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Introducing RZDoom (Retro ZDoom) 3.0.1 - Updated April 17 2022


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Wow..  all these icons are amazing.  No idea how any of you just whack these out, what kind of black magic is this :)

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8 minutes ago, Gibbon said:

Wow..  all these icons are amazing.  No idea how any of you just whack these out, what kind of black magic is this :)

Paint.NET and a few plugins do the trick ;)


I actually made mine in ~30 minutes. A lot of the said Paint.NET plugins/effects help to create stuff like this pretty quickly.


6 minutes ago, Biodegradable said:

Those look terrific, @Wavy you really nailed the similar aesthetic of the ZDoom family of logos.

Thanks! The brushed metal effect I feel could be further improved though as it looks more like streaks than anything. I might give it a play later to see if I can make it look better and actually like metal.

Edited by Wavy

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4 minutes ago, Wavy said:

Thanks! The brushed metal effect I feel could be further improved though as it looks more like streaks than anything. I might give it a play later to see if I can make it look better and actually like metal.


I was originally going to make my icon like yours to look like part of the original family, until I had the Z "negative space" idea. Only main difference I would have gone for is including the brushed steel / chrome effect to bring in that skeuomorphism style from the originals. :)

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1 minute ago, Dragonfly said:

Only main difference I would have gone for is including the brushed steel / chrome effect to bring in that skeuomorphism style from the originals. :)

Yeah, that's what I was attempting to go for. Again, I'll do some editing later to make it look more like brushed steel.

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Just going to sidestep the ongoing logo contest for a second (even though it's rather fun and I hope more people join in) I've read the OP several times over, but I don't get a lot of the technical waffle, so I'll just ask, Gibb: Since this is a ZDoom fork of sorts (I think?) will it still have some level of mod support? I like to play with some basic stuff like weapon animation smoothers, custom HUDs and Nash's Gore for example. Would RZDoom be able to run those at all, or not?

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Just now, Biodegradable said:

Just going to sidestep the ongoing logo contest for a second (even though it's rather fun and I hope more people join in) I've read the OP several times over, but I don't get a lot of the technical waffle, so I'll just ask, Gibb: Since this is a ZDoom fork of sorts (I think?) will it still have some level of mod support? I like to play with some basic stuff like weapon animation smoothers, custom HUDs and Nash's Gore for example. Would RZDoom be able to run those at all, or not?

It will right now, be able to do anything and everything that ZDoom 2.8.1 can.  I have no intention of harming mod support at all (I even left in fragglescript).


EDIT: Personally, I use the Black Ops wad for smoother animations.  Works nicely.

Edited by Gibbon

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i'd also like to ask a question that is unrelated to the logos, is compiling rzdoom identical to compiling zdoom? i couldn't find anything about it on the github page for rzdoom so i'd assume its the same, but i've never had any luck compiling zdoom so i didn't bother trying anything.

Edited by JackBoi

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Just now, JackBoi said:

i'd also like to ask a question that is unrelated to the logos, is compiling rzdoom identical to compiling zdoom?

Pretty much.


Windows (use the project file)

Linux (mkdir build, cd build, cmake .. && make)

Mac (same as Linux)

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3 hours ago, Wavy said:

ZDoom will really never die.


I also see we're making logos for RZDoom, right? I guess I should join as well:






These were made to stylistically fit in with the G/L/Q/ZDoom (<- wow) logos. The one above is the actual logo, while the one below is a simpler one for the EXE icon.


I'm also really digging @Dragonfly's icon as well though!

These look great! The first one looks exactly like a ZDoom-esque logo

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5 minutes ago, Gibbon said:

How am I supposed to choose?!


I don't know if it's the best way to choose, but a poll might work. 

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1 hour ago, Gibbon said:

How am I supposed to choose?!

Modeled after the official logo's looks the best, but this isn't an official work. So perhaps you need something that looks close enough, but also looks a tad unique.

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6 hours ago, Wavy said:

ZDoom will really never die.


I also see we're making logos for RZDoom, right? I guess I should join as well:






These were made to stylistically fit in with the G/L/Q/ZDoom (<- wow) logos. The one above is the actual logo, while the one below is a simpler one for the EXE icon.


These ones are the best in my opinion. Look similar to the official G/L/Q/ZDoom logos, but still has its unique identity.

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35 minutes ago, Redneckerz said:

Modeled after the official logo's looks the best, but this isn't an official work. So perhaps you need something that looks close enough, but also looks a tad unique.

I think that this is an important point to consider. 


Of course, this is a friendly fork and making a nod to the *zdoom family ports' icon/logo aesthetics is a great idea. However, I think it would be a wise for the logo to take a significant departure from those base-influences in a way that represents what will make this port different.
In this regard, I think the less-textural/relatively-minimal second example of Wavy's logo may be a good candidate, as I feel that it speaks to the stripped-down nature that the port seems to be aiming for. 
It kind of reminds me of the color banding in software rendering.

Just an onlooker's perspective.

Edited by kwc

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3 hours ago, Redneckerz said:

Modeled after the official logo's looks the best, but this isn't an official work. So perhaps you need something that looks close enough, but also looks a tad unique.

Yeah this this likely a decent approximation.  Wavy definitely nailed that look.  I'll see which ones look better as icons (especially as Mac App icons).

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5 hours ago, Redneckerz said:

So perhaps you need something that looks close enough, but also looks a tad unique.

That's what I was going for, and I think I did a decent enough job at trying to make it its own thing, but I'm considering on adding two changes to make it more original:

  • Lowering the number of lines in the middle from 10 to about 4 or 5 to demonstrate this port being more stripped back. (<- This'll apply to both logos)
  • Adding a pixelation effect as opposed to a brushed steel effect. It is called Retro ZDoom after all. (<- Might only be applied to the more detailed logo)

I'm open to any more suggestions though!


4 hours ago, kwc said:

I think the less-textural/relatively-minimal second example of Wavy's logo may be a good candidate, as I feel that it speaks to the stripped-down nature that the port seems to be aiming for.

I wouldn't mind this being the primary logo, but I did intend the logo to be a prohibit symbol to represent the ports more stripped-down approach.


Edited by Wavy

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Unrelated to the logo stuff but I think this is a bug straight from 2.8.1:





Pistol flash lasts too long.

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Hey all. I just updated my logos with my fixes mentioned above, those being a pixelation effect and less diagonal lines.

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Cheers wavy!  By the looks of it, most of us here seem to want to go with yours.  So I'll do some Mac Apps and see which one looks the best on the dock!


Ok, as promised, I have gotten the M1 Macbooks targeted and working (yay no more hard crashes..  well..  less :P) - it looks a bit zoomed as I cropped from 4K (had to test the scaling).


Spot the bug:



As I suspected last night during my late night (actually early morning) coding session..  the gdtoa library that converts floating points is the culprit here.  I wish I could ask Randi (despite being a fantastic developer) "why Randi..  why oh why use a library dealing with non-portable floating point calcultions?".  Granted, it may not have been a big deal 10 years ago since there was no M1 Mac and ARM computers were about as useful for gaming as an empty bucket in the Sahara.


Now I don't want to go the GZDoom route and remove that library and all the stuff it touches, but I will instead 'port' the library to ARM64 CPU's.  The main location is in misc.c where it deals with UULONG/ULONG calculations.  ARM64 CPU's are notorious for being fast but not spectacularly accurate when it comes to these, so I will replace those few lines with ARM64 compatible conversions, MIPS would be even worse here I would imagine.  I guess some ARM64 Assembler will be forthcoming..


I also optimised the square root Length() calls to use std::sqrt instead of just sqrt() as Microsoft thought it wise to point sqrt() to a JIT implementation which..  is about as fast as a Hamster in a race with a Cheetah.  This way, all platforms benefit from the IEEE standard of sqrt rather than using different implementations.


Phew..  that's a lot of waffling.  Now I'll fix some bugs and add those things I promised.

Edited by Gibbon

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10 minutes ago, Gibbon said:

Spot the bug

Lemme guess, is it the numbers on the HUD not not snapping to the grid?


Also, thanks for going with my logo! It's a pleasure to help develop something for a source port!

Edited by Wavy

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20 minutes ago, Wavy said:

Lemme guess, is it the numbers on the HUD not not snapping to the grid?


Also, thanks for going with my logo! It's a pleasure to help develop something for a source port!

And the super stretched sky :)

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Just now, Gibbon said:

And the super stretched sky :)

I thought the stretched sky was to compensate mouselook as other ports like PrBoom and DSDA-Doom have an option to stretch skies.

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40 minutes ago, Wavy said:

I thought the stretched sky was to compensate mouselook as other ports like PrBoom and DSDA-Doom have an option to stretch skies.

While that is indeed true, it is stretched to a larger degree than what should happen.  The Raspberry Pi port compensates for it correctly while M1 does not, I'm suspecting it is an issue with scaling on this OS+CPU combination rather than ARM-specific issues.


Basically, while the game is scaled, the background appears stuck at 320x200 without being scaled upwards to match the ratio.

Edited by Gibbon

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