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What's your Doom mapping bucket list?

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I love unconventional map themes, so my bucket list mostly just consists of:

- make a map with lots of EXITDOOR / BIGBRICK / ROCK2 / STUCCO / etc


- make / participate in a pride-themed cp at some point
- think I've already made a lot of progress in that area, but get better at macro architecture

Aside from that, I'm working on a level set of roughly 12 maps, which, knowing my mapping speed, probably won't even come out this year.

Edited by Yumheart

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-learn how to use dehacked

-participate in a community project (everything I’ve done so far has been totally solo)

-make a solo 32 map megawad (far into the future).

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Long term "bucket list" stuff includes,


  • Someday make a big, proper techbase map (maybe with the Doom 3 textures). It's the theme I struggle with the most, and I'd like to change that.
  • Hopefully one day create a map based on a concept I've thought about for a while, where almost every encounter (from the little incidental moments, to the big setpiece arenas), uses scripts to randomly pick between 'x' number of monster compositions/closets, so that each playthrough is a different experience. I know this will be a nightmare to test & balance.
  • At some point, before I die, I will make a full 32 map megawad.


Current "to-do" list is,


  • Make my Age of Hell map
  • Get the Hellslinger demo finished


Edited by RonnieJamesDiner

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I want to make a Megawad for TNT all by myself one day, every time I have released a map for TNT it's actually a part of that bigger picture and one day all these pieces are going to finally slot together.

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  • Publish another MIDI for the Eternal Doom Midi community project (MAP16)
  • Publish a 4-map slaughter-lite miniwad without weapons (working title: Peace & Hate) - progress up to first playable alpha: 70-80%, MAP02-04 are already playable, but MAP01 is a challenge ...
  • Publish Trypophobia - single map wad centered around the theme of holes containing uncanny things, with Freedoom monsters :) - progress: 60%
  • Publish my first puzzle map (working title: Doomguy is You) - progress: 50%

I'm a beginner so one of the three last ones will be "myfirstmap". Probably Trypophobia, but I may publish Peace & Hate first as 3 maps are already playable, to get feedback ...

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The only thing I have for a mapping list would be this one map that I've had in WIP since like 2019, I was making an "in name only" version of an AV level and wanted it to be big and exploratory but other than that I kinda don't have anything as far as mapping goes.


Now for Doomwiki side I plan to do secret descriptions for every WAD that shows up there, then after that...


Expect some more screenshots on wiki pages

Maybe even add a few WAD pages too.


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Finish Bloodflow. 26/34 maps so far. We're getting there!

Successfully lead a community project. 


That's about it really for now. Keeping it simple!

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To make either an episode or a megawad. Honestly just to make stuff that I can be proud of, wherever that takes me.


 Short term goal though: Since I've been primarily focused on short, challenge wads I want to make something more atmospheric and approachable. Something that actually feels like a world rather than a space crafted around encounters.

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I want to finish Earthless, for one - that'll be my fifth(?) solo megawad.


I also want to do at least one more Joy of Mapping or some other form of community project, but it'll probably be my last. I will need a clear slate of time so I can dedicate myself to such a project, even if it's only another fleeting thing like Isolation.

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- I would like to resume this one map based on a dream from two years ago, that's been collecting dust for months

- Same but with many other drafts I started and left untouched cause of stress, including for CPs

- A followup for GoopW

- I'd like to start a second playlist of single maps for my youtube channel, maybe cover BTSX:E2 as well or another megawad

- Write at the very least 5 random reviews of random maps

- I'd really like to put effort into using vanilla specials that I've either never used before or rarely thought of, namely donuts


5 hours ago, Yumheart said:

- make / participate in a pride-themed cp at some point


Yes please

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As a beginner, my list is this:

- Learn how to balance difficulty of the maps(not too easy, not unfair)

- Learn how to do a proper monster placement (it's hard to get some fights to work for me at the moment)

- Release a full megawad (maybe solo, but it's not required)

- I'd like to participate in a community project

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  • Continue developing a visual style that feels at least somewhat unique to me.
  • Improve gameplay and balance in my maps.
  • Learn more dehacked and MBF21 stuff.
  • Attempt editing/making textures and palettes.
  • Release an episode and maybe eventually a megawad.
  • Release a "real" UDMF map/project for Eternity (and maybe something for GZDoom).

For 2022, though, I mostly just want to release a short map set or two and participate in more community projects.

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my plan for 2022 is to get after dawn in a state where I can release it with its first few maps and most of the features done

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  1. Come up with a new name for Return to Phobos, my upcoming single-level episode-hub-thing dealy, since there's already a mod called that
  2. Finish Return to Phobos
  3. Figure out how to make new weapons with MBF21
  4. Create an MBF21 mod with OTEX, UMAPINFO, DSDHacked, all kinds of stuff
  5. Create a Boom or MBF21 version of Return to Phobos
  6. Brutal Doom MBF21 Edition?????????????????????????????

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1 hour ago, OkDoomer174 said:
  1. Come up with a new name for Return to Phobos, my upcoming single-level episode-hub-thing dealy, since there's already a mod called that

Return to Phobos - AGAIN!



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Not committing to any of this as it depends on my mental/physical health (which has taken a toll this past year) and real life commitments, but:


- Contribute at least one map to PUSS (ideally more)

- Lead a community project. I have a decent idea for one that I think hasn’t been done before

- Create a properly non-linear map. This may take the form of ‘Viscous Realms II’, which I have a few ideas for

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-Get better at balancing
-Get Better at making traps and overall gameplay

-Staying motivated and keeping my creative juices in a good place.


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Two main things


1. Continue working on a project I have been putting off since September.


2. Make a wad that is the whole album of The Downwards Spiral. I just think that would be cool.

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Finish my 20+ scrap maps I have gathered throughout the years. They all have potential but texturing seems to be my main dealbreaker nowadays.

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For my part, taking a break from mapping instead of forcing myself to do 36374522 failed mapping mapping attempts in order to heal my severe creative block or rather my total lack of motivation because I have tons of maps ideas but no energy to concretize them.


There is a thread for mapping sadness but not for mapping laziness


Edited by Roofi

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  • Mapping in Slade
  •  getting a hang of some basic UDMF coolness

I got a map idea to test the faux ROR with interactive portals. So my next step is a little proof-of-concept piece.

  • Also, UMAPINFO. 
Edited by HrnekBezucha

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