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[Poll] How do YOU refer to the game?


How do YOU refer to the game?  

148 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of the following titles/stylizations do you use to refer to the game? Why?

    • Doom
    • DooM
    • DOOM

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I'm simply curious to know the community's take.


I personally just call it "Doom" because it feels obnoxious otherwise.

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11 minutes ago, Alaux said:

I'm simply curious to know the community's take.


I personally just call it "Doom" because it feels obnoxious otherwise.

Same thing here, Doom is an easy way to type and looks good enough.

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I don't make any distinction between any of the choices you provided and do whatever I feel like with regards to capitalization...


If anything I refer to doom as "classic doom" when it might be an important distinction to make, for example in the ever so rare case I happen to post in the "Doom'16/Doom Eternal" subforum, where it might less obvious which of the many dooms I actually mean...

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52 minutes ago, Alaux said:

I personally just call it "Doom" because it feels obnoxious otherwise.

Same.  I don't think I ever saw it typed otherwise until the 2000s sometime.


Side note: 2016 one is Doom 2016 for me.

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1 hour ago, Alaux said:

I personally just call it "Doom" because it feels obnoxious otherwise.


Edited by lokbustam257

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1 hour ago, Remilia Scarlet said:

Same.  I don't think I ever saw it typed otherwise until the 2000s sometime.


Side note: 2016 one is Doom 2016 for me.


Actually I do remember a few people being quite insistent on it being typed DooM back in the 90s. Yes, it was cringe.

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Though I do like how DooM looks, I call it Doom because that's the easiest to type. Sometimes I call it Doom (1993) or Classic Doom if I'm trying to make it clear that I'm not referring to Doom 2016.

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1 hour ago, Doomkid said:

“Doom” (without the year, because it should be obvious I’m referring to the One True Doom hehe)

Try talking to someone who's never heard of anything but Doom 2016/Eternal...

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DooM. The D and M extend past the Os in the logo and I know it's just a style thing but I think they look capitalized next to the smaller Os.


The exception to this is Doom 3 because I don't respect it as a DooM title.

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Doom, referring to Doom 1 and 2 together. Plutonia, Evilution, 64, I'll refer to them.


If I want to talk about Doom 2016, I'll say Doom 2016. Doom Eternal, I'll say Doom Eternal.


I'm not going to start referring to games that I've played for almost thirty years as "classic Doom". People can call them "New Doom" and "New Doom 2".


But no, I don't spell it DooM, even though it more closely matches the artwork. I'll just stick with making it a basic proper noun, Doom.

Edited by Jello

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3 hours ago, Doomkid said:

(without the year, because it should be obvious I’m referring to the One True Doom hehe)

I think most people who add the year number to differ it from the 2016 Doom.
Imo, a proper way to differ it from the (technically) real Doom is to call it "Doom 4".

59 minutes ago, sluggard said:

Doom™ 😎


Edited by Hitboi

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ᎠටටⱮ, or maybe ᗪㄖㄖ爪

Edited by URROVA
found a better idea

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50 minutes ago, Stupid Bunny said:

Also can we acknowledge the true evil, which is when people type it as Doom ][

or Doom || ;)


I usually just type Doom or doom as I think DooM looks a bit ugly.

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I call it "Classic Doom" when people outside of the community ask me what video games I play. I never really play the others.

Edited by CleaverHeaver

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5 hours ago, Stupid Bunny said:

When speaking I sometimes call it “Doom with an M” because I also talk about Dune a lot and people get confused otherwise


One of the nice quirks of British English versus American English is that, in the former, "Doom" and "Dune" are pronounced quite differently. "Dune" has a dipthong in it - it sounds more like "dewn", compared to the non-dipthong "doom".

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Well, there clearly is a capital m on "DooM", so I always refer to it as such, even though it feels weird to me I have gotten used to it, a weird unexplainable thing which science can not give an answer to, indeed.


Although there are times I call it Doom, like, I would not say "GZDooM" for example.

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