite but that doesn't come close to doing justice the wild flavour this beer has

A booming double/imperial IPA that utilises entirely 'industrial' process. Fully mechanised as it were. The beer to take on the Umami Monster Kaiju at 10% this one packs a punch. A clinical flavour profile that can also be described as "oops all hops". 10%

The bottle art was done by the same artist and actually makes a complete scene

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  • 2 months later...

Most of the beer I had I had in college parties and on the bus with the pep band following the hockey team to insult the opposing team, and it was mostly Busch light. Think my favorite of the beers I tried though was Busch heavy cause it was the least like piss. That is irrelevant though, the cheapest and thus the best was Pabst Blue Ribbon, none are even as close.


But as far as like, beer I would honest to god actually drink for a reason other than getting drunk. I've only had Guinness a handful of times, all those times in Ireland and 2 of those pints in the actual factory. It just tasted good, it went down smoothly, and I could see myself actually like eating a meal with it which I did.

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I have literally no preference for beer. But while I have the chance, I'd like to complain about all the crap drinks anyone my age considers remotely drinkable. Palm Bays are disgusting, and Twisted Teas can go twist their ankles in a ditch.

It's like every time the idea of liquor comes up I say "Buy some rum or any normal drink that isn't trying to be fruity, PLEASE." and every time they go "no we want to have fun". What fun is trying to chug the cold drippings from a garbage bag filled with rotting durians? Come on man.

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I’m more of a wine person but I only really care for hard liquor like bourbon or vodka and when it comes to beer I only care for stuff like Mike’s Hard or similar things to that. Everything else tastes like crap to me at least with these they taste more like a soda but you’ll know when you’ve drank too much of them. 

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I love all beer. I'll go from an expensive imperial stout to cheap ass malt liquor to hobo wine. There's a time and place for everything. Hard to pick favorites. New Holland Dragon's Milk, Franziskaner, Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout, Oskar Blues Ten Fidy, Stone Ruination, etc etc etc.. I won't turn down a Hurricane High Gravity or a nice warm glass of Wild Irish Rose though. If we're being real, I'm just an alcoholic. *shrug*

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I'm not into drinking beer these days (I occasionally drink White Claws and hard ciders), I used to like Guinness but I shifted away from that and started drinking Sapporo beer.

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