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Guess the Map (X edition, DONE)

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15. Reconstruction/Decomposition


After the last post I began to wonder how fair some of my methods really were, and above is one I think may be especially dubious. I have a spreadsheet listing the whole Top 100 and Cacowards because I hope to play through them all and that helps me keep track. All I really had to do was look for a single map runner up from 2015 or earlier, and today's second hint helped narrow it down even more.


But yeah I've mostly been ruining the spirit of things by double checking the map I suspect in Slade or whatever instead of actually guessing like the title says. If not for that I would have guessed the same Requiem map as everyone else for 6. I'm planning to follow RjY's example for the next competition.


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With new hints... these are my guesses.


  1. MAP07: Arachnophobia from Hell Revealed
  2. E2M2: Containment Area but for console versions? Not sure if PSX and Jaguar share same layouts or not now.
  3. MAP09: Abattoire from The Plutonia Experiment. FUCK THAT CIRCULAR HALLWAY!
  4. Void
  5. Ancient Aliens from Ancient Aliens??? Them landing in ships, and circular architecture, is pretty much the only thing I have in idea... Only ever played the WAD itself until MAP04 and MAP29 uniquely so... I don't know if there's an actual map called Ancient Aliens but it's worth a shot.
  6. The new hints made me doubt if it's the Iikka level. Besides, I've shown that level to a friend today and noticed there's another bridge before the 3D bridge. Thus I know it's NOT the Requiem level, but not sure what that is.
  7. E2M8: Serenity Forever from Eternity
  8. It's definitely called Forbidden Fruit alright. Not sure where from though.
  9. Not sure even with hints.
  10. Well it's definitely a sequel to Void but not sure how it's called... Void 2 I said earlier so imma roll with it.
  11. MAP31: The Red Dawn from 50 Monsters, by an_mutt. Recognized the oddly rotated shapes (big fan of those!) and the crusher area, and the hint just gave it all away.
  12. No idea.
  13. Definitely something from ConC.E.R.Ned. Thanks, hints. Not sure what exactly though.
  14. No idea.
  15. No idea.
  16. No idea.
  17. No idea.
  18. No idea.
  19. No idea.
  20. Probably a Bridgeburner map but I don't know.
  21. E1M5: The Abyss from Duke Nukem 3D. I don't care if it's a Doom mapset that has that exact map; to me it's The Abyss, a map I dearly love.
  22. Hub map from The Golden Souls 2. Guesswork again.
  23. No idea.
  24. Like I think I've played this, but I've no idea...
  25. I don't know...


And also did no.1 and no.2 for funsies. This is great! I hope this continues!

  1. MAP01: Entryway from Doom II
  2. MAP30: Last Call from TNT: Evilution
  3. E2M9: Fortress of Mystery from Doom
  4. MAP11: Hunted from The Plutonia Experiment
  5. MAP31: Pharaoh from TNT: Evilution
  6. MAP20: Misri Halek from Alien Vendetta
  7. MAP24: The Mucus Flow from Community Chest 2
  8. No idea.
  9. MAP05: Deus Vult from Deus Vult
  10. No idea.
  11. No idea.
  12. No idea.
  13. No idea.
  14. MAP01 from Deus Vult
  15. MAP08: 54-pit from JPCP
  16. No idea.
  17. No idea
  18. MAP32: Hexagon from 10Sectors
  19. No idea.
  20. MAP29: Citadel at the Edge of Eternity from Community Chest
  21. E5M3 from Sigil.
  22. MAP01 from Back to Saturn X Episode 1
  23. MAP02 from 10Sectors
  24. No idea.
  25. MAP03: Crawl Space from Going Down.
  1. MAP13: Downtown from Doom II
  2. No idea.
  3. No idea.
  4. No idea.
  5. No idea. Looks like if And Hell Followed met Dawn of the Dead E1M7.
  6. No idea.
  7. No idea.
  8. No idea.
  9. No idea.
  10. No idea.
  11. No idea.
  12. No idea.
  13. No idea.
  14. No idea.
  15. No idea.
  16. No idea.
  17. The Final Frontier from Plutonia. (Am replaying Plutonia rn as a matter of fact.)
  18. No idea.
  19. No idea.
  20. Hoover Dam
  21. E5M1: Ochre Cliffs from Heretic
  22. No idea.
  23. Double Impact E1M1. Ironman experience + Freedoom hint gave it away.
  24. No idea.
  25. MAP05: Time Gate from Eternal Doom. 300 second hint gave it away and I'm a huge fan of Sverre.


Edited by NaZa
i am an idiot, mixed numbers up

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1. MAP07 Arachnophobia from Hell Revealed (Deadwing, SilverMiner, SiFi, lokbustam, vdgg, DMP, galileo, RjY, Shepardus, head_cannon, NaZa, cannonball)
2. MAP10 Containment Area from Jaguar/PSX/32X/3DO/Saturn/GBA Doom (Wavy, RHhe, SiFi, lokbustam, pcorf, NaZa, DMP, galileo, RjY, head_cannon, most people actually got this one but then again I was looking for any of the non-PC versions of Containment Area)

3. MAP09 Abbatoire from Plutonia (SilverMiner, RHhe, SiFi, DoomLover77, pcorf, vdgg, NaZa, galileo, RjY, Shepardus, head_cannon, cannonball, wad guess by Deadwing)

4. Void (SiFi, Dragonfly, NaZa, DMPhobos, galileo)

5. MAP08 Ancient Aliens from Ancient Aliens (Deadwing, SiFi, lokbustam, Dragonfly, DMP, galileo, cannonball, NaZa, wad guess by RjY)

6. MAP11 of Dystopia 3 (SilverMiner, SiFi, galileo, RjY)

7. E2M8 Serenity Forever from Eternity (SiFi, pcorf, NaZa, galileo)
8. MAP25 Forbidden Fruit from Going Down (SiFi, Captain POLAND, Dragonfly, galileo, head_cannon, cannonball, level name guess by NaZa)

9. MAP06 P.E.T. Rescue from Icarus (A.H.S., galileo, wad guess by RjY)

10. Void and Rainbow (SiFi, galileo, Chainie)

11. MAP31 Red Dawn from 50 Monsters (RjY, Shepardus, NaZa, galileo)

12. Bury My Heart Knee Deep (Spineapple tea, galileo, Shepardus)

13. E1M4 Withered Gardens from Return to Hadron (RjY, cannonball, sorry it's not the ConC.E.R.Ned one)

14. MAP11 Frozen Terror from Operation: BIOWAR (galileo)

15. Reconstruction/Decomposition (galileo, SiFi)

16. Garden of Delight by John Bye (would have also accepted MAP17 of DOOM32.wad if you said that but this was the only one not guessed. SiFi was closest)

17. Angry Quilt 2 (Wavy, lokbustam, DMP, galileo)

18. MAP28 Amongst the Ash from Interception (DMP, galileo, head_cannon, cannonball)

19. MAP27 HellChaos from ChrisWAD (Captain POLAND)

20. MAP32 Amarite Accelerator from Fractured Worlds (Shepardus, wad guess by galileo)

21. MAP24 El Abismo from Doom 2 In Spain Only (DMP, galileo, wad guess by RjY, head_cannon)

22. MAP100 World Map from Doom: The Golden Souls 2 (SiFi, NaZa, wild-yet-gnarly-tubular-way cool-awesome-groovy-mondo-outrageous-funky-but-not-quite-there wad guess by galileo)

23. MAP31 Morass from The Twilight Zone II: Final Dreams (pcorf)

24. MAP19 Processing Center from Invasion II (SiFi, vdgg, btw it's not Polygon Base, but it is based off of it and by the same author)

25. MAP05 Black Moon of the Forest from Khorus (SiFi, galileo)


Combined, everyone who guessed was 96% right! Thanks for your participation in the Xth edition of Guess the Map! @galileo31dos01 you are free to host the next one whenever you wish, I plan to take the rest of winter break from hosting until next year (and if you want to take the rest of the month off like me sure thing too).

One more thing, all guesses must now be in SPOILER TAGS for all future installments from here on out. This will be a new rule when the 11th edition is underway. Any guesses that are not in spoiler tags will not be counted.

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