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(WIP) Untitled Rogue-Lite Doom Game

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So here's a project I've been working on for a little now, off and on when I can. The goal of it is to make a full FPS rogue-like in GZDoom, with Doom-like combat, random levels, weapon spawns, upgrades, etc. You know, typical rogue-like stuff. 


Level progression will most likely be "X" amount of levels, each with 3 stages, a Boss, and theme.


Each level then comes with its own set of common and unique enemies to fight.


Weapons have a large but not over cumbersome variety. Each weapon has its purpose. I'm thinking over setting a weapon limit, such as 4 total or 1 per ammo type.


Not sure how upgrades will work yet but I'm thinking they will primarily be focused on improving/changing your weapons.


Current plans are to further refine how the levels are generated to make them more complex and interesting so it's not just the same "outside area" over and over.


I'm hoping to get this to a point that it's worth looking into getting all original assets, but that's a ways off as of now. In the meantime though, it serves as something fun to work on when I can.




Screenshot_Doom_20211217_205547.png.48601add3dfa13b02956718458d6c9a8.png - Level HUB

Screenshot_Doom_20211217_205210.png.992b555eac64ec7c17f50f29274eb085.png - Level 1, Desert


Screenshot_Doom_20211217_205502.png.7ef0915c2f172927ca991aacf6c66310.png - Level 2, Industrial

Screenshot_Doom_20211217_205414.png.3ee7daab3a537bc3c465cc1bff32e8e2.png - Level 3, Snow





Edited by Btyb88

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8 hours ago, Navaden said:

I've been curious what this would look ever since I played DoomRL.



I also played a lot of Nuclear Throne at one point and thought it would be cool to try and replicate that in Doom.

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Color me intrigued


Since DoomRL is not only one of my favorite roguelikes but one of my favorite games of any kind I would absolutely love to see the turn-based RPG type of play fitted into GZDoom like this.  Looking forward to a build I can play with~

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7 minutes ago, Stupid Bunny said:

Since DoomRL is not only one of my favorite roguelikes but one of my favorite games of any kind I would absolutely love to see the turn-based RPG type of play fitted into GZDoom like this.  Looking forward to a build I can play with~

Just to make sure I don't mislead anyone, this won't be turn based. The grid style is just a byproduct of how the map has to be set up. 


Or I misinterpreted what you meant in which case my bad!

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6 hours ago, Stupid Bunny said:

Ah ok. Actually that makes me even more interested honestly.

My thought when making this was, you have rogue-like FPS games but the combat always seems really basic and boring, at least to me. So I'm trying to really nail down Doom-style encounters and gameplay but with enough RL elements to make it very replayable.

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  • 4 months later...
2 hours ago, dyiCufw said:

Any progress?

Not as much as I'd like but I chip away at it every once and a while. My biggest problem is I keep reworking things and get sucked down the rabbit hole of learning more ACS and ZScript.

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Actual procedurally generated levels are very rare in FPS roguelites. I'm a big fan of this genre and looking forward to play this!

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