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How do you personally play doom?

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Unity Port.


Save at the start of a level, use another slot to save throughout the level. When I get to the next level, I go over my 2nd save and repeat the process.


So far I have played Ultimate Doom, Sigil, No End in Sight, Deathless, Double Impact, Doom 2, Master Levels, TNT, Plutonia, Earthless. I still have maybe 4 or so more downloaded WADS to play.


I also design levels and have made maybe 8 over the last 16 months. My 7 year old son likes to design maps and I think he has made 15 already.

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The mouse action on earlier versions of zdoom (zdoom version 2*) is just phenomenally awesome; and modern versions of gzdoom or any other versions I've played on just are not as good. So I prefer to play in zdoom versions 2*. 


Since I got into Roguelikes in 2013 (umm, just Angband really) I no longer save when I play doom, which means I don't play much doom because I lose patience after dying a lot to replay levels. I should probably play on HMP but I have such a psychological hang up with that difficulty setting that I am not playing it as the level was designed to be played. 

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I usually play on DSDA-Doom or GZDoom, using the command line or batch files to launch WADs so I use the right complevel. Sometimes I use Chocolate Doom for vanilla-compatible maps just to get the "truest" experience, though  even modern "vanilla" WADs usually look better in higher resolutions. 


I like to play from pistol starts on UV, but I don't try to kill every monster or find every secret except in maps that really mandate that behavior. Pistol-starting often changes the pacing of each level for the better. You can't trivialize hectic early fights with weaponry acquired on previous maps.


How often to save depends on how long the maps take and how annoyed I get when I have to start over. I usually try to go saveless or I do the classic "save before each fight and get each one consistent before moving on," no in between.


If I get frustrated or I just want to enjoy a good power fantasy, I play Underhalls, because I'm a sucker for blasting through chaff monsters set up to get knocked down with a super shotgun.

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- GZDoom (or PRBoom+ if mod doesn't work with GZDoom properly)

- Rocket Launcher (launcher, not weapon) for mod management

- Like to savescum slaughtermaps on UV

- Like urban themed wads

- No pistol starts

- Prefer large single-map wads over megawads

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GZDoom, but if a certain wad requires certain sourceport I have no problems with it.

Occassionally I try some weapon mod, mainly for Single maps, same goes for randomizers.

I used to play Continuous but switched to pistol start some months ago, UV difficulty as standard.

Gameplay wise I use Freelook, no autoaim and a subtle crosshair.

I tend to save before any fight, this may change depending on the situation/wad type.

Sometimes If theres no salvation I just restart the level, savescumming can be deceiving and you cant rely on it.

When it comes to wads, I really dont have any preference, I enjoy playing good old Doom, from Sunder to a little puzzle room.

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My personal favourite source port of Doom is LZDoom which I prefer more than GZDoom because of the better perfomance. I never go pistol start, I use saves, I sometimes use cheat codes, my default difficulty for the official WADs and some custom WADs which I find too easy is UV and for Final Doom and custom WADs which I have troubles with is HMP and I don't do 100% everything because I just want to enjoy it with my heart

When I want to play Vanilla, I simply turn off freelook, jump and crouch, I use the classic HUD and I switch to Software Render. I really miss those days when I was playing the original Doom on DOSBox Emulator when I was new at Dooming which makes me want to play in the same way on LZDoom so I can still feel like I play the original with just better controls, better fps, widescreen and some more cool options and features.

When I want to play ZDoom stuff and mods like the Golden Souls, Brutal Doom, Touhou Doom, Spooktober, Simon's Destiny, Complex Doom, IkaDoom, Judgement Day, SRB2 etc, I turn on freelook, jump and crouch, I use the modern HUD and I switch to OpenGL Render. I may like Vanilla but I also enjoy modern Doom stuff, those modders have some great skills and creativity

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I always like the lighting, color and framerate to be "as vanilla as possible". I play in widescreen and with 1280x720 resolution, generally speaking.


The 3 ports I regularly bounce between for SP would be GZDoom (just because it's so easy to boot at any moment), DSDA-Doom and Doom2.exe. If a wad I'm making works right in all 3 of those, it will work in any competently made port! Plus I've got them all set up feeling really nice to control.


For multiplayer I use Zand, ZD and Oda of course. Same idea, vanilla looking but with widescreen, controls as close as possible between all 3.


I don't use mods, even minor ones, all that much.

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Pistol Start

Saves only allowed before or after fights. (No midsaves) unless a fight is really long.

Opengl Lighting Always

1920 x 1080 resolution

Uncapped Framerate

Extended Hud

Difficulty will usually be UV but may vary depending on my mood and the mapset

No mods ever


For context I mostly play challenge wads so that may make more sense of my choices.



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These days I play

  • On a laptop, 1920x1080
  • DSDA Doom or GZDoom
  • keyboard only
  • game music off, my own music on
  • no mods
  • pistol start unless it's a continuous only wad
  • saving and cheating within the spirit of the law

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GZDoom, keyboard only, UV -fast, continuous, save whenever. GZDoom is set to everything vanilla except bug fixes, limit removals and disabled infinitely tall actors.


2560x1440, 240 FPS.


Play pretty much only megawads. No mods, sprite replacements are the biggest change I am willing to play with.

Edited by idbeholdME

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Via Doom Launcher. It's much easier for me, and very convient.


If a WAD can run on Doom2.exe, I either run it on Chocolate Doom or Eternity.

If a WAD is limit-removing, I use Eternity.

Whereas, if a WAD requires GZDoom, I use just that.


GZDoom is set up in a way in order to retain the vanilla feel. I only save if necessary.

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My main port became DSDA Doom, playing fullscreen with mouse/keyboard. I have Doom Launcher set up so I can easily set complevel parameters without having to resort to creating multiple batch files. Mouselook is enabled because I enjoy looking around maps and soak in the details and I don't believe for a second my Doom marine has a broken neck. To mitigate the possible advantage of being able to freely shoot anywhere, I do not have vertical aiming on so autoaim rules still apply.


I play mapsets continously and save whenever I feel like it. I typically don't save during encounters but I did end up breaking that rule for Sunlust's Map 30 just because the first leg of the final fight was soooooooo long. I'll typically play on UV unless the mapset author itself tell me that I'm gonna have a bad time, then I will dial it down to HMP.

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- As vanilla as possible

- Saving often because replaying maps may take forever


But I can never settle between 320x200 vs 640x400 and uncapped vs capped

Edited by game

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I have two modes:


- Crispy Doom or PrBoom+. I don't go out of my way to pistol start, and I'll save a couple of times during longer levels but usually not resort to save scumming. I try to play on UV and go for 100% of everything or as close as I can get before losing motivation, but for harder mapsets, I'll turn it down if I need to.

- GZDoom with Doom Roguelike Arsenal and Bestiary. Everything except brightmaps turned off to make it look as vanilla as possible. It's a fun way to breathe some life into a megawad.

Edited by bofu

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Vanilla or Sprinkled Doom for vanilla maps. From Doom with Love, Doom retro and Woof! for Boom/MBF maps. And GZDoom for advanced maps 


Hurt me Plenty (Only UV for speedruns or whenever I want to do a UV fast), no pistol starts and quite a few saves

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I've been playing continuous and trying to limit my save scumming to between encounters. On this playthrough I've finally beaten 1 on UV and now most of the way through 2 on UV. Playing on GZDoom on more or less vanilla settings, but I did keep Infinite height off. I think when I finally try TNT I'll go no saves, and pistol start if I die. Hopefully I get through it doing that.

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Crispy doom and woof for boom maps, playing with pistol starts and trying not to save often. I'm using the most vanilla settings except for visual stuff like 60 fps, wide screen, higher resolution

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Woof is my new go to source port. I like to save after I get each key, unless I'm preparing for a speedrun. Always UV pistol start. I use DSDA-Doom to dump videos for my YouTube channel and track pacifist runs if I'm having any doubts. Traditional WASD + mouse setup. I keep gameplay at 35fps because it feels more relaxed that way.

Edited by CleaverHeaver

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I usually prefer to play on my normal collection on Steam rather than using a mod or WAD. I do want to explore other mods and WADs when I get more accustomed to how everything works, though.

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