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How do i make enemies end level when they all die?


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I'll make it more clear, how do i make it so when you kill all enemies it ends the level? Like a cod zombies wave type thing, I use gzdoombuilder.

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Wrong section.


Anyhow, you need a script that will constantly check for the monsters to be alive.

So, you could use a while loop: give to all of the monsters a tag and check, with ThingCount, if these are > 0 and when they are no more end the level

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There's a way to specify any action special in ZDoom without any scripts, by adding a line like this in a map definition in MAPINFO:

    SpecialAction = "Arachnotron", "Exit_Normal", 0

This will end the level if all of the Arachnotron in the level are killed (you can replace this with any other type of monster), but I'm not sure if there's a way to replace the monstertype with a more general "all monsters". If there is that'd be a much easier way to do it.


EDIT: nope I was wrong, this only works for monsters that already have A_BossDeath, which excludes the majority of the enemy actors (and is why it worked for me for the Arachnotron without having to change anything else).

Edited by brick

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