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How to generate nodes to open my map?


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I already know some things to edit my maps well, but the question I have is: How can I run them? It's no use just editing if no one can play haha.

For example, whenever I go to test a wad in GZDoom to see how the player's experience will be, the edited map doesn't start, instead it's the original wad map I used as a base that appears, like "Congo" from Plutonia, or " Entryway" from Doom II, never the edited map.

Then I realized that there are nodes in the wads and that they categorize by coordinates and numbers all the lines, objects, etc on the map, so the game literally knows what to play when it starts. When I start a new project in UDB for example, the only nodes I get is one with the map image (Map Marker) and another one called Znodes. I've already searched all over Slade 3 and searched the internet but I couldn't find anything direct to generate the nodes necessary to run my wad.

I saw this pattern on several wads (I couldn't identify these nodes in brutalv21, mysterious), but I couldn't find anything that would lead me to generate these nodes.

Do you have any idea how to help me? Any tutorials?




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Post your map up and I'll have a look if it helps. Thing is when you try to run your map via through UDB or when you save your map in UDB, or any map editor for that matter, it should run the node builder at that time. 


I can't say that I use Slade too much, it's just that I haven't really needed to, call me old school whatever :D, to me it's mostly used for lump editing: graphics/sprites/textures/sound etc. Though I typically use Xwe for that. And even then, Now days, I don't use those editors too much, unless I'm going to add a couple new textures or something to my wad. Don't get me wrong, I use to compile mega wads, but I haven't had to for some years now.



Edited by Mr.Rocket

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40 minutes ago, Mr.Rocket said:

Publique seu mapa e eu verificarei se isso ajuda. A coisa é quando você tenta executar seu mapa por meio de UDB ou quando você salva seu mapa em UDB, ou qualquer editor de mapa para esse assunto, ele deve executar o construtor de nó naquele momento. 


Não posso dizer que uso muito o Slade, só que realmente não precisei, me chame de old school, seja o que for : D , para mim é usado principalmente para edição em massa: gráficos / sprites / texturas / som etc. Normalmente uso o Xwe para isso. E mesmo assim, hoje em dia, eu não uso muito esses editores, a menos que eu vá adicionar algumas novas texturas ou algo assim ao meu wad. Não me entenda mal, eu costumava compilar megafones, mas não fazia isso há alguns anos.



The wad I'm currently working on is a mess, I added a bunch of stuff (monsters, weapons, objects) and I didn't do it in pk3 format to organize everything (I didn't know at the time), and I'm also using plutonia textures and sucker punch 2 at the same time, but I haven't merged them both in the same file. I'll send a test wad I made that also has the same problem. Your resolution should be the same as the original wad I'm working on now.

Here is the test wad VAULT.rar
use the Plutonia Experiment

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Oh I see what the problem is, you have the level name as VAULT instead of MAP01 for example, so the engine just loads MAP01.

You could drop the console and type: map VAULT and your map will load.

Or, you could rename your level name to MAP01 and it should run without having to type the level name in the console.

Edited by Mr.Rocket

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35 minutes ago, Mr.Rocket said:

Oh, eu vejo qual é o problema, você tem o nome do nível como VAULT em vez de MAP01 por exemplo, então o motor apenas carrega MAP01.

Você pode largar o console e digitar: map VAULT e seu mapa será carregado.

Ou você pode renomear o nome do nível para MAP01 e ele deve ser executado sem a necessidade de digitar o nome do nível no console.

Interesting, it really opened, I thought it wouldn't open for lack of nodes and I didn't pay attention to the name. But then, what use are these nodes present in wads like plutonia, TNT, what do they actually do and how do I generate them? Do I really need them or are they just an old feature unnecessary today?

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