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Doom 64: Ethereal Breakdown Discussion Thread

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1 hour ago, BlueThunder said:

@Immorpher  I have been messing around with it in the evenings when I have time, been pretty fun so far. Learned how to make doors which can been confusing at least it was for me with my first,  wasn't sure about switches but your guide seems pretty easy to follow so I will have to try that next.

Let me know if you get stuck! I will be happy to debug and edit switches in anyone's map.

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I've made a spreadsheet so we can know who's mapping and how many maps they'll make. This way we can also know for sure who is mapping or at least wants to.

Be sure to comment yourself down on the sheet so I can add you to it!



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1 hour ago, Koko Ricky said:

I'm very interested! I participated in a Doom 64 community mapset awhile band and learned a lot. I'd love to submit a map.

We'll be happy to have you on board! I enjoyed quite a few maps of that community chest!

Also something new to most Doom 64 mappers here is that there is now more music options for your maps! Here's a directory (with mp3 previews) of custom midis you can use with your maps: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/b96qzg6r4sow4uz/AAArv5qzvMQIQxLXEzAJr40Fa

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On 12/4/2021 at 2:52 PM, BlueThunder said:

@Immorpher  I have been messing around with it in the evenings when I have time, been pretty fun so far. Learned how to make doors which can been confusing at least it was for me with my first,  wasn't sure about switches but your guide seems pretty easy to follow so I will have to try that next.

We're happy to help if any "problems" pops up or you need tips. :)

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16 hours ago, Koko Ricky said:


How is it being decided who gets what map slot?

These maps will be pistol start death exit maps, so it behaves more like a Quake map jam in that way. This means we don't have particular slots at the moment. Once we get the maps in, we will do our best to organize them to each episode in accordance to themes and increasing difficulty.

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Ok, by trial and error I've managed it to work for me:



Count me in, again, it would be a crazy map, even if you know it's original state.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's something for Steam versions to make your map testing in the Doom 64 Remaster much faster! You can load straight into the map from Doom Builder 64, no intro videos, no menus, no warnings.

When testing your map from Doom Builder 64, you can avoid crashing by setting the graphics API to "OpenGL 3.2". This is due to the "-warp" command causing crashes when using "Vulkan".

Then in Doom Builder 64, in the "Configuration" options, and then in "Testing" tab, select the "steam.exe" program as opposed to the Doom 64 executable. Then in custom "Parameters" enter "-applaunch 1148590" as the first parameter. This will tell Steam to launch Doom 64 without any warnings and with the other commands.



I have updated the mapping guide with more explicit steps on this set up: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h7bbxzU1xEHg2gSbi_GDlV1VOqTQpzfecNon5Q_wv5w/

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I have set up a private resources folder where I will be adding maps for testing in both EX and the Remaster as I receive them. If you are working on a map, and don't have access to the Doom 64 discord, send me a message and I will link you to the resources folder. There is already a map ready for testing (temporarily in slot 1)! When the folder is updated, I will make a post on this topic.

Continue to post screenshots, videos, and questions on this topic; it has been great seeing the progress!

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This is the soundtrack to, and a preview of, my very first Doom 64 map for this jam! I was inspired by Pitfalls and Breakdown. The way Aubrey Hodges worked was selecting 3 sounds for each track. The intro drone sound was used prominently in Pitfalls, then the demon grunting was prominently in Breakdown. And for a third I chose the string ensemble because it can be so moody. There's still a few months left, so if you're not already on board and are interested in mapping (even if its your first time) feel free to join us!


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I couldn't resist the idea of making a map for Doom 64's 25th anniversary, so I decided to join in! Here's 5 screenshots of what I have so far (a couple of these are already slightly outdated but you get the idea):



I'd say this map is currently anywhere between 50-60% complete right now. I gotta say, it's incredibly rewarding when you get things looking and playing right in this game. I'm having so much fun making this map that I might seriously consider making a Doom 64 mapset entirely on my own in the future. I'm not sure if I would have thought to do that if not for this being a thing. Thanks to everyone involved in setting this map jam up for giving me the inspiration!

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I have updated the mapping guide with a description and screen shots on how to make a death exit via the self-telefrag method! Thanks to Atomic Frog and Neigh Winny for the help! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h7bbxzU1xEHg2gSbi_GDlV1VOqTQpzfecNon5Q_wv5w/edit?usp=sharing


If you have access to the resource WADs I shared to the mappers, Desiccation in map slot 2 has the death exit as described in the guide.

Edited by Immorpher

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So I've almost completed my map for the JAM, map from start to finnish!
Still needs to be tested, but here you go!

Happy mapping guys!




Edited by agony ZENITH

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Here's a tease at my submission. I went really nuts on the lighting as you can accomplish some pretty atmospheric vibes with a little effort. I took the idea of "Spawning Vats," as a concept, rather than as a level, and made my own hell factory where demons are grown in vats. At the end of the video I have the player destroy the core that powers the factory. This was accomplished by sticking a resurrector inside a cylinder with midtextures. It made for an interesting sequence. I also experimented with coloring switches after they're pressed. Unfortunately that takes up some of the available space for scripts (which have to be 200 lines or under, I recently discovered!).




Edited by Koko Ricky

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Let me tell you, @Koko Ricky and @agony ZENITH, your maps are looking fantastic! I have plenty to learn from you two! And I think in total the scripts can exceed 200 lines in total, but perhaps an individual macro can't exceed 200 lines without unpredictability. It is more of an observation by Scwiba than a hard rule.

Anyway @AtomicFrog gave me a layout to start for another map, so I have started working on that! I have added some flying buttresses since I think they look cool. Haven't done much gradient lighting work yet.


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How do these look from the upper windows though?
Looks like they may been to be a bit higher to avoid any visual awkwardness



Edited by AtomicFrog

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59 minutes ago, AtomicFrog said:

How do these look from the upper windows though?
Looks like they may been to be a bit higher to avoid any visual awkwardness



Luckily the highest windows that the player can actually reach, they dont get to see the tricks from above. The windows that are above them are decorative windows.

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13 hours ago, Koko Ricky said:

For anyone who's interested, here's an in-depth look (with commentary) on my submission:

That is some fantastic commentary! Being new to mapping myself, I learned a lot listening to what you said on secrets and lighting. I left a bigger comment on the video itself! When ready, I can add your level to the playtesting wad.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As a notice to everyone mapping, you have just over a month left to finish your maps!

Also some scripting/macros suggestion from our and Scwiba's experimentation. As a soft guideline, an individual macro above 200 lines on the Remaster can be unpredictable. Although the total lines of the scripts file can exceed 200 lines. Also for the Remaster, the player teleport action in a macro can be unpredictable in maps which have a lot of macros; it’s much more stable as a lindef action. Also we have found switching macros to different macro numbers can interestingly fix some issues.

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For those who have access to the resources folder, we have maps added up to slot 5, and they are ready for testing on both ports!

If you are making a map and don't have access to this folder, let me know! If you have a map ready to be tested and it has not been added yet, also let me know!

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