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ConsolUX - a console-themed UI add-on to GZDoom

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I am sharing a set of scripts I've written for console file conversion while working on this project.

These have been authored and tested with WinPython targeting python 3.8.2 and have PyPNG as prerequisite.

Some details for running them are in the below spoiler.



First ensure you have python. I'm not a python expert, so assuming that any recent Python 3 version will work. E.g. I have:

>python --version
Python 3.8.2

Then install PyPNG if you don't have it yet:

>pip install pypng

To use Saturn tools as an example, to convert to PNG use the following commands:

>python chrtools.py convert INPUT.CHR INPUT.MAP INPUT.PAL OUTPUT.PNG
>python scrtools.py convert INPUT.SCR INPUT.PAL OUTPUT.PNG

To convert PNG to game formats use the following commands:

>python chrtools.py restore INPUT.PNG OUTPUT.CHR OUTPUT.MAP OUTPUT.PAL
>python scrtools.py restore INPUT.PNG OUTPUT.SCR OUTPUT.PAL

All of the tools provide hints when run without arguments, e.g. the below will output usage text

>python chrtools.py 
>python scrtools.py restore 



The tools included are:

  • chrtools.py - converters for Saturn tilesets 
  • scrtools.py - converters for Saturn fullscreen raster files
  • bintools.py - miscellaneous tools (tool to search for and dump part of frames static data from a binary in plain and Dehacked format and a  poor man's implementation of GNU strings tool)
  • reztools.py - unpacker for libburger REZ format, also expands shape sets, sprites into individual named files, and gives appropriate names to map lumps, textures and flats
  • celtools.py - converter for 3DO CEL images (3DO doom sprites, textures, flats and graphics)
  • maptools.py - converter for 3DO map lumps, that also produces MAPINFO fragments and renames textures and flats if asked to, and can dump map names in Dehacked formap and a list of song names for maps
  • paltools.py - simple converter from PSX palette to PC palette format that dumps each entry as a separate *.pal file (useful to explore PSX assets with Slade)
  • wavtools.py - extractor of digital sound effects from Saturn Doom; saves them as Doom sound lumps


For SCR and CHR conversion runs both ways, so one can change the game files with it. Be warned that conversion to SCR and CHR from PNG has not been thoroughly tested, but converting to PNG, editing with Paint dotNet and converting back seems to work. 3DO files conversion is just one way.


Doing some research for the Auto-mode:


 adding ../consoles/jaguartc.wad, 706 lumps
cluster|num|mapname|                        checksum|levelname
 1|  1|        E1M1|3f949ac1d5b4da38c8d6e9cb1eb96c4f|Hangar
 1|  2|        E1M2|915abe38d8eca18ec20ffc3bff466a73|Plant
 1|  3|        E1M3|cec4c899c0e9af0aae4499801fcff819|Toxin Refinery
 1|  4|        E1M4|af9c0b7bc62d823b2f17780542e07fcc|Command Control
 1|  5|        E1M5|d8fb50c37ab18897a742c9937910c2e5|Phobos Lab
 1|  6|        E1M6|8a17b2bcb0802461c3b01134796d0335|Central Processing
 1|  7|        E1M7|f896d004255a792a3e57a155b5af6c72|Computer Station
 1|  8|        E1M8|d6f7a6514e35d467439ce77286daf751|Phobos Anomaly
 1| 24|        E1M9|0c7c8141f9151dfc9e87060f4fe23a21|Military Base
 1|  9|        E2M1|3b41994865ac13949d94623bf88f288c|Deimos Anomaly
 1| 10|        E2M2|72e1fc6eb627594e4d620451884bbc7f|Containment Area
 1| 11|        E2M3|ee9507b05027998af7b0158c9165b7b1|Refinery
 1| 12|        E2M4|79d9829bfde2182ff5f305c85f193334|Deimos Lab
 1| 13|        E2M5|b220a33668b2a177955afbdb5ada9e6f|Command Center
 1| 14|        E2M6|846060f232399b3651ed396f662aa55a|Halls of the Damned
 1| 15|        E2M7|56af8348af266ca03a508bc736fe4858|Spawning Vats
 1| 16|        E2M8|25da34b9aeb57fc192fb1a6540266b5d|Tower of Babel
 2|  0|        E2M9|0cf513a85591da699e3857f5abc1fe7f|HUSTR_E2M9
 1| 17|        E3M1|c15c8cbae493c04d3a36952d2daee03f|Hell Keep
 3|  0|        E3M2|0cf513a85591da699e3857f5abc1fe7f|HUSTR_E3M2
 1| 18|        E3M3|c1eac7df61658e9cb72e1d0185a887e6|Pandemonium
 1| 19|        E3M4|654c2ea8492af6652bf3f696a62e5923|House of Pain
 1| 20|        E3M5|bb214df7bb5712244c7a83e40eb5fad0|Unholy Cathedral
 1| 21|        E3M6|78e3cad811fb8e38b943dbb713fd6a4a|Mt. Erebus
 1| 22|        E3M7|bd81a6c2fed49073318607da02341e00|Limbo
 1| 23|        E3M8|a1d32f44f490638364776523931541ca|Dis

 adding ../consoles/console/jagdoom.wad, 536 lumps
cluster|num|mapname|                        checksum|levelname
 1|  1|       MAP01|8152ba1712661a8aab5970e94c85b924|Hangar
 1|  2|       MAP02|fc933271dc016703aaf5cedb0bd3d0da|Plant
 1|  3|       MAP03|dbbfad1e7a746b3bc8c27391a4c1b8c8|Toxin Refinery
 1|  4|       MAP04|fb3e72cfd99a69367bb6b21ec1e93f15|Command Control
 1|  5|       MAP05|770253f2144fde94c5dca890ce00ea08|Phobos Lab
 1|  6|       MAP06|3cc7df24f869818170e0ca39cc9f1db6|Central Processing
 1|  7|       MAP07|0124737a06d72f8b9acc86a662fb54db|Computer Station
 1|  8|       MAP08|b1de31291c973fafd2b5a1fcd1c909e7|Phobos Anomaly
 1|  9|       MAP09|8abefc9ba28a71a5ad225f574321c6a5|Deimos Anomaly
 1| 10|       MAP10|c262d776c78c5408d23b80af6d613792|Containment Area
 1| 11|       MAP11|f5e17f137a494024c5e4d9ae7774bec5|Refinery
 1| 12|       MAP12|6d0b726ae6140108345693b86d27db4c|Deimos Lab
 1| 13|       MAP13|cf4abdbdc08d8cd86e65c91ea1e84643|Command Center
 1| 14|       MAP14|d3ed12888175414ccae14cc8cc5fbaae|Halls of The Damned
 1| 15|       MAP15|f88de96b262be2cdc64d71625117393f|Spawning Vats
 1| 16|       MAP16|4bc7821ea5ff1bfdb52cd6bcf140d80c|Tower Of Babel
 1| 17|       MAP17|c15c8cbae493c04d3a36952d2daee03f|Hell Keep
 1| 18|       MAP18|d33adc30a0527670e29a96da99c3bf6f|Pandemonium
 1| 19|       MAP19|abc9f569cbee977a3d1bc8023e2a665c|House Of Pain
 1| 20|       MAP20|c65caf9af7174d6c2b5f6633da796873|Unholy Cathedral
 1| 21|       MAP21|fcde6f320c7614551b84ff2548d83e9e|Mt. Erebus
 1| 22|       MAP22|76cec7a571250613ba43f5cca4f1109b|Limbo
 1| 23|       MAP23|5a1bbad387a1439dd0ca1ce4f42ca0f6|Dis
 1| 24|       MAP24|3a551d75a49ac50fa5c7654296deff12|Military Base
 adding ../consoles/console/psxdoom.pk3, 2515 lumps
 adding ../consoles/console/psxtcmus.pk3, 38 lumps
 adding ../consoles/console/psxlost.pk3, 104 lumps
cluster|num|mapname|                        checksum|levelname
 1|  1|       MAP01|f84369bc15ccbdb400bd4a0e75a8af9c|HUSTR_1
 1|  2|       MAP02|c07274caacbdc4440912b2db887aff6c|HUSTR_2
 1|  3|       MAP03|f3eefee716580aef908de09609b8f44c|HUSTR_3
 1|  4|       MAP04|2904c181f356e505eb21cc2e246455b5|HUSTR_4
 1|  5|       MAP05|60e8c74f06dd8c22c0605645812bbd04|HUSTR_5
 1|  6|       MAP06|9b342fdcceff487c1a57bf94c5e568dd|HUSTR_6
 1|  7|       MAP07|a72b95bfdb00e6788274dcf1319580d0|HUSTR_7
 1|  8|       MAP08|d8bf6b89976d7789b96a3f33e5ddfb1b|HUSTR_8
 1|  9|       MAP09|290fc34c1c68e8185004fa5927dc4b62|HUSTR_9
 1| 10|       MAP10|2b6a7b805575fc1062b6b1eaae2e11ce|HUSTR_10
 1| 11|       MAP11|f6dd2a6c6ea0f07c7f0971db029313f4|HUSTR_11
 1| 12|       MAP12|bc844fdd2b3d93b176bf12040761d6d5|HUSTR_12
 1| 13|       MAP13|1f3dbdad868bcdf7929c6e16bce060f7|HUSTR_13
 1| 14|       MAP14|1ca78acd8236e5b253bc5709384219fd|HUSTR_14
 1| 15|       MAP15|03e6932f6a3285e55610a8f8259cfd79|HUSTR_15
 1| 16|       MAP16|16bbd190aa7e486452354d9d46687f05|HUSTR_16
 1| 17|       MAP17|99ac85b601d5bc520a14aa73df08d1a0|HUSTR_17
 1| 18|       MAP18|305dab58582a02422a7a6a501ae1decf|HUSTR_18
 1| 19|       MAP19|e8f454f8d00268a180ec04ced6d8ee45|HUSTR_19
 1| 20|       MAP20|e82b02dd84c08cf5fe53e4fa280a34fb|HUSTR_20
 1| 21|       MAP21|4f91557aac7940ef10854895d4bd413f|HUSTR_21
 1| 22|       MAP22|eb35686a4b9446bde5ff3b28f90e7792|HUSTR_22
 1| 23|       MAP23|abb72b33fcff6fc7d591a3d7404269be|HUSTR_23
 1| 24|       MAP24|62bf20876e0f30f8f35c483bf45071e0|HUSTR_24
 1| 25|       MAP25|8827e6c572d7d5601f1b8075af89c1c0|HUSTR_25
 1| 26|       MAP26|a8bb41a045f78449dd89891422238f32|HUSTR_26
 1| 27|       MAP27|9041ac29aacdc75a420ff20d570d3228|HUSTR_27
 1| 28|       MAP28|f2b142315796a50a8747f18b6760053a|HUSTR_28
 1| 29|       MAP29|fd84437147e0b95abd88551d766167a0|HUSTR_29
 1| 30|       MAP30|aefa0afc734bb6a5cd180bf37e1f08bf|HUSTR_30
 2| 31|       MAP31|aa94ddc49bfa0541b34d4e627a1cedda|HUSTR_31
 2| 32|       MAP32|57c41d636a97abc7fde744acb1b4d08b|HUSTR_32
 1|  0|       D1END|d398b413012897673538779ea2eb1ba4|HUSTR_31
 2| 33|       MAP33|ed72ccf09d11d252e0299d1607f04bcd|HUSTR_33
 2| 34|       MAP34|a7171aeb19dd94f3926bea2925499849|HUSTR_34
 2| 35|       MAP35|0f8ad49eb7ab03cdabdd6520cf143d0e|HUSTR_35
 2| 36|       MAP36|da4e2b0ef7f93cdea9e1c2aa11f4b2f7|HUSTR_36
 2| 37|       MAP37|a86c47c370f2e4ef9c62e67490651c78|HUSTR_37
 2| 38|       MAP38|55eeb195c064e13bdd043fafeb4200e6|HUSTR_38
 2| 39|       MAP39|4f1d616f50be28239fb731f794d0c50e|HUSTR_39
 2| 40|       MAP40|13b2882e0e9a80a33db001111ead5f2b|HUSTR_40
 2| 41|       MAP41|4fd28f81147e744f4eecff0874c82629|HUSTR_41
 2| 42|       MAP42|21b672eeb0b5ea069b35aaf7e858534f|HUSTR_42
 2| 43|       MAP43|a4788b74424d8e25c8d3c102442428a4|HUSTR_43
 2| 44|       MAP44|d6dea6c402bcf1639f3a0adb81abb190|HUSTR_44
 2| 45|       MAP45|412e564f267b03e073b1d25cf750edc1|HUSTR_45
 2| 46|       MAP46|e3c00b70a7c0d7b14b29ef9f1ddddc62|HUSTR_46
 2| 47|       MAP47|93d375e4017703f720ab4cb9a29c0fdb|HUSTR_47
 2| 48|       MAP48|c501e79df0fc5e9cc62eac0ea56410df|HUSTR_48
 2| 49|       MAP49|7b64748204ff78f7353c35150f6afef0|HUSTR_49
 2| 50|       MAP50|70648a420ee35e23a59677b730e29f96|HUSTR_50
 2| 51|       MAP51|c9aec7001aa15abf4558c50ba7df8751|HUSTR_51
 2| 52|       MAP52|ec53cfcde1696cfee57889492a19f02b|HUSTR_52
 2| 53|       MAP53|ec9e9d4550139617385f59676be2a20f|HUSTR_53
 2| 54|       MAP54|c696a4be6405e6fa74d7afda626dd65f|HUSTR_54
 2|  0|       D2END|5a7586dafdbacb53855067a0e278b2a3|FHUSTR_1
 2| 55|       MAP55|0778132504849349effa2ba202868cb4|HUSTR_55
 2| 56|       MAP56|3cdb3bb5c5e831af62661e62d808981a|HUSTR_56
 2| 57|       MAP57|a4302df60c90d648bcb319e76794772a|HUSTR_57
 2| 58|       MAP58|d37d4ef756494379ca4da72cab9e0c23|HUSTR_58
 2| 59|       MAP59|07745f06eddfa33dcacf60871b81dcee|HUSTR_59
 2| 60|       MAP60|5695a547a828dc24e42b97ab1451f603|HUSTR_60
 3| 61|       MAP61|928125615f75d51159cf8fc712e03a14|FHUSTR_1
 3| 62|       MAP62|4179162284ac7df79f4cecf05b4e9134|FHUSTR_2
 3| 63|       MAP63|bc1e652269d5f59e97e84c6a47cff399|FHUSTR_3
 3| 64|       MAP64|26064d9244705ea2ca8af71ec7441b9b|FHUSTR_4
 3| 65|       MAP65|f3be6e5cf0b6f307215872bd109905d4|FHUSTR_5
 3| 66|       MAP66|43e57707433a7860248b66f2a44353c9|FHUSTR_6
 3| 67|       MAP67|721210e4b99f7fbd95bea6e419d50d32|FHUSTR_7
 3| 68|       MAP68|473bd37838ff4643687294a3a10f4c0b|FHUSTR_8
 3| 69|       MAP69|0787c9d8b31614d9fdb6e7a28ba48983|FHUSTR_9
 3| 70|       MAP70|96fcc6ff665900a0b06e99d79a734c68|FHUSTR_10
 3| 71|       MAP71|362bab0a36dd138a63b261950b70c154|FHUSTR_11
 3| 72|       MAP72|8c7edc19704b8cceb4e6f78fdbae9ff7|FHUSTR_12
 3| 73|       MAP73|99f72e4a7f3f2aecb45b75360f6c210f|FHUSTR_13
 3|  0|       D3END|51b4d2096b14c32453289a09ec3b5f83|FHUSTR_14
 3| 74|       MAP74|114b22fe17b30a3f0e4d989efe35a35d|FHUSTR_14
 3| 75|       MAP75|d137be85cfbf58c39e9d5c83270f2820|FHUSTR_15
 3| 76|       MAP76|0fb935a8b04dafc3d984068b0ba2a1d8|FHUSTR_16
 3| 77|       MAP77|5c373addd742e7329127a0bab42c1d62|FHUSTR_17
 3| 78|       MAP78|bac1f2e5d67a5f9de982f03f7bff00e3|FHUSTR_18
 3| 79|       MAP79|6315d2f19722f4159c812641260b413b|FHUSTR_19
 3| 80|       MAP80|530ca39464209380e5af8b5e59eb6f32|FHUSTR_20
 3| 81|       MAP81|62e794ac66424ad7252b9e52823df3a1|FHUSTR_21
 3| 82|       MAP82|f86705d045c63acb8b07952ca3191c01|FHUSTR_22
 3| 83|       MAP83|a0ac7601c8d277dc990bd63b6256cb09|FHUSTR_23
 3| 84|       MAP84|2d6e1cde1d6d3dfce7b4e834b8d5cb20|FHUSTR_24
 3|  0|       D4END|ae3f71e5ad767a35be6c47f556aec095|FHUSTR_25
 3| 85|       MAP85|df90b083bf62fc22150dd37309bfff88|FHUSTR_25
 3| 86|       MAP86|289dac15a406a39505e76d34e771ce53|FHUSTR_26
 3| 87|       MAP87|a0387cfad093671032b845fbcd33af5d|FHUSTR_27
 3| 88|       MAP88|25f1f5a681cb55882271b250cf236de2|FHUSTR_28
 3| 89|       MAP89|491627834c7c764cda89c68c57d24530|FHUSTR_29
 3| 90|       MAP90|712844ac1ba60966d167c206f6371e3e|FHUSTR_30
 0|  0|       D5END|a64220ef6efcf32272d4e4e36085d600|
 666|  0|      LOST01|a861678f02ac73442cc659f76973b78d|LHUSTR_1
 666|  0|      LOST02|f2bf452ebc57168a1ec83df2507f8093|LHUSTR_2
 666|  0|      LOST03|1c3a9411e7dbad168b8a368ed79626a0|LHUSTR_3
 666|  0|      LOST04|fff96dd52e963b663e4b8feee7d68f5b|LHUSTR_4
 666|  0|      LOST05|4305f07fbadcffa0b62174562759d20a|LHUSTR_5
 666|  0|      LOST06|f14a14c9eff25d5cfb823528229010ff|LHUSTR_6
 666|  0|      LOST07|f302b5855d896117c3a4919dbea0d63e|LHUSTR_7
 666|  0|      LOST08|6bd71885bcb6d55e8fdfce6ff083711a|LHUSTR_8
 666|  0|      LOST09|95d905ea2eb4111249686fda5ada862b|LHUSTR_9
 666|  0|      LOST10|472074405afcaff3934a321264777e99|LHUSTR_10
 666|  0|      LOST11|e77baba0cc17c6d0927906c2e5a9bfda|LHUSTR_11
 666|  0|      LOST12|08d9309ee730fbab77db8c75c58ef37f|LHUSTR_12
 667|  0|      LOST13|38a22a80f98aa326c074010abd6d5f82|LHUSTR_13
 667|  0|      LOST14|bc43e627bd0e76612010f15262a6d0be|LHUSTR_14
 667|  0|      LOST15|86f62974782e5e2c290de36f9b91fb1c|LHUSTR_15
 667|  0|      LOST16|563cd1a33ea42d9e4e08ce7e8ae9262c|LHUSTR_16
 667|  0|      LOST17|7eef81117219a8f5c1373f4e5eadf16c|LHUSTR_17
 667|  0|     LOST17D|d5283dc8559c7820c589f3a79ab43745|LHUSTR_17D
 667|  0|      LOST18|1e95ea3e055d91019e6e4886e60b14a8|LHUSTR_18
 667|  0|      LOST19|1dc45dd353b3762155ad757ec90b0614|LHUSTR_19
 667|  0|      LOST20|a16e51dccc097d2413d58bac2930141b|LHUSTR_20
 667|  0|      LOST21|61054f8fb50f449824c3375f9d80d467|LHUSTR_21
 667|  0|      LOST22|5edefff207aa0148d90955f4e0d0c1c8|LHUSTR_22
 667|  0|      LOST23|66365e458d5efba4389b0ad9e3cccb6e|LHUSTR_23
 667|  0|      LOST24|7bdacf9c3f4c04193677ddf1cd6c3a7d|LHUSTR_24
 667|  0|      LOST25|98de5da386d9ab34df5620efffedbaa0|LHUSTR_25
 667|  0|      LOST26|e0b6d2ee7987defcf2ba1536e44e5390|LHUSTR_26
 667|  0|      LOST27|cdffdc913c6a0dd7621e8522e492e4c3|LHUSTR_27
 667|  0|      LOST28|6ec7eab1f5b831600153522845b53111|LHUSTR_28
 667|  0|      LOST29|acf6c3f6143dda8891b77121e67b14bc|LHUSTR_29
 667|  0|      LOST30|2c1b595969e7df0152ae4b7be1dcd6a3|LHUSTR_30
 667|  0|      LOST31|458b9f6b48149d7e246d6587539fb182|LHUSTR_31
 667|  0|      LOST32|42489a7af5d10f41921e3c2c6239dd52|LHUSTR_32
 667|  0|      LOST33|d907cc01b2b087a391680a362204d155|LHUSTR_33
 667|  0|      LOST34|0ee5c651b4985f0cc6e208edbf15a2b4|LHUSTR_34
 667|  0|      LOST35|4a7766faa3998fa5f580f24cfa407a9e|LHUSTR_35
 667|  0|      LOST36|8f54b7bed4642b6c757ca902fbdb6145|LHUSTR_36
 667|  0|      LOST37|14cc652e29cfe3b6b8d50a68f1354ad2|LHUSTR_37
 667|  0|     LOST61A|7437d37048fb15aa59128d3fb87ad2f2|LHUSTR_61A
 667|  0|      LOST38|b73552af40a5ab9f9346e96c5708423b|LHUSTR_38
 667|  0|      LOST39|43ecd97b07323680d8bb85edc14ee083|LHUSTR_39
 667|  0|      LOST40|90657489b68a6284a4fe53a6939baf93|LHUSTR_40
 667|  0|      LOST41|f4bee8d77c1560d487fec35f63b782bb|LHUSTR_41
 667|  0|      LOST42|be23c3406a75f851d4232137f74795e2|LHUSTR_42
 667|  0|      LOST43|bc09a47bb6d04f7ebf3811bda0c4f8e9|LHUSTR_43
 667|  0|      LOST44|0e64ca01025f4f15f34f54cbaa6803ac|LHUSTR_44
 667|  0|      LOST45|766c83840bfebfa7b5641f893fee1631|LHUSTR_45
 667|  0|      LOST46|e0b12ff0d3138cd305f584ea2453327f|LHUSTR_46
 667|  0|      LOST47|3e6026cb7722f02327ef3d31e0ef5695|LHUSTR_47
 667|  0|      LOST48|0c3a7f1d2719e6ba9167d147b4ac76a6|LHUSTR_48
 667|  0|      LOST49|95eabec102318e0f9d7b87557889a3ca|LHUSTR_49
 667|  0|      LOST50|35e1bba2f688d7a47a0e8c25af5b4559|LHUSTR_50
 667|  0|      LOST51|24c6c79772b59776ee80f73b7ab0067b|LHUSTR_51
 667|  0|      LOST52|2b319558ba165b27511e6acaa943e59e|LHUSTR_52
 667|  0|      LOST53|a4c7715421644f15f3f7db87371b99cf|LHUSTR_53
 667|  0|      LOST54|faa7ceb5dd5b45b67dd259b08a6c2387|LHUSTR_54
 667|  0|      LOST55|ac3e0862b099e009219dc26bdbf0b6e7|LHUSTR_55
 667|  0|      LOST56|cf8015e59b7920f6fa5161bb99644e9c|LHUSTR_56
 667|  0|      LOST57|40dce67cdcb299d0831c48f3f4a631d4|LHUSTR_57
 667|  0|      LOST58|db1d1760d5cb74f2b499e5d042667f7b|LHUSTR_58
 667|  0|      LOST59|de1eb893baec2199ebb59460f012102c|LHUSTR_59
 667|  0|      LOST60|518603656e1be1602d625b9f3c6bef0b|LHUSTR_60
 667|  0|     LOST61B|c77922deb288da63e7e49e3171e02707|LHUSTR_61B
 667|  0|     LOST61C|3b8a02388176f45643c0ea61b98065d4|LHUSTR_61C
 667|  0|      LOST61|c70dad9d06d872705520deee9f73f53a|LHUSTR_61
 667|  0|       D6END|f29243a82f057e5ea05ea097edc3e742|
 668|  0|      LOST62|c5b7cc12da14d0cfe34d14baf5194bb6|LHUSTR_62
 668|  0|      LOST63|7673a4e53b7f0f52df7ad8571177de29|LHUSTR_63
 668|  0|      LOST64|193349ef3efe292cef02c40588f2dcb0|LHUSTR_64
 668|  0|      LOST65|7e9703805cdac3aff01357052c39abf4|LHUSTR_65
 668|  0|      LOST66|1be0b62036c0c4a57e5b5579c7afb1a7|LHUSTR_66
 668|  0|      LOST67|0f4ad0fedf06d2b663b8a54703b2ede4|LHUSTR_67
 669|  0|      LOST68|d002c6ba335b06a8d51167406b0277d0|LHUSTR_68
 669|  0|      LOST69|ff8be00aa08c6d782ebecdb4553cb029|LHUSTR_69
 669|  0|      LOST70|953027480429c0b7fc4f4b61ae437e95|LHUSTR_70
 669|  0|      LOST71|1d666f18a74853d6d902ff2094c6a3e4|LHUSTR_71
 669|  0|      LOST72|4739b3c9486fa4757eb90c5932a3c2f7|LHUSTR_72
 669|  0|      LOST73|2912dda9b265a2244b3e2b98c08b4fe6|LHUSTR_73
 adding ../consoles/Console Doom/ConsoleDoom.wad, 996 lumps
 adding ../consoles/Console Doom/CdoomMus.wad, 35 lumps
cluster|num|mapname|                        checksum|levelname
 1|  1|       MAP01|23fc1fe891410a7878458c319b062027|Hangar
 1|  2|       MAP02|2ea1521e0e25015f85873f42d67b72e2|Staging Area
 1|  3|       MAP03|b0a01945e26ffb09bde2f692c991fc74|Plant
 1|  4|       MAP04|0cb0fab14978f7001ad24d8b70966792|Central Processing
 1|  5|       MAP05|278e4c5dc4600089b04260f3dd2f6e65|Tech Center
 1|  6|       MAP06|efa37474c1a8ba0acfc1cd1e92eca879|Containment Area
 1|  7|       MAP07|aaa7d79b69c656985e7df05ceae8c6d8|Phobos Anomaly
 1|  8|       MAP08|acaee08dc3c775fef982d4b93ccf94c3|Deimos Anomaly
 1|  9|       MAP09|4c39a4d009912075dcd422b69c5d2e34|Deimos Lab
 1| 10|       MAP10|5670e9878661d779a7d4adb9f88dffb3|Spawning Vats
 1| 11|       MAP11|1c451d073648c3ff936e8b641a6aaea3|Tower of Babel
 1| 12|       MAP12|11a839cc5da33628d81d819ff17ec9f2|Halls of the Damned
 1| 13|       MAP13|89f6066dfb33885aab8136db67e0601f|Command Center
 1| 14|       MAP14|343bbc97aca2bec0c7f756e327e606c1|Refinery
 1| 15|       MAP15|016f30cfc2f430aafa39ff87422411dc|Holding Area
 1| 16|       MAP16|3056339a843bbafc519777ec9ec15c70|House of Pain
 1| 17|       MAP17|09d574e6e6da4fb50eba6af629b3a66c|Mt.Erebus
 1| 18|       MAP18|31d8a4b572676bd056eda4fa6856ff8e|Blood Keep
 1| 19|       MAP19|ed22b95afb14c2eda7ce5ae3162cf45c|Watch Your Step
 1| 20|       MAP20|3c5c6cecb3f44b207a95cb18c9981221|Hell Gate
 1| 21|       MAP21|c9bb7fd59b27b15f1ab4d2a0061c9b75|Hell Keep
 1| 22|       MAP22|40b7311b359e81654b79d693fa42b3c6|Pandemonium
 1| 23|       MAP23|f268f774b819c91a97bac245a2bc5f37|Cat and Mouse
 1| 24|       MAP24|3e541c39f64fb71cc608e64fc5e9f709|The Marshes
 1| 25|       MAP25|0289dd678b08cdf10458a8bb48ef34c1|The Spiral
 2| 26|       MAP26|50ffb9a65e819285378b3f259d7f99c9|Atari
 2| 27|       MAP27|f858e494cb0ee7ce1e23a0fad92e8f3c|Atari Hell
 1| 28|       MAP28|d0cba9659a29e8083346b036aa6c50a5|Twilight Descends
 1| 29|       MAP29|a69ff015bfb673a168f8b1c90cfcb749|Threshold Of Pain
 1| 30|       MAP30|0f60a1df2e918345838e86c7fbf01d09|Redemption Denied
 1| 31|       MAP31|d079da37fc81755bfa0e199634475a6d|The Mansion
 1| 32|       MAP32|fbf181d982b74abd622eacf71960b304|Club Doom
 adding ../consoles/Xbox/BETRAY.wad, 11 lumps
cluster|num|mapname|                        checksum|levelname
 5|  1|       MAP01|6e40fc3c626fca486651866574d5dba7|HUSTR_1

 adding ../consoles/Xbox/BETRAYXB.wad, 11 lumps
cluster|num|mapname|                        checksum|levelname
 5|  1|       MAP01|9f0954a61e12088bb843ac9400445517|HUSTR_1
 adding ./../consoles/BFG/DOOM.wad, 2312 lumps
cluster|num|mapname|                        checksum|levelname
 1|  1|        E1M1|b49f7a6c519757d390d52667db7d8793|HUSTR_E1M1
 1|  2|        E1M2|81a4cc5136cbfa49345654190a626c09|HUSTR_E1M2
 1|  3|        E1M3|c7ff2282bc606ffb28ddcb90357094e6|HUSTR_E1M3
 1|  4|        E1M4|5b26545ff21b051ca06d389ce535684c|HUSTR_E1M4
 1|  5|        E1M5|66d8e54b173041f981a11cce766c4215|HUSTR_E1M5
 1|  6|        E1M6|5faa25f5a6aab3409cae0af87f910341|HUSTR_E1M6
 1|  7|        E1M7|9007f68e7f351a5758198933336f6b9f|HUSTR_E1M7
 1|  8|        E1M8|058fb092ea1b70da1e3cbf501c4a91a1|HUSTR_E1M8
 1|  9|        E1M9|1dbf91738492fb0e29836a2d66406cf1|HUSTR_E1M9
 2| 11|        E2M1|65455ac523799f8dce19f3d1968776a2|HUSTR_E2M1
 2| 12|        E2M2|a24fe135d5b6fd427fe27bef89717a65|HUSTR_E2M2
 2| 13|        E2M3|918436b3c2d0ad4f2c108183414b4612|HUSTR_E2M3
 2| 14|        E2M4|1bc04d646b32d3a3e411daf3c1a38ff8|HUSTR_E2M4
 2| 15|        E2M5|99c580ad8fabe923cab485cb7f3c5e5d|HUSTR_E2M5
 2| 16|        E2M6|3838ab29292587a7ee3ca71e7040868d|HUSTR_E2M6
 2| 17|        E2M7|8590f489879870c098cd7029c3187159|HUSTR_E2M7
 2| 18|        E2M8|effe91df41ad41f6973c06f0ad67ddb9|HUSTR_E2M8
 2| 19|        E2M9|8a6399faaa2e68649d4e4b16642074be|HUSTR_E2M9
 3| 21|        E3M1|c4a89a481a32bfeddeb82e818f2bdec5|HUSTR_E3M1
 3| 22|        E3M2|bbdc4253ae277da5fce2f19561627496|HUSTR_E3M2
 3| 23|        E3M3|f951882cb5a8def910f0ed966a1054c5|HUSTR_E3M3
 3| 24|        E3M4|2b65cb046ea40d2e44576949381769ca|HUSTR_E3M4
 3| 25|        E3M5|100106c75157b7decb0dcad2a59c1919|HUSTR_E3M5
 3| 26|        E3M6|2baf49b4cc36155b60b5330660ac0976|HUSTR_E3M6
 3| 27|        E3M7|5ac51ca9f1b57d4538049422a5e37291|HUSTR_E3M7
 3| 28|        E3M8|ef128313112110ed6c1549af96af26c9|HUSTR_E3M8
 3| 29|        E3M9|fe97dcb9e6235fb3c52ae7c143160d73|HUSTR_E3M9
 4| 31|        E4M1|da0c8281ac70eec31127c228bcd7fe2c|HUSTR_E4M1
 4| 32|        E4M2|771092812f38236c9df2cb06b2d6b24f|HUSTR_E4M2
 4| 33|        E4M3|f6ee16f770ad309d608ea0b1f1e249fc|HUSTR_E4M3
 4| 34|        E4M4|aaecadd4d97970aff702d86fafac7d17|HUSTR_E4M4
 4| 35|        E4M5|c2e09ab0bdd03925305a48ae935b71ca|HUSTR_E4M5
 4| 36|        E4M6|cbbff61a8c231dffc8e8a2a2baeb77ff|HUSTR_E4M6
 4| 37|        E4M7|94d4c869a0c02ef4f7375022b36aae45|HUSTR_E4M7
 4| 38|        E4M8|2dc939e508ab8eb68af79d5b60568711|HUSTR_E4M8
 4| 39|        E4M9|78556d238ffec8058cacc48b847e1fab|HUSTR_E4M9
 adding ./../consoles/BFG/DOOM2.wad, 2935 lumps
 adding ./../consoles/BFG/nerve.wad, 108 lumps
cluster|num|mapname|                        checksum|levelname
 5|  1|       MAP01|3c9902e376cca1e9c3be8763bdc21df5|HUSTR_1
 5|  2|       MAP02|1ec0af1e3985650f0c9000319c599d0c|HUSTR_2
 5|  3|       MAP03|5e8679670469f92e15cf4219b5b98fef|HUSTR_3
 5|  4|       MAP04|cec791136a83eec4b91d39718bdf9d82|HUSTR_4
 5|  5|       MAP05|9e061ad7fbcd7fad968c976cb4aa3b9d|HUSTR_5
 5|  6|       MAP06|434575dcb650b4efc912efc0782c7acc|HUSTR_6
 6|  7|       MAP07|291f24417fb3dd411339ae82ef9b3597|HUSTR_7
 6|  8|       MAP08|66c46385eb1a23d60839d1532522076b|HUSTR_8
 6|  9|       MAP09|82256f04136adb2413bfc604b5f6adf3|HUSTR_9
 6| 10|       MAP10|6c620f43705bec0abbabbf46ac3e62d2|HUSTR_10
 6| 11|       MAP11|73d9e03cee7bf1a97efd2ead86688ef8|HUSTR_11
 7| 12|       MAP12|1af4dec2627360a55b3eb397bc15c39d|HUSTR_12
 7| 13|       MAP13|fba6547b9fd44e95671a923a066e516f|HUSTR_13
 7| 14|       MAP14|5bda34da60c0530794cc1ea2da017976|HUSTR_14
 7| 15|       MAP15|1a540ba717bf9ec85f8522594c352f2a|HUSTR_15
 7| 16|       MAP16|6b60f37b91309dff1cdf02e5e476210d|HUSTR_16
 7| 17|       MAP17|e1cfd5c6e60c3b6c30f8b95fc287e9fe|HUSTR_17
 7| 18|       MAP18|0d491365c1b88b7d1b603890100dd03e|HUSTR_18
 7| 19|       MAP19|b5506b1e8f2fc272ad0c77b9e0df5491|HUSTR_19
 7| 20|       MAP20|8898f5ec9cbdcd98019a1bc1bf892a8a|HUSTR_20
 8| 21|       MAP21|ebdac00e9d25d884b2c8f4b1f0390539|HUSTR_21
 8| 22|       MAP22|4aa9b3ce449fb614497756e96509f096|HUSTR_22
 8| 23|       MAP23|63f25c97d5b1cc174efea7f6af499960|HUSTR_23
 8| 24|       MAP24|3eff15c64a03b36e8e47926c6df9ef70|HUSTR_24
 8| 25|       MAP25|94893a0dc429a22adc4b3a73da537e16|HUSTR_25
 8| 26|       MAP26|1037366026aab4b0cf11bab27db90e4e|HUSTR_26
 8| 27|       MAP27|110f84de041052b59307faf0293e6bc0|HUSTR_27
 8| 28|       MAP28|84bb2c8ed2343c91136b87f1832e7ca5|HUSTR_28
 8| 29|       MAP29|20251eda21b2f2ecf6ff5b8bbc00b26c|HUSTR_29
 8| 30|       MAP30|5eecd88f4491f516d590ce4bbf45f532|HUSTR_30
 9| 31|       MAP31|f2235342f1591b59154022e1daf3eb2f|HUSTR_31B
 10| 32|       MAP32|9aa7780b46ec4471f630572798943d71|HUSTR_32B
 11|  0|     LEVEL01|3843b06a279eb9cedc18c30cf32074c2|NHUSTR_1
 11|  0|     LEVEL02|3262c22dd1532df4dfcfeeb6ae0e11bb|NHUSTR_2
 11|  0|     LEVEL03|b2c6635ec41da8d96065166b0e14e78e|NHUSTR_3
 11|  0|     LEVEL04|ff635fb9a2f076566299910f8c78f707|NHUSTR_4
 11|  0|     LEVEL05|7e0e3d6e3643082b86c153cc04a0d1d1|NHUSTR_5
 11|  0|     LEVEL06|c7471af46cfda07ba0eb5c4d4de2e136|NHUSTR_6
 11|  0|     LEVEL07|047991bb81f9790b69c25b020df8b25c|NHUSTR_7
 11|  0|     LEVEL08|7eb864a03948c3f918f9223b2d1f8911|NHUSTR_8
 11|  0|     LEVEL09|fde03d8f2d3d8e37483fc4589b3d54e9|NHUSTR_9
 5| 33|       MAP33|915409a89746d6bfd92c7956be6a0a2d|HUSTR_33


 adding ../consoles/PL2PRCP/PLUTONIA 2 PRCP IN PSX DOOM.pk3, 1626 lumps
cluster|num|mapname|                        checksum|levelname
 1|  1|       MAP01|96ea0198f9ad3d8a1d6f6c04dc6e3c86|HUSTR_1
 1|  2|       MAP02|81bf0a93da554be33a132b50215f787f|HUSTR_2
 1|  3|       MAP03|70fe44d50a2f4ef0178c5d816f81012e|HUSTR_3
 1|  4|       MAP04|cb32c27547fffb2a0ac7978e8210e597|HUSTR_4
 1|  5|       MAP05|9e9989e5a1a409d32263bba0b771970a|HUSTR_5
 1|  6|       MAP06|c8f1365c12d97c3cd2a31f8789c22f71|HUSTR_6
 1|  7|       MAP07|76c0a130cef80ea302934015493fb96f|HUSTR_7
 1|  8|       MAP08|1d45727035c46434c96a39e6475c044b|HUSTR_8
 1|  9|       MAP09|3da1870d87ba429499915c2d6a31c219|HUSTR_9
 1| 10|       MAP10|760f0d3a6a5d4e41d67069e20444c518|HUSTR_10
 1| 11|       MAP11|20fcf3b3b9e7ab0da2c2f451cfbc3826|HUSTR_11
 1| 12|       MAP12|2f25278debf4aee618b177b588ea8013|HUSTR_12
 1| 13|       MAP13|b95d72fc940e30d58bd70bc51312e8f0|HUSTR_13
 1| 14|       MAP14|b495a72cbbf5582fea683b6e765f3532|HUSTR_14
 1| 15|       MAP15|59023433d220e0ede74511e5ef2eb2f8|HUSTR_15
 1| 16|       MAP16|c5d45c9ed6c6d14d02b801b96839f98a|HUSTR_16
 1| 17|       MAP17|64ffa50719e5ba526548a4d58b737b15|HUSTR_17
 1| 18|       MAP18|0300576068fe9114bec48aba2463467a|HUSTR_18
 1| 19|       MAP19|6d4a6471f337c7fca68c8002dc6bbd15|HUSTR_19
 1| 20|       MAP20|fe930c55ace8dedf3f2d151dd9df348c|HUSTR_20
 1| 21|       MAP21|865524c8dc9b1891f2ce5fd4902c0ce2|HUSTR_21
 1| 22|       MAP22|c3bad05ff5fcb0549ee107314585a8e9|HUSTR_22
 1| 23|       MAP23|504b88cc6204bd8bbcf695d9be760cb4|HUSTR_23
 1| 24|       MAP24|aef543bd3e19b1fa3619582e56c261f5|HUSTR_24
 1| 25|       MAP25|354548b6b27319ba864e84066721b853|HUSTR_25
 1| 26|       MAP26|e664bd8f8a1c477ec94e53373f0caf28|HUSTR_26
 1| 27|       MAP27|0dc897748c402417547ab406ba5e682b|HUSTR_27
 1| 28|       MAP28|9605d3882ad37d58bfd59d365534cbf0|HUSTR_28
 1| 29|       MAP29|3cae888fee769a411ec5d152f88ca9d0|HUSTR_29
 1| 30|       MAP30|0578207c83f173c502b1a8fbc6e8059e|HUSTR_30
 2| 31|       MAP31|de2a807f7c44bb1c6b171ca2ca326e0e|HUSTR_31
 2| 32|       MAP32|3a84500dccbae2e08931d3d14c6919ad|HUSTR_32
 1|  0|       D1END|04112521115c735c1e11d75374eb062e|HUSTR_31
 2| 33|       MAP33|4ef21c3d6c87867dc29ce4db92c7d0e0|HUSTR_33
 2| 34|       MAP34|937e25d5da940bc3a6972e7437bf9f1e|HUSTR_34
 2| 35|       MAP35|612dd9003f810ed3ddf55ddb3d16a0f9|HUSTR_35
 2| 36|       MAP36|4c888992e1865645201ae534a26c9577|HUSTR_36
 2| 37|       MAP37|fda5daf388be325f52a4a39e33a74f71|HUSTR_37
 2| 38|       MAP38|d7838457b13eb78503baf2037ba55b30|HUSTR_38
 2| 39|       MAP39|7663133c88adbfa3870c4b0c8336bf4e|HUSTR_39
 2| 40|       MAP40|9384eb643a114b8ab21a59debce17d27|HUSTR_40
 2| 41|       MAP41|312b079d9b510cdd4e234d58d74c8b64|HUSTR_41
 2| 42|       MAP42|3f8138d0a420f59771e5bc8bb3794fb0|HUSTR_42
 2| 43|       MAP43|81357d36a2e01296a66ccf15bcd091de|HUSTR_43
 2| 44|       MAP44|3d92dcc6931631fc2420037f70544e96|HUSTR_44
 2| 45|       MAP45|dfd3face4f5d434d69265bc78d4a984b|HUSTR_45
 2| 46|       MAP46|5210f370d2aa30381ad1ac6d1559cae4|HUSTR_46
 2| 47|       MAP47|faad9a64d7ae37f6e4c0b7585b285836|HUSTR_47
 2| 48|       MAP48|c819ec1548493de2dbc5ae764f5cc7f9|HUSTR_48
 2| 49|       MAP49|f8a0c01368376f2020dd3cd38ec2e85c|HUSTR_49
 2| 50|       MAP50|345e732bc1333a6fc7928868e8bac347|HUSTR_50
 2| 51|       MAP51|1cbd24454ad722d0e7a7a24bed9842c9|HUSTR_51
 2| 52|       MAP52|4316aa0e30c90df9ec7cdbd5804c2723|HUSTR_52
 2| 53|       MAP53|955840292ce2cb8f0ec76e6011ce2552|HUSTR_53
 2| 54|       MAP54|c247ab1388788e3c0d4fe363744c8d98|HUSTR_54
 2| 55|       MAP55|159deed54e9c063a22c1794034256af1|HUSTR_55
 2| 56|       MAP56|9d9e8af4cc4e3719a2ee3a4b90c3d321|HUSTR_56
 2| 57|       MAP57|d6a6e2a52f084ea915eb674b9932c003|HUSTR_57
 2| 58|       MAP58|36b56c31cca3bc18736e4287aa8c67ba|HUSTR_58
 2| 59|       MAP59|8d68d2df31a6759d689a9a1b0196bd5c|HUSTR_59
 2| 60|       MAP60|4228083f7522ee44299e9ee0862b858b|HUSTR_60
 0|  0|       D5END|a30f869fc64fadb9ee87bf34c2da33e9|
 0| 61|       MAP61|e1ace6a4a140f57c76e47a8a949f7b02|HUSTR_61
 0| 62|       MAP62|d870d3f6fc070cd932677f1be818cbf3|HUSTR_62
 0| 63|       MAP63|218393572427b6071d410ecd5650e7f4|HUSTR_63
 0| 64|       MAP64|96e2b5421b6492aea5c33e5322705783|HUSTR_64


 adding ../consoles/Xbox/SEWERS.wad, 11 lumps
cluster|num|mapname|                        checksum|levelname
 3| 21|        E3M1|6909d27311bd83e6d9076afc3b5aa145|HUSTR_E3M1

 adding ../consoles/Xbox/SEWERSXB.wad, 11 lumps
cluster|num|mapname|                        checksum|levelname
 3| 21|        E3M1|a7f65713ace16d3fbfcb5577d8f08228|HUSTR_E3M1

 adding ../consoles/D64D2_v1.4.wad, 794 lumps
 adding ../consoles/d64d2.deh, 1 lumps
 cluster|num| mapname|                        checksum|levelname
  5|  1|       MAP01|ee6f67839988e888ce9a6a817024e482|HUSTR_1
  5|  2|       MAP02|d70181868147ba87cb0cda2d3ead45b1|HUSTR_2
  5|  3|       MAP03|f324f9dea73bcb80d05f9482ad21f1f0|HUSTR_3
  5|  4|       MAP04|a48f9cadb3a59459a8740d842eed6e39|HUSTR_4
  5|  5|       MAP05|e1a42be13f2269e2521d0ddd163c756b|HUSTR_5
  5|  6|       MAP06|1312fac569ac46130e759e6a1b3fa928|HUSTR_6
  6|  7|       MAP07|eadcdd8b442cc3f09ed9cd2882f56243|HUSTR_7
  6|  8|       MAP08|6d02a1ea050793b0e3993c438d3257ad|HUSTR_8
  6|  9|       MAP09|c38b841d6211041c60d2d7ddeb5b912c|HUSTR_9
  6| 10|       MAP10|bb813ca960a893fd8ed258d3afa576f3|HUSTR_10
  6| 11|       MAP11|63e4f34ae50cff259653bb814b0291a5|HUSTR_11
  7| 12|       MAP12|02db56c40b72d3b6c381747fb74afa60|HUSTR_12
  7| 13|       MAP13|59dd205a38266a25603e44c70c8251b0|HUSTR_13
  7| 14|       MAP14|222a82bf54ce51b6c7e50740576d382e|HUSTR_14
  7| 15|       MAP15|f73eb1b7de00c4ae2f532e8f3ef400bb|HUSTR_15
  7| 16|       MAP16|a7ef91810a3ecd2dfdad69b02a4af8ac|HUSTR_16
  7| 17|       MAP17|562e94ca9781a46c393eb2b9c5e2d2d0|HUSTR_17
  7| 18|       MAP18|8aa9e7322af2468faef560af9d10200b|HUSTR_18
  7| 19|       MAP19|97d415bfba49288278831196e4628a41|HUSTR_19
  7| 20|       MAP20|03fb1a2c87d1e8899f9a0b0a97311bfb|HUSTR_20
  8| 21|       MAP21|52ef7feeee78950cc1c3e9b14e493435|HUSTR_21
  8| 22|       MAP22|71793ce3c8dc0b30cbdff2ebb7d7cb53|HUSTR_22
  8| 23|       MAP23|4846922493ec1703297a4ec65eac7b64|HUSTR_23
  8| 24|       MAP24|06b235fc5fd7e96d6fed47a65fd3e705|HUSTR_24
  8| 25|       MAP25|e93cb35f8cd02f7578f48c31e03beada|HUSTR_25
  8| 26|       MAP26|bd3496b2dcf40b64ebb0815a87f92610|HUSTR_26
  8| 27|       MAP27|202741fb61431b92bda965f4166da0c6|HUSTR_27
  8| 28|       MAP28|7ed3c5081dc635fc20a875965b0624fd|HUSTR_28
  8| 29|       MAP29|2a1788ba5331055d5289be32d5e0cb58|HUSTR_29
  8| 30|       MAP30|c7dc3fa83c6c8507db3b47298ffe5a80|HUSTR_30
  9| 31|       MAP31|d641e4bbbe8af661d8f82dbde2da8905|HUSTR_31
 10| 32|       MAP32|34b01084f829b5e86b72ed8461f67aaa|HUSTR_32
  5|  0|      MAP02B|7cacbc2c8cf125658f0296c807e978f0|HUSTR_2
  7|  0|      MAP19B|7d8eda41dd90eea1b2b40de379c7c6bb|HUSTR_19
  8|  0|      MAP27B|abc8914e9f5254fa44b1a3f6bdf6aa71|HUSTR_27
  8|  0|      MAP30B|2064da62efb1e83f6e6638382706d446|HUSTR_30
 10| 33|       MAP33|af2cf1370530e0de5d0741e76823375d|HUSTR_33


Previously shared flic





Compatibility explanation from WIP times


Compatibility and known limitations

ConsolUX was designed to be compatible with mods and wads it gets loaded after. Below is the list of GZDoom "components" it overrides, and that's where it may interfere, but otherwise it should not impact player's experience:

  • Single player tally screen
  • Status bar
  • Episode, Difficulty and Load Game menus


The latter is in fact a problem - in case a mod loaded before ConsolUX defines their own ZScript-customized Episode or Difficulty menus, GZDoom would not allow ConsolUX override them and as a result console-style menus will not work. With a bit of trickery (and deceit) I was able to block mods loaded before ConsolUX from overriding menus in an incompatible way. I was also able to figure out how to solve this (on a case by case basis) for mods packed as IWADs (and boy, what a neat way to pack one's mod!). This approach allows the mods to coexist, but ConsoluUX Episode and Level menus will take precedence, effectively "breaking" those of the other mod. For example unlockable episodes in Doom CE become ordinary unlocked episodes. Some examples follow.

Beta Labs 2 with Doom Delta







In some rare cases when there are too many difficulty levels to show on a screen GZDoom falls back to generic scrollable "Option-style" menu. This breaks console style menus. So if you see a list of skills looking out of place instead of something resembling these screenshots after having pressed [Enter] on the title screen, [Escape] from it and try using [Esc] on the title screen to go into classic GZDoom menu to start the game from there.


Keep in mind that starting a playthrough with ConsolUX loaded and saving, means having to load the add-on every time you want to continue from that saved game.


Worth noting is that the screenshots above have been produced with a GZDoom mod that provides textual names for episodes and maps. Historically in Doom Menus and tally screens names for maps, map authors and episodes have been shown as images, and wad files actually stored those images, not text strings. Many contemporary authors keep compatibility level of their creative work fairly high and as a result provide such images in modern wads. ConsolUX has by design a deliberate preference to textual names, and such a combination of text and images may lead to results that range from peculiar...



... to somewhat inconsistent...





Edited by ludicrous_peridot

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Looking good! Having the pickup texts on the lower left part of the screen just like the console ports looks amazing!

Looking forward for the PSX DooM/Final DooM themed status bars :D

Edited by LUISDooM

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/16/2021 at 3:46 PM, LUISDooM said:

Looking good! Having the pickup texts on the lower left part of the screen just like the console ports looks amazing!

Looking forward for the PSX DooM/Final DooM themed status bars :D


Thank you @LUISDooM. I've added PSX Doom and Final Doom themes in 1.2.2 version.

It's uploaded but not in the main folder, as I'm yet to update the installation part above.

You can get it under compat/all directory with a required dependency that should be loaded first. 


Here are the looks (there are more screens in the updated OP as well):


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3 hours ago, ludicrous_peridot said:

I've added PSX Doom and Final Doom themes in 1.2.2 version.

It's uploaded but not in the main folder, as I'm yet to update the installation part above.

You can get it under compat/all directory with a required dependency that should be loaded first. 


This is great! Just tested it and looks amazing, I always wanted to have the pickup messages on the lower left part of the screen!

Using it along Demake Shaders gives it the ultimate console Doom look:



While it works with custom classes (I'm using one), I had to choose it from GZDoom's menu, since ConsolUX defaults it to DoomGuy and doesn't give an option to change it. Despite that it works great, Nice Work! :D

Edited by LUISDooM

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11 hours ago, LUISDooM said:

While it works with custom classes (I'm using one), I had to choose it from GZDoom's menu, since ConsolUX defaults it to DoomGuy and doesn't give an option to change it. Despite that it works great, Nice Work! :D


That's true. I have not yet looked at class selection screens for Consolux.

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I've been procrastinating, in a way, and made a simple level selector for ConsolUX. While a separate pk3 intended to be loaded after consolux.pk3 as an add-on, it's not a single universal pk3 for any wad or mod combination, but rather an example of a simple way of making such add-ons for a particular wad or mod, pk3 serving as a template. The provided selector is for Jaguar Doom TC by @Dragonsbrethren, and can be used as a template for wads with EXMY maps layout. I intend to make a similar one for Console Doom (which I suspect uses MAPX layout) as part of 1.2.3. 



In this particular case the load order was -file jaguartc.wad jaguartc.deh consolux-1.2.3rc1.pk3 consolux-jagmaps.pk3

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OP has been updated to reflect version update, so sharing some suggestions on mods, wads and TCs to try out with ConsolUX. 

  • 3DO Doom levels convertions bundled in extras directory of the Mega share. Load them as: gzdoom -file consolux.pk3 3dodoom.wad or gzdoom -file consolux.pk3 3dodoom.wad 3dogibs.pk3 for 3DO-style violent deaths. Be sure to switch to 3DO theme in HUD Options screen of full GZDoom options menu. The base IWAD is Doom 2.
  • The classic Console Doom map pack @Kaiser. ConsolUX will change status bar and tally screen themes to match the level being played and has a level selector add-on for this wad. The thread linked may not have up to date download link, but it is easy to find.
  • PSX TC and PSX Doom Lost Levels. Personally, I ignore the launcher and add-ons and am simply loading PSXDOOM.PK3, PSXTCMUS.PK3 and PSXLOST.PK3.
  • Jaguar Doom Conversion by @Dragonsbrethren for which a level selector add-on is available. Also make sure to search for another add-on for this TC to adjust colorspace to better match original Jaguar picture.
  • Plutonia 2 and PRCP conversion to PSX TC by @Cryo. Needs a small edit of SBARINFO to be loaded with a recent GZDoom version (GZDoom tells the number of problematic line).
  • The astonishing Doom CE by @molecicco if you want Console-style menus or an alternative status bar with it. 
  • Saturn Doom Experience for GZDoom has ConsolUX "pre-packaged". 
Edited by ludicrous_peridot
Elaborated 3DO Doom instructions

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A small (and hopefully final) update on Consolux - "vanity" icons with level selectors (available for Jaguar TC and Console Doom) that show best percentage scores for the level so far. This is available as preview only for now, as I would like to do more testing and don't have opportunity to produce nicer looking icons in the nearest future.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I felt it was not right that ConsolUX did not have some levels "of its own" to ship with it and make it playable immediately, the Saturn mod having outgrown what would fit this role. So not proficient with mapping as I am, I was looking for something simpler, shorter and with a good connection to classic console Doom theme.


I ended up doing a conversion of 3DO Doom maps (tools shared in a post above).


Now, Jaguar Doom was converted to PC quite a few times, so this isn't anything unseen yet, but did tick all the boxes above, and was fun to make. Included with the maps is some ZScript code to touch up the looks the Console-style main menu, mimicking 3DO looks further, so in a sense this is aslo a "reference ConsolUX mod".


One thing to point out is that 3dodoom.wad is a portmanteau wad. It has 2 sets of assets (textures, maps and songs) at once, so you can load it with GZDoom for PNG textures and arranged 3DO music. Or you could forego the whole ConsolUX thing and load it on its own in the Boom-compatible source port of your choice to play as a normal set of Doom levels. Secret exit and game finale should work in UMAPINFO-compatible ports. This can also be loaded with Chocolate, but I don't recommend going too vanilla as I've (intentionally) not changed anything about the levels and all the sweet tutti frutti is still in place.


Here's a proper 30 second video of what to expect.


3dodoom.wad needs to be loaded after consolux.pk3 on GZDoom. This is a Doom 2 wad.


Edited by ludicrous_peridot

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/26/2021 at 12:52 AM, LUISDooM said:

While it works with custom classes (I'm using one), I had to choose it from GZDoom's menu, since ConsolUX defaults it to DoomGuy and doesn't give an option to change it. Despite that it works great, Nice Work! :D


Player class selection will be possible in the update I'm working on now. Will update OP once that's available.



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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Are there plans to update this for Doom CE 3.0.x? I also noticed that when using this mod with Doom CE, the menus stop using the widescreen assets that Doom CE comes with. Tested with Doom CE (PSX Full version) v3.0.1.


Question was already answered with a post above. So far I can't change the UX style at all in the HUD options with this mod in v3.0.x.

Edited by AmethystViper
Didn't see it was being examined for Doom CE v3.0.x combability + An issue I'm seeing

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  • 3 months later...

Small update - there's now a hastily produced version of the mod that can load with GZDoom 4.8+ (tested this with 4.9pre current as of writing this). Some things seem to be not right still (e.g. getting back to menu after credits have run seems not to work), plus it is unlikely this version will run with GZDoom versions prior 4.8 - but oh well at least it loads with current GZ.


Get the modified files here and replace with them each and any of the ConsolUX pk3-s that you are using that have the same name.


To add to this, I am publishing under extras/mini-CE a set of small shader mods I have been holding on to for a few months. These use @molecicco's shader code to emulate PSX-style diminishing light in vanilla Doom, Doom 2, Final Doom, Heretic and Hexen. There's also a separate version for PSX TC.

  • mini-CE.pk3 - for classic games, sprites are shown bright
  • dark min-CE.pk3 - for classic games, sprites use sector light level
  • mini-CE for Saturn.pk3 - for PSX TC (and thus for Saturn TC)


Edited by ludicrous_peridot

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/1/2022 at 7:38 AM, AmethystViper said:

I tried ConsolUX with DOOM CE v3.3.1 and it just crashes the game.


I've just tried a clean of both CE Lite and Consolux on Windows and both -menus and -stbars packages loaded for me.
I imagine I could be of more help had I known more about the particular errors you are seeing, etc...



Edited by ludicrous_peridot

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3 hours ago, ludicrous_peridot said:


I've just tried a clean of both CE Lite and Consolux on Windows and both -menus and -stbars packages loaded for me.
I imagine I could be of more help had I known more about the particular errors you are seeing, etc...


I saw what I did wrong and got it working but how do I change the menu theme? It's not appearing in the HUD options in the full options menus.

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Hey, @AmethystViper, glad to hear you could get that part resolved. With CE Consolux normally chooses visual style to match the IPK3 loaded. To control visual appearance manually you could either switch to consolux-stbars.pk3 which enables the options menu item, or if you would rather play with CE status bars, you could manually set sat_theme variable via console  to one of the below values are:

OptionValue "SatrunThemeOption" 
	0, "PC"
	1, "Saturn"
	2, "3DO"
	3, "Doom 64"
	4, "PlayStation Doom"
	5, "PlayStation Final Doom"
	6, "Auto"


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7 hours ago, Gez said:

Is that a typo?

I was wondering about that too with the mod's name missing an E in "ConsoleUX".


9 hours ago, ludicrous_peridot said:

Hey, @AmethystViper, glad to hear you could get that part resolved. With CE Consolux normally chooses visual style to match the IPK3 loaded. To control visual appearance manually you could either switch to consolux-stbars.pk3 which enables the options menu item, or if you would rather play with CE status bars, you could manually set sat_theme variable via console  to one of the below values are:

OptionValue "SatrunThemeOption" 
	0, "PC"
	1, "Saturn"
	2, "3DO"
	3, "Doom 64"
	4, "PlayStation Doom"
	5, "PlayStation Final Doom"
	6, "Auto"


This worked, thank you. I hope a version that uses widescreen graphics for the UI can become available for this mod.

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8 hours ago, Gez said:

Is that a typo?

Yep, a genuine  one. Thanks for spotting this.


1 hour ago, AmethystViper said:

This worked, thank you.

Cool, thanks for letting me know.


Also, since you've been asking about widescreen - I would need to explore how ACS functions handle that for proper support in the menus when I get time to face-lift the mod; also the 3DO themed status bar is the only one I've added both original and widescreen assets at the moment (and N64 is kind of screen size agnostic).

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1 hour ago, AmethystViper said:

I was wondering about that too with the mod's name missing an E in "ConsoleUX".

That one could be deliberate. A pun on lux for example.


Fun fact: in French gaming slang, "consoleux" is a slightly derogatory term for console users.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 12/14/2021 at 12:23 PM, ludicrous_peridot said:

Presenting ConsolUX, an add-on that changes some traits of GZDoom user interface to look and feel closer to classic Doom console ports.


These classic ports are Sega Saturn Doom, 3DO Doom, Doom 64, PlayStation Doom and PlayStation Final Doom. ConsolUX uses assets extracted from the said ports and attempts to put them to good use (even if some of the ports themselves could arguably not). Developed and tested with now current GZDoom 4.7.1, it is intended as a drop-in addition that will not change the gameplay of a wad or mod it's loaded after, but will augment the experience of the player, giving it a more "console-ish" vibe. ConsolUX has converted 3DO doom levels budndled as an extra, and this post has details on how to run it and suggestions of wads, mods or TCs to try with ConsolUX.


Below is a gify of Console Doom wad played with ConsolUX loaded.


Getting and running the add-on

plus.png.802ed5b42b7bd98217a5d34047b2a90d.png Download the pk3 

plus.png.802ed5b42b7bd98217a5d34047b2a90d.png Or if using GZDoom 4.8 or newer get it here instead

plus.png.802ed5b42b7bd98217a5d34047b2a90d.png Load consolux.pk3 after the wad or mod you would like to run with, e.g.: -file ConsoleDoom.wad CdoomMus.wad  consolux.pk3

plus.png.802ed5b42b7bd98217a5d34047b2a90d.png Or just load it with nothing but an iwad: -file consolux.pk3

Add-on contents

point.png.f21fe2b93733f69be9daf2db5e737751.pngThemed game title screen based on GZDoom TITLEMAP technology (PSX DOOM TC titlemap was used as a starting point and modified significantly since; fire images and map geometry, remain as is from PSX DOOM TC).

  Reveal hidden contents







PSX Doom


PSX Final Doom





point.png.f21fe2b93733f69be9daf2db5e737751.pngThemed console style main menu. On the title screen press [Enter] to go into ConsolUX menu, or [Esc] in case you prefer GZDoom menu. In ConsolUX menu use [Up] and [Down] to navigate, [Left] and [Right] to select player class, episode and difficulty level, [Enter] to start playing or open Options, Load or GZDoom menu screens. You can also use controller and mouse in console style menu.

  Reveal hidden contents






Capture6.PNG.179969b955afab3b2a4b0bc3316e1520.PNGPSX Doom


PSX Final Doom





point.png.f21fe2b93733f69be9daf2db5e737751.pngThemed in-game status bar that mimics classic console Doom port and appearance of which can be changed on the fly through game options (see below).

  Reveal hidden contents







PSX Doom


PSX Final Doom





point.png.f21fe2b93733f69be9daf2db5e737751.pngThemed tally screens at the end of the level.

  Reveal hidden contents







PSX Doom


PSX Final Doom





point.png.f21fe2b93733f69be9daf2db5e737751.pngPlayer skins, and several extras: level selector mods, converted 3DO Doom levels and a separate small add-on (3dogibs.pk3).


Themes can be switched by the user in Options > HUD Options > Console UX Theme. This option is only available in the Full Menus of GZDoom at the moment. It will take a restart to apply title screen and main menu themes, while status bar theme is changed on the fly.



What are the skins for?

ConsolUX would not override the sprites for player's face that mods and wads provide. This may result in something okayish, e.g. similar to 


or to


However in some cases the result may be less pleasant


Navigating to Options > Player Setup and changing the skin from Base to Saturn will cause Doomguy's faces extracted from Sega Saturn Doom to take the place of the ones from the wad being run. Additionally, 3DO skin is included which has gloriously dithered Doomguy's faces taken from 3DO Doom port and the Extreme Death frames, however if you are interested in actually seeing those frames in-game, I advise checking the next section on a small additional pk3 bundled with ConsolUX. Player sprites (as seen by other players) in both skins are the same as in Doom II PC version, and have additional rotations taken from the Minor Sprite Fixing Project by @Revenant100. Nintendo64 skin has been added which combines N64 player sprite with Saturn faces - this one is for use with Doom 64 CE when ConsolUX status bars are enabled. 


... extras/3dogibs.pk3 ?


Is a small pk3 that you can load after consolux.pk3 (or just load it on its own) to replace Doomguy's face with the one taken from 3DO port, and add the lengthy Extreme Death animation to that. It also changes game "rules" slightly by reducing the threshold of damage player needs to take on death to become "Extremely Dead" - that is gibbed, - to give monsters a slim chance of actually causing this state and triggering the animation and by letting the animation play even in case of less violent deaths. So Doomguy's head will not pop when he's clawed by an Imp or shot by a former human (as it reportedly did on 3DO), but in many other cases it will! Here, watch it in action:

  Reveal hidden contents



Level selectors

In extras directory two simple level selector mods are included to be loaded after consolux.pk3. 

Player can select any of the levels they have completed or advanced to in Console-style menu. GZDoom New Game menu does not impose this restriction, and all of the levels are available to start with.


If Progress icons in menus option is set to yes in HUD Options screen of full GZDoom Options menu, icons representing player's best score at kills, items and secrets will be displayed in console-style menu:

  • 0% corresponds to clearly visible icon
  • 100% corresponds to fully dipped in blood icon

The icons will not take difficulty into account and always just show the best score, all three representing percentages at the same level completion event.


Compatibility with mods

If a mod loaded before ConsolUX sets up Episode or Skill selection menu of their own, Console-style menus will not work with default consolux.pk3 provided. Instead packages from compat/mods directory should be used.

Also if using GZDoom 4.8 or newer get the consolux-menus.pk3 and/or consolux-stbars.pk3 from here instead; consolux-boot.wad remains the same.

See the below examples for load order:


To use ConsolUX without its status bars (e.g. retain you mod's stbars)

gzdoom -file consolux-boot.wad DoomDelta_v2.3.pk3 consolux-menus.pk3


To use ConsolUX with its status bars (e.g. replace your mod's stbars with those from ConsolUX)

gzdoom -file consolux-boot.wad DoomDelta_v2.3.pk3 consolux-stbars.pk3




Doom CE 


Note on compatibility: ConsolUX compatibility ipk3-s have been built around the time versions 2.0.6 and 2.0.7 of Doom CE were current. Since then @molecicco has released several new versions, 3.0.0 being the latest at the moment of this edit. While for versions after 2.0.7 and up to 2.1.1 the CE ipk3 contents suggested no particular reason ConsolUX compatibility ipk3-s would not work with them, those new versions have not been explicitly tested the same way 2.0.7 was.


CE 3.0.0 has brought some changes and ConsolUX still loads with it and menus and status bars operate as expected. It is however just about all the testing that was done for 3.0.0. 



  Reveal hidden contents



To install with Doom CE:

  1. Back up you Doom CE installation directory
  2. Copy contents of compat/CE-2.1.1 into your Doom CE directory
  3. Optional - if using GZDoom-4.8 or later get the consolux-menus.pk3 and consolux-stbars.pk3 from here instead 
  4. Start Doom CE as normal (i.e. by running GZDoom, dragging a level pack or mod onto GZDoom or running a .bat file).
  5. If presented with IWAD selection screen, note that customized boot pk3-s from ConsolUX distribution replace the IWAD-s CE ships with. Use one of these to start the game.
  6. First time a CE IWAD (i.e. one of Doom 64 CE, PSX Doom CR or PSX Final Doom CE) is started on a system, ConsolUX may not be on the list of pk3-s to load. Simply exit and start Doom CE again, and ConsolUX will load every time. You may have to do this once for each of the three IWAD-s. 
  7. Optional  - to enable ConsolUX status bars (e.g. to play with Saturn or 3DO status bars) follow the instructions in autoexec.cfg 
  8. Optional  - in Doom 64 CE Doomguy's mugshot is not displayed by default with ConsolUX status bars enabled; select Nintendo 64 skin from the Player Setup options screen to restore it.    


Known limitations and bugs

  • In some rare cases when there are too many difficulty levels to show on a screen GZDoom falls back to generic scrollable "Option-style" menu. This breaks console style menus and you will see a list of skills looking out of place instead of something resembling the screenshots after having pressed [Enter] on the title screen.
  • Credits (included for every theme) still need more polish.
  • GZDoom 4.8 and later are not (ahem) officially supported with this mod. A workaround has been made available to load it, but it has not been tested thoroughly.


In case of issues with Console-style menu, try pressing [Esc] on the title screen to go into classic GZDoom menu to start the game from there.


ConsolUX roadmap

Scripts and other text lumps for the current and past versions have been made available as a git repo.


How do you do it for a fellow Android User using both CE and ConsolUX?

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Hey there. I'd suggest not quoting the full body of the response (you could even edit your post to remove excessive quoting).


Sadly with recent versions of DeltaTouch I was unable to launch CE on Android (with or without ConsolUX).


The trick that used to work for me before was renaming of CE own *.ipk3 files into *.pk3, placing ConsolUX compatibility ipk3-s into the folder where DeltaTouch is looking for IWAD files and manually providing full list of CE pk3-s (including the renamed former ipk3-s) to load. Good thing is that once that's done DeltaTouch allows to save the configuration for later use.


I don't know why this would no longer work for me anymore, so not sure I can give any helpful advice.

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  • 3 weeks later...



Turns out you have to use an ipk3 for CE to work. Formatting had changed this time around. It "sort of" works (example being that the menu in a way tried to appear, and the hud bar works perfectly except for the hud face changer)

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Apologies if I dont't quite follow you here.


I have toyed around a bit more with

  • DeltaTouch 4.7.2
  • Android 12
  • GZDoom DEV (4.8.2)
  • PSXDoom CE 3.3.1
  • Latest ConsolUX files as available right now

I was able to run fine with this load order after I have moved all iwads from /storage/emulated/0/OpenTouch/Delta to /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.opentouchgaming.deltatouch/files. I've made a note of my DeltaTouch setup in the corresponding topic some time ago.




Ignore the titlepics.pk3. That's just a collection of title pics to assign to saved "launch profiles" in DeltaTouch. PSXDOOMCE.PK3 is renamed original PSXDOOMCE.IPK3 from CE distro.



ConsolUX menus and status bars work for me.

Edited by ludicrous_peridot
biffier pic

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Been looking for a distraction from the "troubles of the day" so working on a small update to ConsolUX, mainly around CE compatibility.
Current version actually already runs with CE 3.4.0 without changes when pk3-s from Compat\GZDoom-4.8 are used, but I am also fixing some bugs and making the C..UX a little more wide-screen friendly. As such when CE is detected and UX theme is set to Auto it will:

  • use @molecicco's intermission textures instead of the letterboxed pics bundled with C..UX
  • actually select the corresponding visual style based on CE variant loaded
  • actually select the corresponding status bar based on CE variant loaded (yes, I am using PSX status bars from C..UX with CE ;) )
  • PSX status bars have some (apparently lazy) treatment to look more consistent in widescreen resolutions
  • fires on the title screen are, ahem, wider to accommodate for wider screens (this is actually not CE specific item)
  • and I'll also make visual theme choice menu item appear in the non-stbar version for convenience

I'll post the update when I'm done with testing for it, most probably later this week.


PS - oh, the 3DO gib frames add-on seems work with CE 3.4.0 as well


@AmethystViper, this may be of interest to you:









Edited by ludicrous_peridot

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Thank you! I've been waiting for a consistent widescreen experience with ConsolUX and other mods I was thinking of trying it out on and the results looks pretty good!

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