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What's your Doom mapping bucket list?

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Finish the stupid wad I've been working on since 2018


Max all of stardate20x6 (some day...)


Make a doomish engine from scratch, and/or make a complete iwad/TC of new graphics and music


Understand what nodes and blockmap actually are :D

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3 hours ago, ViolentBeetle said:

Remake Habitat and make it good. I tried doing it before, but went off the rails, but I still want to utilize Habitat's themes for good effect

This is an awesome idea. I’ve been thinking it’d be fun to reimagine a whole set of Doom’s most unpopular/controversial maps, for the challenge of keeping their original spirit of ideas or themes while simultaneously making them meaningfully better


(Although I can’t think of what Nirvana’s theme is other than being a sucky map)


On topic, I want to:


  • Finish Mortal Soul after 11 years (which means drawing three boss sprites, something I’m fast learning I have no talent for)
  • Make a small-map megawad (in progress; also, proud of autocorrect for autocorrecting that to Meatwad)
  • Make a full-size UDMF map
  • Make a map or three that play with Boom effects
  • Download, try Eternity engine
  • Beat Plutonia and Thy Flesh Consumed finally


Edited by Stupid Bunny

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-Actually finish and submit a solo map (not affiliated with a megawad or other community project).

Maybe that would be a good first step in finally completing the myriad other projects (Doom and non-Doom related) that I've started and never finished.

Edited by MDevlin

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1 minute ago, MDevlin said:

-Actually finish and submit a solo map (not affiliated with a megawad or other community project).

Maybe that would be a good first step in finally completing the myriad other projects (Doom and non-Doom related) that I've started and never finished.

I can confirm that this was something that helped me in my own mapping journey, I'd highly recommend it.

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* Finish episode 1 replacement „Knee Deep Again“ (currently first three maps). 
* Get better at speedmapping

* Start episode 1 style mapset for Doom 2 „Knee Deep Again 2“

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- Finish Dwelling

- Get accustomed to OTEX and start regularly using it (have made a couple maps with it but they're old and texturing is a bit subpar - though I'm using some of it along with CC4 and gothic for Dwelling and it's looking great)

- Tinker around in UDMF more

- Plan out any future maps I make. Write stuff down. Learn how to make really cohesive and nice-looking layouts

- Maybe try mapping a bit faster?

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- finish a solo mapping project

- not be the musician who shows up to write for only like 1-3 maps per project and then disappears again



Edited by Tristan

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Side rant: why the hell did the term 'bucket list' get so damn popular?  Didn't it originate from some lame Jack Nicolson/Morgan Freeman movie?  It's like 'Groundhog Day', some weird tradition in one hick town where they abuse a small animal or something, which has now become synonymous with deja vu because of Bill Murray.  Or something like that

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  • Finish my entry for 1995TU
  • Restrict myself from participating in any more community projects
  • Resume work on my mapset, and make it more than 1 completed map
  • (maybe) learn Decorate or Zscript

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I've had plans for a 9-map Boom miniwad (and a custom soundtrack for it) knocking around in my head since before I even knew what the hell was going on with Doom mapping. Now that I (somewhat) know my way around it, I'd love to make the thing a reality.

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-Finish the backlog of maps i gotta contribute to other projects that i've accumulated over time

-Work and release another personal mapset

-And lastly.... believe it or not, finishing darkmoon is still part of my doom bucket list

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Knowing about my priorities and available time, my goals regarding Doom mapping are modest:


  • Play enough pwads to develop my true taste of Doom design.
  • Make a small megawad (kilowad?) of few maps that I deem good enough to be submitted to idGames.

Sounds simple, but the latter bullet point is hard for me, as I’d need to be consistent and stay focused for long enough time.

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To actually complete a map. While it is not a priority for me, I did dabble a bit in map editing when DEU first showed up on magazine coverdiscs way back in around 1994/1995. I never completed anything though. It would be nice just to do a basic, coherent map and call it done.

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As of right now, the only goals I have is to map for TNT Goes Boom! & possibly Infernovasion Episode 2.

I always wanted to learn more about UDMF & scripting & to make my own TC at one point but that's a bit too ambitious.

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I'm new to the scene, so quite a lot.


1. Make a full 32 map megawad. This will probably never happen due to burnout and lack of inspiration and perfectionism. I've crushed some of these with speedmapping, but I'm sure they will come back.

It's also crazy ambitious, I wouldn't want to half - ass a garbage wad. This community has so many excellent levels to play, it wouldn't stand a chance if I didn't get them playing and looking really good.


2. Make a series out of my community project, Community Trunk. We're still quite a ways away from being finished, but managing and mapping has been very fun and the team is great. I'd love to make this a semi - regular thing.

And the CC wads are just awesome; finding some way to live up to that legacy is gratifying and humbling.


3. Learn ACS and Hexen mapping. I tried to make a Hexen speedmap just for the novelty of it, but the way tags work is different to Doom \ Heretic and polyobjects, scripting and the like are very new and intimidating. There's no Hexen mapping tutorials either. :(


4. Write a midi. I've played the guitar for a while, but composing music seems daunting to say the least.


5. Lead more community projects and, in general, contribute and produce more maps.


6. Learn art \ sprites


7. Get the time to contribute articles on fan made dehacked / ZDoom monsters on the Doom wiki. Super dead area.


8. Create a large level with the gimmick that each difficulty has different spawn locations, items, etc. and use that to make one map play in 3 different ways. It would be very hard to pull off, I think. Would require more planning than I've ever put into a map.

Edited by Dusty_Rhodes

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Craft an opus-scale contiguous experience from beginning to end that I can sit back and be proud of, whether that winds up being some atmospheric exploration type deal, a puzzle wad, an RPG(?) or a classic combat-filled shootfest, I want a complete and produced journey of a project to stick my name on some day. Mapping is my escape into a fantasy space that I can shape and mould at my discretion, and one day I'd love to have a product worthy of capturing someone else's imagination too. If it's solo or with a group of like-minded individuals, that's fine either way, but being able to share an inner imagined world has always been something I come back to when I think about why I map in the first place. The steps that come along the way could go on my the list too, but this one goal is (so far) the only one I could honestly say constitutes bucket list material.

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- Get good at making natural areas (cliffs/rocks/caves, flora, etc.)

- Get familiar enough with ZScript to design odd monsters/behaviors that further expand the gamespace

- Participate in community and/or collaborative projects

- Improve the core ACS scripting on Infested to make it more portable and usable by other mappers

- Try to follow up Infested E1 with good stuff

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- Make a map.
- And another one.
- Give up.
- Return 10 years later and make 30 more.
- Make a Doomworld thread.
- Profit.

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- Finish ADO 2

- Create the unofficial non Wolfenstein secret levels for Doom 2 (MAP31, 32)

- Create a unique map unfamiliar to my usual style (a bit like Lullaby or Golden Souls, but different)

- And probably retire from mapping (yes I keep saying this but keep proving you wrong)

Edited by pcorf

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Mine would be...

- Migrate one of my solo projects from Boom compatibility to MBF21, by rewriting the DEHACKED lump. I'll do that next year, should be easy enough.
- Resume working on my mapping backlog, there still is a hefty amount of work to do (including some for Necromantic Thirst)

- Complete my UV Max demo series on Stardate 20X6, that I started like 7 years ago... I recorded a demo on map05 in 2019 and haven't tried 06 yet.
- Complete my Ultimate Doom NM Speed episode runs.
I've done Episode 2 this year. All I need to do now is Episode 4, the hardest of them all. We'll see about it someday.


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-Finish Doom ni Youkoso (i'm still having hope to finish it before 2025)
-Learn 3D modeling
-Make a memento mori/requiem styled texture pack for doom

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- Make a UDMF level.


- Finish MBF21 megawad.


- Learn to spend more than 32768 linedefs per level.

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I don't really have much on my list, however some that I have are:

-Finish my WIP mapset

-Get on work on a 32 map megawad

-Collab with either Jimmy or Aquarius

-Create either a MIDI or a MOD

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-finish some of my mods 
-start my own big project (still trying to find a spriter for it)
-improve in mapping and learn some zscript as well 
-join some contest in the mean time

-and make banana factory great again 

hopefully this year i can make some mods and share them here 

Edited by bigsmoke1919

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