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dead gtx 1080


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my pallit gtx 1080 just died :-(


it was fine yesterday in win 10 and today the driver no longer recognize the card


and its artifacting like crazy 


plus it constantly crashes the computer now


planned oblescence?


damn crap and I dont have the cash to replace it


its only from 2016



Edited by CBM

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29 minutes ago, WARDUST said:

Five years man... it's a good time if you played a lot. I experience that but with guarantee active, buffff

I rarely used it since I never had the time :-( until now

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hopefully things will return to normal and then I will hopefully have money at that point to run something other than a potato rig

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I've never had a graphics card die like that and certainly never after only 5 years


my ancient agp riva tnt 2 card still works fine to this day for example

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Well, as a last-ditch effort you could try some reflow soldering techniques, e.g. with an oven or a heat gun.


@CBM: in the 2010s there was a stint of (mostly nVidia) GPUs suffering thermal stress/fatigue problems at their solder joints with the PCB. The solution back then was, once again, attempting a reflow soldering. Even older electronics, even components as simple as a resistor can be prone to that kind of failure, but it's way more prominent with the high-density packagings of pretty much any BGA-soldered GPU/CPU/whatever, esp. in applications where they get really hot.

Edited by Maes

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2 minutes ago, Maes said:

Well, as a last-ditch effort you could try some reflow soldering techniques, e.g. with an oven or a heat gun.

hm I guess I could try that but its never been overheating or anything like that and its always had more than sufficient cooling


also it worked just fine yesterday???

Edited by CBM

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It's more related to thermal cycling/gradients, rather than high temperatures. Those cause problems of their own, but mostly when the chip is actually on. Thermal stresses on the other hand do their handiwork whenever there's a power cycle (and associated cooldown) or even just a significant temperature gradient during power-on time. Whatever the actual reason, the mechanism is always the same: heat cycles occur, solder cracks, glitches and other bad things happen.


Edit: as for the "it worked just fine yesterday" part, that's the nature of these failures: just one failed pin/contact is enough to wreak havoc on any digital device.

Edited by Maes

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2 hours ago, CBM said:

my pallit gtx 1080 just died :-(


it was fine yesterday in win 10 and today the driver no longer recognize the card


and its artifacting like crazy 


plus it constantly crashes the computer now


planned oblescence?


damn crap and I dont have the cash to replace it


its only from 2016

I feel your pain, had it eight years ago when my GTX480 died on me. I still have the card though . . .  :D

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Before doing anything to the card, I would suggest a system restore, or at the very least, an reinstallation of the drivers to see if something with the driver or a system update is causing an issue.

if you're getting BSODs, read what they say before attempting to restart your computer.

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11 minutes ago, Major Arlene said:

Before doing anything to the card, I would suggest a system restore, or at the very least, an reinstallation of the drivers to see if something with the driver or a system update is causing an issue.

if you're getting BSODs, read what they say before attempting to restart your computer.

I could try that


the latest drivers from pallit and the ones from nvidia doesnt work properly and causes artifacting... any attempt at starting games results in error messages

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9 minutes ago, CBM said:

I could try that


the latest drivers from pallit and the ones from nvidia doesnt work properly and causes artifacting... any attempt at starting games results in error messages

my nvidia drivers work fine so make sure you download the right ones. what kind of card is yours, specifically? nvidia, geforce, etc?

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I once had a catastrophic video card failure, which turned out to be a bad, shorted power MOSFET. Unfortunately, it took two mobos with it in order to diagnose it.


The one it was installed in wouldn't turn on at all (and it killed part of the PCI-e  bridge, crippling graphics from then on), while another one used for testing did turn on, only for the MOSFET to glow red-hot and throw sparks around O_o.


It was a Gainward 7600 GT "golden sample", FWIW.

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1 hour ago, Major Arlene said:

my nvidia drivers work fine so make sure you download the right ones. what kind of card is yours, specifically? nvidia, geforce, etc?

pallit geforce gtx 1080


4 minutes ago, Maes said:

I once had a catastrophic video card failure, which turned out to be a bad, shorted power MOSFET. Unfortunately, it took two mobos with it in order to diagnose it.


The one it was installed in wouldn't turn on at all (and it killed part of the PCI-e  bridge, crippling graphics from then on), while another one used for testing did turn on, only for the MOSFET to glow red-hot and throw sparks around O_o.


It was a Gainward 7600 GT "golden sample", FWIW.

that happended to 4 of my harddrives (2x 512 GB and 2x 1TB) and 4 of my SSDs (128 GB ones) with a faulty powersupply that fried the logic boards by sending 12v on the 5v line


I threw out the faulty PSU when I finally realised what was going on



Edited by CBM

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In my case the PSU, at least of the first mobo, was probably fine and actually smart enough NOT to power up when short-circuited. The other mobo's (the one with the sparks), not so much. Oh did I mention that this other mobo wasn't quite the same afterwards, either? -_- 

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3 minutes ago, Maes said:

In my case the PSU, at least of the first mobo, was probably fine and actually smart enough NOT to power up when short-circuited. The other mobo's (the one with the sparks), not so much. Oh did I mention that this other mobo wasn't quite the same afterwards, either? -_- 

I accidentally fried the mobo and gfx card from the pc I had when I first moved away from my parents back in 2001 (screwdriver slipped when trying to power it on).. Not my best day that day either... I would have liked to have held on to that one. It was an athlon xp with some asus geforce card of sorts

Edited by CBM

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8 minutes ago, xdude_gamer said:

Well, it's always good to get a better GPU anyway! RTX 3070 costs $500 and is a massive improvement and an excellent deal. 

good luck actually finding one for that

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5 minutes ago, Azuris said:

If you can, try the Card in another PC and see if it runs there normal.

it already refused to work in any other PC about a year ago so it has been acting up for a while.

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18 minutes ago, xdude_gamer said:


you can check for availability all day, doesnt mean they actually have any in stock for that price lol

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4 minutes ago, kaleb. said:

you can check for availability all day, doesnt mean they actually have any in stock for that price lol

well ... I dont have that kind of cash for pc gear right now anyways... I've been unable to find stable employment for almost 2 years now

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29 minutes ago, kaleb. said:

you can check for availability all day, doesnt mean they actually have any in stock for that price lol

I literally had to order mine off an NZ website (I'm American) and it was almost twice the base price.


50 minutes ago, xdude_gamer said:


In case you didn't hear from literally every tech news outlet in the world, we have a GPU shortage- not just a GPU shortage but a chip shortage.

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25 minutes ago, Major Arlene said:

I literally had to order mine off an NZ website (I'm American) and it was almost twice the base price.


In case you didn't hear from literally every tech news outlet in the world, we have a GPU shortage- not just a GPU shortage but a chip shortage.

:P well I didn't know that (haha look I don't watch the news outlets because I'm dumb)

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I'm sorry to hear that. I was going to suggest something PSU related as well, or maybe a re-seating of all the connections, but if you tried in another PC and has the same issue looks like it's the card, yeah.

Does your CPU have onboard graphics? That's what I did when i thought my card died and i could still play prboom+

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32 minutes ago, DuckReconMajor said:

I'm sorry to hear that. I was going to suggest something PSU related as well, or maybe a re-seating of all the connections, but if you tried in another PC and has the same issue looks like it's the card, yeah.

Does your CPU have onboard graphics? That's what I did when i thought my card died and i could still play prboom+

it has intel integrated graphics, its a 6700k

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9 hours ago, CBM said:

it already refused to work in any other PC about a year ago so it has been acting up for a while.


Besides, as my misadventures with that failed Gainward taught me, it's better not to throw good hardware after (suspected) bad one. Do such tests only on a beater system if possible, with a very short-circuit sensitive PSU, and hand at the power cord.


In my case I had "requisitioned" a friend's PC to do that fire test ...it became noticeably glitchy and unstable after that, but he never complained to me directly about it. Until one day, well, I "inherited" it, warts and all. Didn't have much life left in it.


I still almost feel kinda bad for abusing his trust in me as a PC tech. Almost.

Edited by Maes

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