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Cool things you recently discovered about DOOM/related to it

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Have you recently discovered something truly great about DOOM or that is linked/connected to DOOM somehow?

This may include (but it is not limited to)

1)About its deveploment

2)About its mechanics

3)Content related to DOOM: either maps, music, just to name a few

4)A positive feeling you get either when

 A)Playing the game

 B)When talking about the game (to someone)

 C)Something you noticed after all these years of playing 


For instance, I discovered this amazing remix of DOOM 2's "In Between Levels" (song from MAP04) two days ago

I feel really thankful for having discovered this version of the song. It makes my mapping sessions way more pleasant ;)




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Well thanks to some Doom MegaWads, I discovered two really good rock songs! "A Fools Paradise" used in Scythe map 26, and "The Final Battle" from the intermission screen of Dimensions. (No I have not beaten any level in Dimensions, a guy by the name of Starduster uploaded the track on his youtube channel and thats how I first listened to it.)

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This day, the green color above barrels in the first two classics is actually liquid and not lights. Its an exposed green Nukage barrel that has a red fire explosion. I've heard about it but never gave attention to it until today. I better post a green explosion barrel in one of my topics now.

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On 12/3/2021 at 6:53 PM, Crystal-Hawk_D00M said:

I like doom 2's soundtrack, that's all I've discovered about doom besides loving the games for years.

Do you have a favourite song? Which whould be?


One of my favourites is "The Demon's Dead" (MAP10 and MAP16). Love how badass, spooky and mysterious it sounds (and ofc it is really catchy)

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On 12/3/2021 at 6:31 PM, StarSpun5000 said:

Well thanks to some Doom MegaWads, I discovered two really good rock songs! "A Fools Paradise" used in Scythe map 26, and "The Final Battle" from the intermission screen of Dimensions. (No I have not beaten any level in Dimensions, a guy by the name of Starduster uploaded the track on his youtube channel and thats how I first listened to it.)

Yeah, it is really pleasant when you discover such an amazing song thanks to a custom map/megawad. Thanks to the map "Mountain Lab" I discovered the song "Freightliner" by Hot Water Music. Really cool 

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21 minutes ago, RevenantFTS97 said:

Do you have a favourite song? Which whould be?


One of my favourites is "The Demon's Dead" (MAP10 and MAP16). Love how badass, spooky and mysterious it sounds (and ofc it is really catchy)

Honestly, I would just say the generic answer of the whole soundtrack.

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found out about this shortly after finishing the doom Eternal DLC a few months ago, but doomguy had voice lines recorded for a port of Quake 3:



honestly think this kind of voice fits him better than the gravely tones you hear in Eternal.

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