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Any Toughs about the Saints Row Reboot? (super offtopic)

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I'm kinda shocked and a bit worry about the announcement. from one side, it is understandable that this reboot would happen because with Saints Row 4 they reached the limits in creative terms, but... man, i'm not so sure about what i saw. Now, i don't want to sound like: "NOOOO, THEY RUINED IT ALL WITH FORCED DIVERSITY! DAMN S.J.W.'S, FUCK YOU VOLITION!!! FUCK THIS GENERATION!!!!" and that. I limit myself to talking a lot about this reboot since it has not yet come out and more because they announced a delay. I want to know what do you think? give me your impressions, and maybe we can talk about the old and recent games of this franchise.

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I don't mind the delay. If the GTA remaster crashing and burning spooked them then they needed so be spooked imo.

As for the trailer. Ehh... it's got a bit of a Fortnight/MCU Whedon banter that I'm not a fan of, which I think has less to do with sjws or whatever and more to do with Fortnight/MCU making all the money in the world and setting the template for action comedy. Anyways, Whedon banter won't matter if it's as fun to drive around like an asshole as it was in 2 and 3.

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2 minutes ago, Captain red pants said:

 "I think has less to do with sjws or whatever"

Yes... About that, most of the people already have a verdict using this group as evidence or something.  

And yeah, I notice the Fortnite vibes (which has me worried) and the less eccentric humor. the only thing is that the rival gangs are not exactly interesting, but, hope too that the new city would be a fun place to cause mayhem.

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I'm not that impressed to be honest. The graphics are that generic cartoony look that most battle-royale games go for. And the gameplay just looks like SRTT but with a dodge roll. Of course, the only thing that interests me about this game is the character creator, mainly since saints row 4 didn't improve the CaC system from the third all that much.

The humor doesn't appeal me at all, which isn't really a surprise to be honest.


The gangs also suffer from what SRTT suffered from, being unmemorable. Because compared to gangs like the Vice Kings or even the Rollerz from SR1, will you really remember the Idols or whatever they're called 10 years from now? Especially since any sequels to this reboot could possibly introduce gangs that are more superior compared to this game's.


Overall, these are my starting thoughts on the game, but until it actually comes out and I can play it, most of these won't change.

Edited by CrystalHawk_Doom

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10 minutes ago, CrystalHawk_Doom said:

"will you really remember the Idols or whatever they're called 10 years from now?"

Yeah, i really don't care about that specific gang, that look of pastel colored punks and techno is very generic and forgettable. in short they are a Watch Dogs 2 style band combined with parts of the Rage 2 promos.

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Just now, Dr. DiegO said:

Yeah, i really don't care about that specific gang, that look of pastel colored punks and techno is very generic and forgettable. in short they are a Watch Dogs 2 style band combined with parts of the Rage 2 promos. 

Exactly, they look outdated as well, and probably are since the boomers at volition probably think that a design like theirs is something that actually looks good. And that's not to say the series isn't accustomed to outlandish or dumb designs for the gangs. I mean, this is the same series in which you can fight yakuza members in the streets wearing gold and black or fight luchadores, or even the sons of samedi, but at least those felt some what grounded, even if they were stupid looking from a realistic standpoint.

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I really liked the saints row games ... however I guess some crazy SJW fantasy world reboot of it could prove hilarious... if done right - imagine all the in-game hardcore crime gangs running around in dresses and trying to talk to you about saving the planet and other weird stuff like that?

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7 minutes ago, CrystalHawk_Doom said:

 I mean, this is the same series in which you can fight yakuza members in the streets wearing gold and black or fight luchadores, or even the sons of samedi, but at least those felt some what grounded, even if they were stupid looking from a realistic standpoint.

Yeah, compare to GTA San Andreas gangs, Saints Row 2 are kinda silly, but they were cool and creative. 

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7 minutes ago, CBM said:

 I guess some crazy SJW fantasy world reboot of it could prove hilarious... if done right - imagine all the in-game hardcore crime gangs running around in dresses and trying to talk to you about saving the planet and other weird stuff like that?

You might call me a pessimist, but I don't think that will come true. at least not like the industry is right now.

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1 minute ago, Dr. DiegO said:

You might call me a pessimist, but I don't think that will come true. at least not like the industry is right now.

Guess not.


But either way, the gangs are goofy in the saints row games and they will either be less goofy or more goofy in a reboot.

Also they can hardly become more bland. So I don't see how they can mess up the reboot.

I don't think they can mess up an open world game nomatter what they do.

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1 minute ago, CBM said:

Guess not.


But either way, the gangs are goofy in the saints row games and they will either be less goofy or more goofy in a reboot.

Also they can hardly become more bland. So I don't see how they can mess up the reboot.

I don't think they can mess up an open world game no matter what they do.

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeah... that of putting too much trust in a successful developer now in this day it's more like a roulette. 

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3 hours ago, Dr. DiegO said:

I'm kinda shocked and a bit worry about the announcement. from one side, it is understandable that this reboot would happen because with Saints Row 4 they reached the limits in creative terms, but... man, i'm not so sure about what i saw. Now, i don't want to sound like: "NOOOO, THEY RUINED IT ALL WITH FORCED DIVERSITY! DAMN S.J.W.'S, FUCK YOU VOLITION!!! FUCK THIS GENERATION!!!!" and that.


Hate to piss in your wheaties but Saint's Row has literally ALWAYS been diverse in their main characters. Having not even seen what yall are talking about, this is a dumbass statement right here.


Also, why is everyone using the term "SJW"? Did it turn back to 2012 and I didn't notice? Knock that shit off.

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The CG trailer really gave the impression that it's the same old thing I've already seen a million times from the industry the past 8 years or so. I get that they felt they needed to move on and do things differently this time as the tone of the original series had been played out, but making it feel completely Ubisoft-derivative was a real monkey's paw moment.

As for the game itself, from what I saw of the gameplay footage a few weeks/months ago it felt like the game was still in a pretty early state and I thought it was weird how it was slated to be released as soon as February next year. Makes total sense that they pushed the date back. Starting to wonder if they were originally planning to just rush the thing out in time before the fiscal year ends in April, then saw GTA Trilogy and got cold feet.

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Oh, it's a reboot? I hope they go back to some of the darker tones like in 2, where the game is still ridiculous, but there's a strong theme of violence begetting violence, and your misfortunes and losses being retaliation for the dark and twisted things you do to others.


I'd also like the more grounded themes and setting from 2, because the series went absolutely off the rails with 4. Though I very much also appreciate some of the screwball comedy stuff which Grand Theft Auto downplayed greatly after San Andreas.

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I hope it's different from SR2 actually, loved the first two games but by the end of 2 I was so disturbed by the protagonist and the violence they inflicted I never played the rest of the series. 

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8 minutes ago, Mr. Freeze said:

I hope it's different from SR2 actually, loved the first two games but by the end of 2 I was so disturbed by the protagonist and the violence they inflicted I never played the rest of the series. 

They're seriously toned down for the following games, becoming more cartoonish and less sinister. I think that's honestly a weakness, because I really liked the raw and personal violence, it disturbed me and painted a pretty good picture of the kind of person who'd run an illegal organization and strive to eliminate their rivals (with anger or sadistic glee), all for money and wielding power.


As much as I really liked SR3, and it's the one I played first, I feel it really does itself a disservice by making the boss less serious and far less menacing, feeling more like Deadpool than anything.

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I like SR1's tone, where it was wacky as GTA and serious on it's own merits when it had to be. I think SR2 swung too far in the other direction to set itself apart from SR1. The soccer mom in the minivan was my favorite companion. 

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7 hours ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

Was never a fan of the series, the juvenile humor did little to make up for the unsatisfying gameplay and irritating characters.

the juvenile humor was always my favorite part but that's probably because im a pretty juvenile person. guess running around smacking people with a giant dildo isn't for everyone

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14 minutes ago, The BMFG said:

the juvenile humor was always my favorite part but that's probably because im a pretty juvenile person. guess running around smacking people with a giant dildo isn't for everyone

It's probably due to the fact that I've only play SR2 for about 30 minutes, and that one seems to be the fan favorite here. I tried to get into SR3, SR4, and Gat Out of Hell at various points in time, but I could not stand the characters. As someone else pointed out, it reminded me of Deadpool, and that kind of humor isn't really my thing most of the time.

Don't get me wrong though, in certain cases potty humor and fart jokes can be hilarious, so the juvenile humor isn't necassarily a con. I just didn't think it was funny enough to carry the game. Giving people a dildo beatdown is always satisfying, but I just feel like the writing in the newer games is a little too forced. I didn't mean to imply that the people who enjoy it are immature.

Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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I want to talk about Saint's Row in general actually.


Saint's Row 1 and 2 were goofy but also serious at the same time, the first 2 games were actually very clever with how they balanced the goof with grit and they remain my favourite entries in the series. Saint's Row 3 onwards starts using """"HUMOUR"""" (big fucking air quotes) as a crutch to mask the overabundant short comings, having tried it again recently Saint's Row 3 is not a good game and is actually quite boring once you get passed the "haha sex" humour, it is like a less interactive Red Faction Armageddon/Guerrilla (with the way the physics acts and the guns feel it is very clearly running on the same engine without the GeoMod features), I refuse to play Crackdown 5 or whatever 4 is supposed to be.


I like the characters from 2, most people do, I didn't like how a lot of them changed (like how Pierce is less of a bitch, Pierce being a bitch was always funny, Shaundi was a lot more endearing in the 2nd one as well over the generic who-ever-the-fuck she is in 3). As for the protagonist I get the impression you were never supposed to like them, they've always been an insufferable arsehole but I think that's the point, I get the feeling you aren't supposed to like them but in later games they really try to make you like them.


This new cast however look like scrapped concepts from shit like Watchdogs, they look like more like dweebs you'd be fighting in the Deckers more than the Saint's, hell the original cast from 1 and 2 actually looked the part of being a dodgy fucker you'd avoid on the street (which is exactly how they are supposed to look) but these new guys give massive NPC vibes, they just look like everyday people or an enemy for a goofy rival gang (the guy on the bike comes to mind with his Watchdogs 2 lookin ass).


Colour me not interested, I'll just wait until the myth of Saint's Row 2 remastered, or at the very least Saint's Row 2 "Playable Edition" comes out.


And just for reference I actually almost 100%'d Saint's Row 3, I was like a zombie through most of it because it is actually really monotonous:


Edited by mrthejoshmon

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7 hours ago, Major Arlene said:


Hate to piss in your wheaties but Saint's Row has literally ALWAYS been diverse in their main characters. Having not even seen what yall are talking about, this is a dumbass statement right here.

Also, why is everyone using the term "SJW"? Did it turn back to 2012 and I didn't notice? Knock that shit off.

My intention was not to be an dumbass, I wanted to know the general opinion just because there were such reactions that do not stop appearing in the Reboot promos. Just check the comments on YouTube and you will find that kind of comments.



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1 hour ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

It's probably due to the fact that I've only play SR2 for about 30 minutes, and that one seems to be the fan favorite here. I tried to get into SR3, SR4, and Gat Out of Hell at various points in time, but I could not stand the characters. As someone else pointed out, it reminded me of Deadpool, and that kind of humor isn't really my thing most of the time.

In that case, then giving SR2 another try might be worth it, it's (comparatively) a lot more restrained in the wacky humor, with the character less like Deadpool and, uh, not sure how to describe it, vaguely like a less sinister Angel Eyes, if The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly had been more of a comedy.

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26 minutes ago, Dr. DiegO said:

My intention was not to be an dumbass, I wanted to know the general opinion just because there were such reactions that do not stop appearing in the Reboot promos. Just check the comments on YouTube and you will find that kind of comments.



Ah yes, the YouTube comments section. That bastion of nuanced thought and reasoned discussion.

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12 hours ago, Major Arlene said:


Hate to piss in your wheaties but Saint's Row has literally ALWAYS been diverse in their main characters. Having not even seen what yall are talking about, this is a dumbass statement right here.


Also, why is everyone using the term "SJW"? Did it turn back to 2012 and I didn't notice? Knock that shit off.

100%. People seem to forget that the most dangerous entity in the SR universe is a bisexual Asian dude. The difference? Those games weren't demanding a goddamn medal for it.


The new one, however, looks SANITISED as all purgatory - robbed of any and all identity and designed by committee. I am deeply concerned.

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