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The 2021 Cacowards

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Congrats to all the winners, runner-ups and all the people who worked in this award, despite that has a rough year for everyone. 

And Doom is more than alive...and of course, will still kick ass.

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Fucking round of applause for the Cacoward team for this year's effort as well, y'all really outdid yourselves with this one.

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Good picks, good wads, good write ups. A little puzzled on the insanity dm award (given it's a mod rather than mapset? Not that it isn't deserving, I just figured it would be in another category) but otherwise solid and some surprising picks. Looking forward to another year of quality wads!

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I had literally no idea Rand Phares died, RIP

Predicted that Lullaby, TPH, Heartland, Arrival and kraflab would get awards, A:Z would get a silver, and many megawads mentioned yippee.

Oh boy the wiki is gonna get more new stuff too. One thing I would have liked more if I may criticize, was more attention to Doomwiki, specifically @Xymph and his tireless work with the place (unless I missed it). Couldn't stress how well Xymph makes the place grow.

Really nice I got to experience most of these except for the TCs and gameplay mods this year before these awards came out too.


IMO, that screenshot for Fractured Worlds isn't good. NEEDS MOAR BLUE

Refracted Reality was the biggest snub apparently.

Edited by NuMetalManiak
will probs add more

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3 minutes ago, Peter said:

There were so many MIDI packs that were released this year, a huge boom of MIDI packs from so many talented people and you decided not to mention any of it?


Not even a single word?Shout outs to decino, @JD Herrera @Cammy @TrialD @Sego @Bloo @Sumo @leejacksonaudio @northivanastan @Doomkid @Xulgonoth and the rest of the Doom MIDI musicians who have been working hard these year, contributing to all these MIDI packs. Sorry we all got completely slept on in the Cacowards.

Uh, but we did write about it... Check the other awards section.

Edited by Dynamo

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A very well deserved congratulations to all the winners. You've earned it.


And thank YOU, everyone, for keeping the community alive and strong after 28 years!

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3 minutes ago, Dynamo said:

Uh, but we did write about it... Check the other awards section.

🤦‍♂️ thrown into the sidebar instead of a proper post? So easy to overlook to the point of someone actually searching for it can easily miss it.

Edited by Peter

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It was a crazy year with so many amazing releases. And I'm sure next year we will see many more unique releases. Although I am a classic fan, Lullaby was my favorite release for 2021, it was simply mind blowing.

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Congrats, everyone!  So much quality content this year, can't imagine how anyone could sort through and pick the best of the best.  Absolutely mad lol

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Great work on the Cacowards guys, so much quality work to comb through and pick from this year. Congrats to all the winners, runnerups, and mentions! Xaser and Tarnsman are absolute inspirational champs, I'm glad they've received proper recognitions they deserve.

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Oh my God, I'm back again!


Congrats to all 2021 Cacowards winners! I will continue to open Doombuilder and cry between sessions of enjoying your magnificent work

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15 minutes ago, Peter said:

🤦‍♂️ thrown into the sidebar instead of a proper post? So easy to overlook to the point of someone actually searching for it can easily miss it.

Dear lord, what a bitchfest. Aren't you decino's basement sidekick? It's probably good when you're just focusing on work and not being paraded publicly.

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Congratulations to all of the winners! It's truly amazing and gratifying to be so overloaded with quality this year! Here's to many more! (I am a little sad Skulltiverse didn't make runner-up but you know). If the runner-up all have bits on them, Ive got to see them.

Edited by LadyMistDragon

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