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Worst way to die in any doom game

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There's a few axes that determine if a death is horrible. Pain is the obvious one; painlessly dying is much preferable then dying in agony. Another is speed. If you die slowly, whereas you can feel the effects of dying that differ from not dying (Such as pain, weakness, other ailments, etc.) for a longer period of time, that'd be a worse death than instantly dying, not consciously perceiving any of the effects. Finally you have the factor of glory. Dying in combat is something that seems much preferable to dying by accident. For example, if you were to die trying to beat the hell out of someone who was shooting up your workplace/school/whatever, that'd be preferable then slipping into a wood chipper and being instantly killed. The former would end in you being venerated as a courageous hero, the latter being a horrible tragedy that would at most bring new regulations for workplace safety.

So, taking those into account, I think Foodles' idea of dying from a damaging pit where you can't escape is a horrible death. It's clear you're dying slowly, you're clearly feeling pain, and you literally died by falling into a pit.

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6 minutes ago, Xaser said:

My submission for "worst" and "best" is the same:


Someday, good Xaser, there will be a new standar of art.
The art of dying by self-rocketing.
You already know you will be the messiah of that vanguardist art movement.

Edited by P41R47

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The worst is when I’ve been scraping by with like 12% health, surviving against all odds, and then I see my salvation, a soulsphere or megasphere or berserk or something…but then, in my relief and excitement and desperation, I charge at it, overextend myself, and get killed inches before I can nab it. After being careful and controlled for so long, the hardest thing is keeping it up for that critical last few seconds.

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1 hour ago, Xaser said:

My submission for "worst" and "best" is the same:



Video description: playtesting my own map, no doubt. D:


Is that by chance a BTSX3 map? c;

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Shooting yourself with the rocket launcher, especially if on the last enemy and while shooting at a pinky, willingly or not. And even more, if the pinky survives the rocket! That narrowly beats a revenant homing missile - about 80% of my deaths in all of my years playing Doom are against revenants - and a lost soul. 

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Here are some of mine:


Getting sniped by a Zombieman with you only having 10 health and you were two steps away from a berserk.


Hiding in a crammed cave and blowing yourself up because some absolute asshole of a stray Lost Soul decided to park his ass behind some Caco corpses.


(I even have a Demo of it!)


d_runnin to the welcoming arms of a sea of Barons and Hell Knights because of buggy inputs on your keyboard.


(Also have a Demo of it)


Losing a punching match to a Fatso during a 53 minute run because you ran out of ammo and don't want to deal with Archies with only Berserk.


(Yep, even for that I have the demo.)


I'm only keen to see what other horrible and entertaining deaths I will get to see when playing Doom.

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Getting grievously injured, knowing you have to cross a huge hurtfloor section, and only having 10 health...


I've always found that the most frustrating way to die.

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Falling into a hurtfloor and you can't find the teleporter, stairs, or lift to get back up.


However, when you do find it, you've got low enough health for you to die from the hurtfloor.

Edited by Wavy

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4 minutes ago, Capellan said:

My nomination: dying to a hurt floor while wearing a radsuit, due to the glitchiness of -20/-10 floors.


Definitely this, although in the interest of being pedantic, this is very deliberate and very much not a glitch ;3

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9 minutes ago, Capellan said:

due to the glitchiness of -20/-10 floors.

It's not a bug. It's actually hardcoded to have a 2.3% of penetrating through a radsuit.


Whoever at id Software thought that was a totally good idea will be getting a very strongly worded email.

Edited by Wavy

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A few have said inescapable damaging pits, I know of worse: inescapable damaging pits that have an item in them to lure you in.  

Another asshole trap is the button on the wall that does nothing except drop the ceiling down on you

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