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Cacowards 2022 Mentionations Thread [mention projects / contributions that aren't levels too]

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I think i found today something good.


HYDRA a sci-fi total conversion with new story,  textures, monsters and weapons. 3 episodes, 15 maps.


In this mod we have even storytelling ;) player can check terminals for new informations etc.



Short gameplay from demo version:


Full version of mod you can download from moddb: HYDRA.

Ps. I finished only first few maps and im playing with Project Brutality so i dont have enemies etc like in vanilla wad but its still fun :)

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I'd like to mention Bellatrix Episode 1. Definitely one of the most impressive wads I've played in recent memory.

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I'd like to mentionate Doomer Boards Project Tribute - Episode 1: Lilywhite Lilith by Joe Ilya.


It's a 5 map episode based on DBP11: Lilywhite Lilith's resources, one of mine and others' favorites in the DBP series, but this set stands out in its own ways and comes with many new twists.  All of the following: the base resources, additional new resources, a well picked music selection to vibe to, and last but not least, the JoeIlya-isms (aka "Ilyisms") all come together in a pleasant way like some sort of peanut butter, chocolate and jelly sandwich.

Edited by NoisyVelvet

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For the Mordeth section (not necessarily the award, as it's not released yet), can we have Doom: Slayer Edition for Atari Jaguar for an honorable mention? The author has spoken back in September that the mod is still on hold, but not cancelled.

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1+ to Mapping At Warpspeed  https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/131792-mapping-at-warpspeed-rc2-puss-ix-32-maps-alien-extravaganza/


10/10 Vanilla wad with amazing details,/fun M hardsaps. Honestly Took me 12h to finish in UV-100% of course blind run. Anyway good wad :)

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I dont know if this could count for 2022 Cacowards (mod was oryginally released in 2014) but in 2022 Brutal Wolfenstein was totally reworked, all 6 episodes. New maps, enemies, weapons, gameplay changes, bugfixes etc.


Link to Brutal Wolfenstein on moddb: Click

Ps. There will be one more update with bonus episode.

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2 minutes ago, tom3kb said:

I dont know if this could count for 2022 Cacowards (mod was oryginally released in 2014)


Very likely that it won't be considered if it's that old.

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17 hours ago, Jean150 said:

1+ to Mapping At Warpspeed  https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/131792-mapping-at-warpspeed-rc2-puss-ix-32-maps-alien-extravaganza/


10/10 Vanilla wad with amazing details,/fun M hardsaps. Honestly Took me 12h to finish in UV-100% of course blind run. Anyway good wad :)


I guess this is mostly after you get to Map 09 because nothing really stands out til around then. Myolden and Death Bear's maps up to that point are fine but it is only the beginning. 09 and 11 however....are excellent.

Edited by LadyMistDragon

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+++2022: A Doom Odyssey


I'm sure Pcorf and Nebula need no introductions. A worthy followup to the original classic.

Edited by Firedust

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+++ Disorder by @Nefelibeta. By far the best Doom experience I had in the past few months - modern mapping with a dynamic, yet timeless feel. Not to mention, in spite of the writing on the tin, totally approachable by anyone on lower difficulties. Their best work yet, quality all around. 




Edited by Thelokk

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+Infested Episode 2

I know that episode 1 already got a Cacoward, but Infested's Episode 2 had just come out, and it's really splendid both in terms of challenge and dynamic maps progression!

Edited by unraveler

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On 10/20/2022 at 2:48 PM, Captain Ventris said:

The Harmony re-release on the Unity port whips ass. So does The Thing You Can’t Defeat.


Would Harmony's re-release be allowed to be nominated for a Cacoward? I thought the original version had already won a Cacoward.

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9 hours ago, Lizardcommando said:


Would Harmony's re-release be allowed to be nominated for a Cacoward? I thought the original version had already won a Cacoward.

It did, so I’m not sure, but figured it was worth mentioning at any rate.

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On 10/25/2022 at 12:59 AM, Lizardcommando said:


Would Harmony's re-release be allowed to be nominated for a Cacoward? I thought the original version had already won a Cacoward.

No, there's an unspoken understanding that projects get honored once and Harmony was recognized when it first debuted. Sometimes projects with multiple episodes have won (btsx), or remasters and rereleases (cold as hell) but in those cases, the works feel like entirely new projects or they weren't recognized when they first released and this is a chance to correct that.



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I definitely nominate PsyDoom by intacowetrust for the codeaward


A fantastic backport of the most revered doom console port of all time and bringing it to modern operating systems while giving it the attention to accuracy that a prboom+ or chocolate doom brings. Heck! It even has support for it's own ecosystem of Mods and Demos!


It even requires the original game itself in cue/bin format but it also supports GEC: Master Edition as a game, so if you want to give this port a spin and you don't have the means to get/rip either doom or final doom for PS1 then you can just run GEC: Master Edition


Edited by No-Man Baugh
draw less attention toa non-nominee and to not get people's hopes up that GEC got an update

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@Dubium's Midnight Isle was a long time coming, was worth every minute of wait. A refreshing take on the 'difficult wad' trope. 

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I'd like to mention Tropical Dynamite. Only 7 maps but wears it's chosen tropical seaside thing quite well, each map pulling some surprising variety out of said setting, both in environments and in the kinds of gameplay emphasized. Plus, there's far less balance issues than in JAMP #1!



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I'd like to throw a mention to "The Lost Magic" by @Vortale

Made in one month for nanowadmo 2022, TLM is a full 32-map megawad that raises the bar for modern Doom mapping. It features awe-inspiring architecture and environments, excellent gameplay, and a difficulty curve along the lines of Valiant. Personally, I will be recommending this wad to everyone, especially new players, as it does an excellent job of showing what the boom engine is capable of, while keeping the gameplay fast paced and exciting. The two dehacked enemies (SS Nazi and Mastermind replacements) feel like they fill a gap that is missing from the doom roster and add to the "mysterious magic" theme of the wad. Tasteful sprite replacements and absolute banger MIDI selections end up being the cherry on top of this wad that help it carve out its own identity amongst the crowd. S-tier stuff, everyone should play this.

Edited by Meowgi

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On 11/5/2022 at 10:03 PM, Meowgi said:

I'd like to throw a mention to "The Lost Magic" by @Vortale

Made in one month for nanowadmo 2022, TLM is a full 32-map megawad that raises the bar for modern Doom mapping. It features awe-inspiring architecture and environments, excellent gameplay, and a difficulty curve along the lines of Valiant. Personally, I will be recommending this wad to everyone, especially new players, as it does an excellent job of showing what the boom engine is capable of, while keeping the gameplay fast paced and exciting. The two dehacked enemies (SS Nazi and Mastermind replacements) feel like they fill a gap that is missing from the doom roster and add to the "mysterious magic" theme of the wad. Tasteful sprite replacements and absolute banger MIDI selections end up being the cherry on top of this wad that help it carve out its own identity amongst the crowd. S-tier stuff, everyone should play this.


+ 1 for The Lost Magic
Great mapset for casual or speedruns. Awesome architecture and great gameplay. Lots of secrets to find if you are in to that sort of thing. Please play this wad.

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Knee Deep in KDiZD (Knee Deep in Knee Deep in ZDoom) (by @esselfortium)

Thanks to @Linguica@Nine Inch Heels@Mikolah for their vanilla script hackery


Forget about most of the releases mentioned so far and nominate this. Every Doom player owes it to themselves to atleast see this in action.


In a world where the stock Doom2.exe has been explored so far beyond its realms that we are now turning to code execution for new features, Knee Deep in KDiZD brings ZDoom to vanilla. With colored lighting, Mikoportals, transparent floors and reflections, this is the vanilla benchmark to which every other vanilla wad should be measured against when it comes to technical prowess.


This is the equivalent of Michael Abrash and John Carmack mashed together in pure technical mastery.


If this isn't nominated, i will literally bribe NotJabba with a copy of the real Hissy doll and 2 shotgun shells to get it on the page.

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