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Most satisfying sounds in classic Doom?

Astro X

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What are you guys' favourite sounds in the classic Doom games? And least impressive sounds?


I go with the arachnotron death for best and the chainsaw sounds for worst.

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Plasma gun and the SSG both have great sounds


The chaingun on the other hand... man, it could've used a unique sound. The pistol sound is just so puny.


edit: Monsters, how could I leave the monsters out


Love the Baron/Knight noises. Their wakeup and death sounds are amazing.

Least satisfying... hmm. Honestly, all the monster sounds are at least like, B or A tier. None of them are bad imo. Only thing is that they could use a few more roaming sounds to vary it up a bit.

Edited by SMG_Man

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1 hour ago, SMG_Man said:

Plasma gun and the SSG both have great sounds

I second this. 
Also, for some reason, the doors sound nice.

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I like the sound of punching, but when you punch zombies with berserk and they crunch it's a whole level above. All enemies' death sounds are nice, I like zombies' and arachnotrons' the most I think. Shotgun and super shotgun sounds are very nice too.

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1 hour ago, SMG_Man said:

The chaingun on the other hand... man, it could've used a unique sound.

This has always been a mystery for me, why it was done that way? Especially since even wolf3d had way more satisfying chaingun sound I think?

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The Archvile wake-up sound is my favorite, it's such a distinct noise.


The Pinky/Spectre wake-up sound is kind of basic on its own but when there's a ton of them that wake up at once, it sounds really thick and chunky, I like it a lot. It has the opposite effect of a ton of Revenants waking up to my ears.


And for a third, my favorite weapon sound is the BFG firing. Music to my ears.


Worst has to be the aforementioned Revenant wake-up noise, but only when it's a ton of them, because it's genuinely discomforting to the ears. Runner-up has to be the original plasma sound, again for loudness. Discounting loudness reasons for the worst, I'd just go with the chaingun sound for sounding flat and boring.

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Arachnotron death. It's even more satisfying when multiples of them die and you hear the sound in stereo. :P

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2 hours ago, RakshaTheCat said:

This has always been a mystery for me, why it was done that way? Especially since even wolf3d had way more satisfying chaingun sound I think?

Likely space reasons.  Each new file could have pushed the space required onto another floppy disk, thus increasing the cost of distribution and lowering profits (if not increasing the price of the game).  Revenants, imps, chaingunners and shotgunners all use the same 'ouch' sound.  Probably for the same reason.  Wolf3D was a smaller game with less detailed textures.

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Already said this a while ago (I can't find the thread), but killing an Arachnotron with the SSG is pure eargasm.

Edited by Wavy

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The SSG always sounds great. Doom's shotguns set high expectations for what shotguns should sound and feel like in video games, after all.


I like the Baron of Hell's wake-up noise. It's surprising and snaps you to attention without brutalizing your ears like the skeleton scream does.

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DSVIPAIN (Arch-Vile pain) and DSVILDTH (Arch-Vile death) / the Archie in general.


And also DSMNPAIN (Mancubus pain) and DSPDIEHI (Player alternative death scream)


with a hint of DSSLOP (gibbing).


I love those sound sfx. Great stuff.

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The mighty car door THUNK of the SSG blast and the sounds of the Mancubus's body melting and the Arachnotron's robot legs breaking down upon death. Also the sounds of the zombies dying, specifically the one that sounds like, "Bruwoolg!"

Edited by Biodegradable

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I remembered what's the worst sound: Arachnotrons walking behind walls and being unkillable at the moment, you know I'm right

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- Arachnotron death is very satisfying indeed.

- Pinkies, I like how you can hear then failling on the ground.

- Revenants and their bone crushing death.

- Regular shotgun fire and cocking.


- Cacodemon dying is very funny

- Arch-Vile laughter

- Rocket Launcher fire sound


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