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[GZDoom] DOOM CE: PSX TC & D64 Retribution, overhauled

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You should do the same with PSX too


I.e. such:



path=E:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\Doom 2\base\PSXDOOM.CE.Addon.BGM.Arranged.pk3
path=E:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\Doom 2\base\PSXDOOM.CE.Addon.BGM.Extended.pk3
path=E:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\Doom 2\base\PSXDOOM.CE.Addon.GFX.Brightmaps.pk3
path=E:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\Doom 2\base\PSXDOOM.CE.Addon.GFX.Decals.pk3
path=E:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\Doom 2\base\PSXDOOM.CE.Addon.GFX.Extra.pk3
path=E:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\Doom 2\base\PSXDOOM.CE.Addon.GFX.Parallax.pk3
path=E:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\Doom 2\base\PSXDOOM.CE.Addon.GFX.PBR.pk3
path=E:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\Doom 2\base\PSXDOOM.CE.Addon.GFX.Upscale.pk3
path=E:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\Doom 2\base\PSXDOOM.CE.Addon.SFX.HQ.pk3


+ specific wad:


path=E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Doom 2\base\PSXDOOM.CE.Maps.FallOfTriton.pk3
path=E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Doom 2\base\PSXDOOM.CE.Maps.FallOfTriton.Addon.GFX.PBR.pk3
path=E:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Doom 2\base\PSXDOOM.CE.Maps.FallOfTriton.Addon.GFX.Upscale.pk3

Edited by UnknDoomer

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So after finishing PSXDoom, I booted up PSX Final Doom, and noticed all my settings are back to the default. Is there a way I can copy over all my PSXDoom settings so I don't need to manually adjust everything back to how I had it?

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14 hours ago, UnknDoomer said:

I.e. such:


Looks good to me...


12 hours ago, UnknDoomer said:

Meanwhile. It's seems things doesn't work smooth with GzDoom 4.8.0.


Can you please explain what parts aren't working as well? I'd like to publish a hotfix asap.


On 6/14/2022 at 5:00 PM, irukanjji said:

Is the excellent UnMaking by scwiba ported for the last version (RELEASE CANDIDATE 5) ?


Not RC5, it's based on RC3 if I recall correctly. Perhaps I will update it after scwiba releases a non-RC version.


7 hours ago, Omega Tyrant said:

So after finishing PSXDoom, I booted up PSX Final Doom, and noticed all my settings are back to the default. Is there a way I can copy over all my PSXDoom settings so I don't need to manually adjust everything back to how I had it?


Look inside your gzdoom ini and there should be some sections for PSXDoom with all your settings. You can copy those values into the PSXFinalDoom equivalents.

Edited by molecicco

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Can you please explain what parts aren't working as well? I'd like to publish a hotfix asap.


Below it is. Game crash during final loading.



S_InitData: Load sound definitions.
G_ParseMapInfo: Load map definitions.
Texman.Init: Init texture manager.
ParseTeamInfo: Load team definitions.
LoadActors: Load actor definitions.
Script error, "PSXDOOM.CE.ipk3:zscript/ui/statscreen.zsc" line 7:
Can't call play function IsEpisodeEnding from ui context
Script error, "PSXDOOM.CE.ipk3:zscript/ui/statscreen.zsc" line 39:
Can't call play function GetComputerInterMusic from ui context
Script error, "PSXDOOM.CE.ipk3:zscript/ui/statscreen.zsc" line 40:
Unknown identifier 'interMusic'
Script error, "PSXDOOM.CE.ipk3:zscript/ui/statscreen.zsc" line 63:
Can't call play function ShouldModify from ui context
Script error, "PSXDOOM.CE.ipk3:zscript/ui/statscreen.zsc" line 235:
Left side of mFont is not a struct or class
Script error, "PSXDOOM.CE.ipk3:zscript/ui/statscreen.zsc" line 250:
Left side of mFont is not a struct or class
Script error, "PSXDOOM.CE.ipk3:zscript/ui/statscreen.zsc" line 311:
Can't call play function IsEpisodeEnding from ui context
Script error, "PSXDOOM.CE.ipk3:zscript/ui/statscreen.zsc" line 330:
Can't call play function GetComputerInterMusic from ui context
Script error, "PSXDOOM.CE.ipk3:zscript/ui/statscreen.zsc" line 331:
Unknown identifier 'interMusic'
Script error, "PSXDOOM.CE.ipk3:zscript/ui/statscreen.zsc" line 353:
Can't call play function ShouldModify from ui context
Script error, "PSXDOOM.CE.ipk3:zscript/ui/statscreen.zsc" line 394:
Left side of mFont is not a struct or class
Script error, "PSXDOOM.CE.ipk3:zscript/ui/statscreen.zsc" line 409:
Left side of mFont is not a struct or class
Script error, "PSXDOOM.CE.ipk3:zscript/ui/statscreen.zsc" line 422:
Can't call play function IsEpisodeEnding from ui context
Script error, "PSXDOOM.CE.ipk3:zscript/ui/statscreen.zsc" line 441:
Can't call play function GetComputerInterMusic from ui context
Script error, "PSXDOOM.CE.ipk3:zscript/ui/statscreen.zsc" line 442:
Unknown identifier 'interMusic'
Script error, "PSXDOOM.CE.ipk3:zscript/ui/statscreen.zsc" line 464:
Can't call play function ShouldModify from ui context
Script error, "PSXDOOM.CE.ipk3:zscript/ui/statscreen.zsc" line 505:
Left side of mFont is not a struct or class
Script error, "PSXDOOM.CE.ipk3:zscript/ui/statscreen.zsc" line 520:
Left side of mFont is not a struct or class

Execution could not continue.

18 errors while parsing DECORATE scripts

Edited by UnknDoomer

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Turns out version 3.2.0 was kind of busted, especially on Doom 64. I've just released version 3.2.1 which remedies this, sorry for the inconvenience. The release notes only have the highlights, there were also a few minor things fixed that aren't mentioned there.


TL;DR: Don't use 3.2.0, upgrade to 3.2.1.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've released version 3.3.0 of this mod: https://www.moddb.com/mods/doom-ce/downloads


Aside from bug fixes, one highlight of this release is that Doom 64 now includes the missing Doom 2 monsters (Chaingunners, Revenants, Arch-Viles, Spider Masterminds) in the original campaign if the default or experimental presets are selected, or if the feature is toggled manually. Their placement is loosely based on Doom 64 for Doom 2. Obviously, an exact carry over was not possible because D64D2 has different geometry and monster arrangements, so the intent is to slightly spice things up instead. The idea of adding the Spider Mastermind into Burnt Offerings was taken from Brutal Doom 64. This feature was actually silently added a couple of releases ago as a beta, but it was using placeholder monster placements.


Other highlights are that the GOG release of the DOOM 64 remaster is now auto detectable by the installer, and the bundled GZDoom was bumped to 4.8.2.

Edited by molecicco

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I have something of a "feature suggestion", have you considered packaging the various variants differently for download? I understand the reasoning behind the current setup (one Lite download with all versions, 3 separate Full downloads for each game), but it ends up being a huge redownload at every revision if one wants to have all 3 games up to date. I realized recently that the bulk of the total download (3.3Gb out of 4.1Gb) is from the additional music tracks, and those are almost never updated (last one was back in March). Having a "regular" version with everything except the extra soundtracks would be less than 800Mb and probably closer to 500-600 since there's so much duplication (especially between the PSX games). This would be the only file that needs redownloading at every release (up from the current 300Mb for Lite, but not by that much), while the big multi-Gb file would only be for those who want the extra music, and they'd only need to download it once.


Just a thought. In any case thank you for the update and all the fixes. Also very nice that the GOG version is now recognized!

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I've just reuploaded the 3.3.0 files fixing some author names that were incorrect. Nothing else was changed.


2 hours ago, brick said:

I have something of a "feature suggestion", have you considered packaging the various variants differently for download? I understand the reasoning behind the current setup (one Lite download with all versions, 3 separate Full downloads for each game), but it ends up being a huge redownload at every revision if one wants to have all 3 games up to date. I realized recently that the bulk of the total download (3.3Gb out of 4.1Gb) is from the additional music tracks, and those are almost never updated (last one was back in March). Having a "regular" version with everything except the extra soundtracks would be less than 800Mb and probably closer to 500-600 since there's so much duplication (especially between the PSX games). This would be the only file that needs redownloading at every release (up from the current 300Mb for Lite, but not by that much), while the big multi-Gb file would only be for those who want the extra music, and they'd only need to download it once.


Just a thought. In any case thank you for the update and all the fixes. Also very nice that the GOG version is now recognized!


I agree, this is a pain point for me as well. The way I've been thinking on doing it is similar to suggest: leave the main mod (Lite) in the Files tab, and add two new downloads in the Addons tab: a Visual Addon Pack (upscales, materials, etc) and an Audio Addon Pack (sounds, music). The only thing that holds me back from doing it is that I don't want to clutter the Addons tab and distract attention from the map packs, which are more interesting in my opinion. To mitigate it I'd need to bundle the addons for each mod (psx, final, 64) together, which adds up to huge downloads (3GB for audio, 1GB for visual). I'm still not convinced on what's the best way to do this.

Edited by molecicco

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Speaking of the Mastermind, I've reenabled it in my playthrough of PSX Final Doom, and in TNT Map20: Main Processing, the Mastermind is stuck in its teleport room, so it'll never teleport in and requires activating no clip to kill it. I'm still playing 3.1.3 though, so if this issue did get fixed in 3.2 or 3.3, nevermind then.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't know if you're doing bugfixes for the addons, but in case you are, in Fall Of Triton I found a rather blatant softlock in bonus map 3, Triton Plant, where the switch to open the door out of the blue key area can only be activated once. So if you go back in there after activating it, the door out will close behind you and you won't be able to open it back up. I've also fully updated, so I can confirm it's not an old version issue.

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2 hours ago, Omega Tyrant said:

I found a rather blatant softlock in bonus map 3, Triton Plant,.

Pinging @styd051 since he made that addon, I still haven’t played it yet so I can't help this time.

Edited by molecicco

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15 hours ago, Omega Tyrant said:

Don't know if you're doing bugfixes for the addons, but in case you are, in Fall Of Triton I found a rather blatant softlock in bonus map 3, Triton Plant, where the switch to open the door out of the blue key area can only be activated once. So if you go back in there after activating it, the door out will close behind you and you won't be able to open it back up. I've also fully updated, so I can confirm it's not an old version issue.


ah I didn't know who still had bugs on Fall Of Triton, unfortunately I'm too busy on my DOOM 64 Absolution TC Remastered project to fix this bug, but I'll take note of it so I don't forget it and fix it more later, I just hope it's not a bug too disturbing for the players.

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Been a while. In addition to Beta 64 have finished The Vortex Catastrophe, Playstation DOOM Reloaded Episodes 1/2, Outcast / Redemption Denied / Reckoning, Rumble Pak. In overall things run smooth, no major bugs found. Will be waiting for Doom Reloaded Episode 3 and Fall of Tritone Remake / 2 adaptation.


But I've few questions. Not relevant in my case already, but might be useful to clarify the big picture / put some notes in short reviews I've around there:


[question] 1. Outcast. Does it contain 6 runes? I've collected 5, but, it seems, it not possible to grab #6 one at last level?

[possible bug to enter on secret level] 2. Playstation DOOM Reloaded. Episode 1. M15 -> M92 "Hideout". It seems I've missed something to open the wall on the south or script for it might be broken...

[possible misc bug] 3. Reckoning. M3. It's not possible to shoot the switch that opens a section with the rune without using noclip - switch seems to be too far in the texture. Some other areas also seems bot to be accessable. I've found a level map.

[possible bug] 4. Rumble Pack. The Hell Base. Perhaps I've missed something, but platform, that might leads to blue key, same as gate to it, closed and I didn't find any switch to make it work or, perhaps, some script is bugged here.

Edited by UnknDoomer

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BTW. Will be interesting to see if @styd051 can adapt this was https://www.moddb.com/mods/doom-64-fusion-of-realities/downloads/fusion-of-realities-v10-doom-64-ex to Doom 64 CE, which is currently probably the last one "major" remaining megawad (10 maps) that is not supported / or in WIP stage in that case, also if count in mind that few works with official remake or regular GzDoom / inspired by overall atmosphere.


I've just tried to run it in last version of EX, but at least maps 4 and 6 cannot be loaded and author confirms that map 4 is broken. Some sort of mouse glitches on my side as well with this one. By other hand no much reasons left to roll back to EX for me.

Edited by UnknDoomer

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5 hours ago, UnknDoomer said:

BTW. Will be interesting to see if @styd051 can adapt this was https://www.moddb.com/mods/doom-64-fusion-of-realities/downloads/fusion-of-realities-v10-doom-64-ex to Doom 64 CE, which is currently probably the last one "major" remaining megawad (10 maps) that is not supported / or in WIP stage in that case, also if count in mind that few works with official remake or regular GzDoom / inspired by overall atmosphere.



I will see in time if I adapt it for DOOM64 CE later if I have less project to do, unless Molecico wants to do it before me of course.


but for CE I have a list of project I planned to do like adapting Fall of triton Remake campaign, Fall of triton 2 campaign, third episode The End of Playstation DOOM Reloaded, Threshold of Pain campaign and more, but at the moment i stopped modding for PSX DOOM i resumed modding DOOM64.


Edited by styd051

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So at least around 4 more wads to play. That's a good news. Especially interesting to see Threshold of Pain in this list in case originally it was rather inspired by thing then PSX / 64 one.



i resumed modding DOOM64.


Well. Mentioned one, Fusion of Realities, is 64 thing.

Edited by UnknDoomer

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17 hours ago, UnknDoomer said:

Well. Mentioned one, Fusion of Realities, is 64 thing.

One day, a group of 64 modders should get together and spruce up Fusion of Realities for the Doom 64 Remaster. It theoretically should solve the crashing problem and wouldn't require the soundfont patch.

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I've released version 3.3.1 on ModDB. It's a very small update, mostly to push some bug fixes on Doom 64, which had broken monster and item counts (I'm sorry completionists!).


If you use the Full version of 3.3.0, you can just grab the Lite version and overwrite every file in your existing installation with it. None of the addons included in the Full version have received any changes.


The highlights are:


- PSX: Added an option to display the Williams logo video on startup.

- PSX: [Main Processing] Fixed the Spider Mastermind getting stuck in a wall (reported by @Omega Tyrant)

- 64: Fixed monsters spawners incorrectly increasing monster and item counts.

- 64: Fixed some cases where waterfall animations would not work without the "Extra" addon.

- 64: [Main Engineering] Fixed chaingunners spawning even if the option to enable Doom 2 monsters was disabled.


On 7/23/2022 at 6:02 PM, UnknDoomer said:

[question] 1. Outcast. Does it contain 6 runes? I've collected 5, but, it seems, it not possible to grab #6 one at last level?

These are the maps where the artifacts are located:


(if Outcast monsters are enabled)

Portal: Red artifact

Darkened: Cyan artifact

Traps: Brown artifact

Nebula: Purple artifact

Radiant: Green artifact


(if Outcast monsters are disabled)

Traps: Brown artifact

Nebula: Cyan artifact

Radiant: Purple artifact


On 7/23/2022 at 6:02 PM, UnknDoomer said:

[possible bug to enter on secret level] 2. Playstation DOOM Reloaded. Episode 1. M15 -> M92 "Hideout". It seems I've missed something to open the wall on the south or script for it might be broken...


Let's hope @styd051 notes this down for a potential future patch!


On 7/23/2022 at 6:02 PM, UnknDoomer said:

[possible misc bug] 3. Reckoning. M3. It's not possible to shoot the switch that opens a section with the rune without using noclip - switch seems to be too far in the texture. Some other areas also seems bot to be accessable. I've found a level map.


Solution inside the spoiler:


To open the door, you must shoot this switch to temporarily lower the highlighted monitors in the hallway, then quickly run back and shoot the switch that is behind them.




On 7/23/2022 at 6:02 PM, UnknDoomer said:

[possible bug] 2. Rumble Pack. The Hell Base. Perhaps I've missed something, but platform, that might leads to blue key, same as gate to it, closed and I didn't find any switch to make it work or, perhaps, some script is bugged here.


This map is super cryptic and I remember it taking me over an hour to finish. I also thought it was bugged at first, but it turns out the blue key was hidden behind a puzzle:


See this panel? It is slightly different than the rest: it's colored yellow instead of orange. You must shoot it, and a pillar will lower that will let you access the blue key.




Edited by molecicco

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(if Outcast monsters are enabled)
Portal: Red artifact
Darkened: Cyan artifact
Traps: Brown artifact
Nebula: Purple artifact
Radiant: Green artifact


Was enabled. Anyhow. You mentioned 5 here, not 6. Number 6 in my case, purple, was on last level and acted as sort of ghost one, i.e. appear at one specific place, dissapear then and I didn't see at anywhere after. So, I suppose, it was some sort of glitch then / or forgotten dublicate.

Edited by UnknDoomer

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42 minutes ago, UnknDoomer said:


Was enabled. Anyhow. You mentioned 5 here, not 6. Number 6 in my case, purple, was on last level and acted as sort of ghost one, i.e. appear at one specific place, dissapear then and I didn't see at anywhere after. So, I suppose, it was some sort of glitch then / or forgotten dublicate.


Only five artifacts exist in the game (3 regular + 2 outcast exclusive). The one you mention is the one in Nebula, as listed above. You only have one chance to pick it up. If you approach it, it will disappear and you will not be able to get it unless you restart the level. Instead, what you must do is wait until you reach the area of the fight between the Cyberdemon and Motherdemon, and open a secret passage that lets you pick it up from behind.

Edited by molecicco

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I've been using the SFX addon for non-PSXCE uses and it has been working, except there are no footstep sounds. Is there a way to modify it so that it keeps the footstep sounds when loaded outside of PSXCE?

Edited by Omega Tyrant

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11 hours ago, Omega Tyrant said:

So I've been using the SFX addon for non-PSXCE uses and it has been working, except there are no footstep sounds. Is there a way to modify it so that it keeps the footstep sounds when loaded outside of PSXCE?


The footsteps are not part of that addon. There's plenty of compatible footstep mods out there that you can use instead. Here are some suggestions:





Edited by molecicco

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Is it possible to skip the intro sequence entirely and go directly to the Title screen as if playing Doom, Hexen, etc?

Edited by NaliSeed

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This is great! Thank you for creating this mod.


Is there a way to suppress the "Thank you for playing" message upon quit, as it can't be closed with a controller button (am running it on a keyboard-less TV setup via launchbox).


PSX version



Edited by ozy

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17 hours ago, NaliSeed said:

Is it possible to skip the intro sequence entirely and go directly to the Title screen as if playing Doom, Hexen, etc?


The originals don't have a title screen, instead they play the intro and take you to a menu screen after it's done or if you skip it. Here, the main menu is overlaid over everything like in PC Doom, so in this mod the intro *is* the title screen. Technically it is possible to recreate the original menu, but I actually prefer it this way.


6 hours ago, ozy said:

This is great! Thank you for creating this mod.


Is there a way to suppress the "Thank you for playing" message upon quit, as it can't be closed with a controller button (am running it on a keyboard-less TV setup via launchbox).


PSX version


In gzdoom's option menu, go to Option Search and search for "ENDOOM", then disable the option to "Show ENDOOM screen". This used to be disabled by default, perhaps it's something they changed for the latest gzdoom version.

Edited by molecicco

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On 8/8/2022 at 11:26 PM, molecicco said:


The originals don't have a title screen, instead they play the intro and take you to a menu screen after it's done or if you skip it. Here, the main menu is overlaid over everything like in PC Doom, so in this mod the intro *is* the title screen. Technically it is possible to recreate the original menu, but I actually prefer it this way.



In gzdoom's option menu, go to Option Search and search for "ENDOOM", then disable the option to "Show ENDOOM screen". This used to be disabled by default, perhaps it's something they changed for the latest gzdoom version.


Thanks very much, I found the option.

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Any way to disable the flashlight sway?


EDIT: Well, using Flashlight++ mod instead is one way about it.

Edited by eqagunn

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  • 4 weeks later...

Is the kill counter broken perhaps? Some maps have a given number of monsters, but often after you've killed them all, if new monsters spawn via scripting they get added to the counter. 

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On 8/8/2022 at 1:34 AM, NaliSeed said:

Is it possible to skip the intro sequence entirely and go directly to the Title screen as if playing Doom, Hexen, etc?

CE was based on Retribution, which has a skip intro option. Assuming CE kept all my CVARs, enable that. Then the game will go to the menu instead of playing the intro.


1 hour ago, NaliSeed said:

Is the kill counter broken perhaps? Some maps have a given number of monsters, but often after you've killed them all, if new monsters spawn via scripting they get added to the counter. 

GZDoom has no way of automatically adjusting the kill count based on ACS spawning actions, so no it's not broken. It's purely a side effect of scripting.


There are several ways to circumvent this, but the work is more than the problem is worth honestly. You could either:

- Place the monsters to be spawned in sectors outside the playable area and "move" them instead of spawn fresh

- Create copies of monsters and disable the COUNTKILL flag, then place real counted ones outside the playable area. Spawn the ones which don't count, then with ACS scripts applied to each spawned monster, kill the ones which do count outside the map

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