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ConsolUX - a console-themed UI add-on to GZDoom

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Also when playing with the original PSX TC that includes The Lost Levels, the hud face angle for the TC is a bit off. Everything is a okay there just the PSX TC applied hud face needs to be fixed.

Edited by MeinLeben4MomRus1945

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14 minutes ago, MeinLeben4MomRus1945 said:

Also when playing with the original PSX TC that includes The Lost Levels, the hud face angle for the TC is a bit off. Everything is a okay there just the PSX TC applied hud face needs to be fixed.


Thanks for letting me know. Would you mind PM-ing me a screen shot and your wad load order? Also, if you select one of the included skins (Saturn of 3DO) under player setup, does this change the situation for the better?

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I will do that when I can, as for the Player Setup, changing the HUD Bar to 3DO/Saturn/PC/Final DOOM doesn't do much. The face is locked in the same position and I remember doing it before to see what was wrong and why the HUD Face was stuck in that one position.

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Ooops... seems like compatibility wad/pk3-s from directory of the distribution Compat are still not exactly compatible with GZDoom 4.8.X as the method of enforcing load order with minimal hassle for players that these used no longer works as expected. I have now checked that it did work in 4.7 and raised this on ZDoom forum, but for the time being will be updating the instruction for CE to reflect this limitation.


By the way I have discovered this while checking how mod compatibility wads/pk3-s/cfgs would work with PSX TC when it is installed with launcher/customizer application and various mods/addons and I'll revert on the mugshot question above a bit later.


EDIT: With regards to mugshot, if you are seeing this:



Try switching to Saturn skin like this:



Another EDIT:

It's good that I took a closer look at the classic TC, as there turned out to be a bug in current release that is preventing the text of story messages from being printed after episode completion if ConsolUX status bars are in use. Will be publishing a patched release soon.


By the way this is how I ended up configuring the classic TC for ConsolUX (individual TC options are not that relevant, was just playing with the configuration tool).


Edited by ludicrous_peridot
details on bug with classic TC

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Oh wait nevermind, the "Change to Saturn" thing works. Thanks!

Edited by MeinLeben4MomRus1945
Was going to say that the white options menu was un-accessible to Android users because I couldn't find a menu that allows me to change DOOMGuy's mug back to fixed size which allows the base mug to fit in like how I found out about the Saturn mug.

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5 hours ago, MeinLeben4MomRus1945 said:

Yeah, I also agree with you, the text messages not appearing thing. Might need a remedy.


Can you try downloading the latest version from MEGA again, and let me know if that helps?

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13 hours ago, ludicrous_peridot said:


Can you try downloading the latest version from MEGA again, and let me know if that helps?

Dunno if it's happened to me yet, making sure it doesn't happen.

Edited by MeinLeben4MomRus1945

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  • 6 months later...
On 10/28/2022 at 5:32 PM, ludicrous_peridot said:

I've uploaded the updated version to Mega and am aiming to update Saturn and source code over the weekend. I hope I am not rushing this too much :)

Any updates on CE Compatibility?

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Back in November the last released version was pretty much compatible with CE provided the readme one the moddb page was followed. 

I have frankly not kept up with CE nor GZ development since then, so cant't say if this holds for lates version of CE nor GZ. 

What problem are you facing with CE at the moment?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've noticed the list of map packs recommended for playing with ConsolUX has become outdated, so reposting with entries that I have since then discovered:


  • 3DO Doom levels convertions bundled in extras directory of the Mega share. Load them as: gzdoom -file consolux.pk3 3dodoom.wad or gzdoom -file consolux.pk3 3dodoom.wad 3dogibs.pk3 for 3DO-style violent deaths. Be sure to switch to 3DO theme in HUD Options screen of full GZDoom options menu. The base IWAD is Doom 2.
  • The classic Console Doom map pack by @Kaiser. ConsolUX will change status bar and tally screen themes to match the level being played and has a level selector add-on for this wad. The up to date download link is easy to find with search engines, as well as music addenndum.
  • The famous PSX TC and PSX Doom Lost Levels. I have figured out how to use the built in launcher for these with ConsolUX (see a few posts above).
  • Jaguar Doom Conversion by @Dragonsbrethren for which a level selector add-on is available. Also make sure to search for another add-on for this TC found on other message boards to adjust colorspace to better match original Jaguar picture.
  • Plutonia 2 and PRCP conversion  by @Cryo. Needs a small edit of SBARINFO in Slade or similar to be loaded with a recent GZDoom version (GZDoom tells the number of problematic line).
  • The astonishing Doom CE by @molecicco and all of the map pack add-ons for it one can find on the moddb page. if you want Console-style menus or an alternative status bar with it.
  • PSX Doom: The Forgotten Chapter by @Dantosking, which has been added to ConsolUX compatibility list, so that in that very special secret level it will snap on the appropriately styled STBAR.
  • Threshold of Pain, and Threshold of Pain Special Edition by @scalliano, both on idgames.
  • Perquisite Strata X by @Jakub Majewski - actually have not yet tested it with ConsolUX yet, nor added to compatibility list, but since it is a PrBoom WAD what could possibly go wring?
  • Saturn Doom Experience for GZDoom has ConsolUX "pre-packaged". 
  • Moreover, Saturn Doom Experience has a "butchered" version of Threshold of Pain, sanctioned by the original author and fully devoid of Archviles or colored lighting. If you played Threshold once already and were contemplating playing it over, you might as well try this variant.


P.S. Also updated OP title to reflect there have been no updates to ConsolUX in a while.

Edited by ludicrous_peridot

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