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What do you guys think about a Doom Eternal style anime

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Before I start I would like to state that I have never seriously watched anime besides Pokémon when I was a kid. Now that that's out of the way, what do you guys think about a Doom Eternal style anime. I think it would be cool to see the slayer zip zam zooming across hell and murdering demons in an anime show or something like that. So what do you guys think.

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I think a Doom cartoon in general, be it Western or Anime, could work and have potential, as long as it's a fitting style that fits the violent/gory/gritty nature, while still having some style.

And using designs from the games, but still have some creative/new stuff.

Like, it can't be just any studio, has to be someone good at delivering a certain edge and cool factor, along with people that really like the series.

By Anime, it could hint a Japanese studio and not a Western one that either mimics that style or just happens to differ from Family Guy clones or that "beanmouth" art style.


I feel like people who think it doesn't work were affected by popular/misinformed takes on anime like when Simpsons gags think it's just Astro Boy/Speed Racer or someone associating it with specific franchises and genres, without knowing that violent and "manly" anime also exist.

Basically, either boomers or people still in that 2013 "Cory In The House is best anime" stage.


But imagine an alt timeline where Doom gets something like Heavy Metal 1981.

But i think even some cartoon movies/shows based off comic heroes could work as some reference like Invincible.

For 3D stuff, videogames have reached a point where they're too good at copying film that some game tech could be used. (correction needed but doesn't this apply to some Final Fantasy movies)

Stop motion would also be fun, considering how some classic Doom assets were made.


I wrote something about an animated Doom movie here:


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If we want to make a specific anime of Doom Eternal, it's could be the time lapse between doom 2016 and Eternal.


Doomguy awakening from their sleep from Samuel, and see how Earth it's on a process of hellification because UAC and ARC failed to beat the now more powerful demon invasion.


He know the hell priest beforehand as he was on Argent many years before, and before he can kill him, their are protected by their guardians emblem. So now the doomslayer can't stop the demon invasion until killing the hell priests, so he goes forward to kill one of their guardians in a hell castle that's on the space. With the help of Vega.



If they try to exactly copy the events of the game or previous, it's just be bland to be good.

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